Biennial Reminder: we're all fucked

Saving the white race also requires saving the planet. But environmental problems often do not stay within the limits of national borders. So, for example, how do you protect and restore the oceans without international coordination? Bilateral agreements won't get the job done.

Reminder, if you're not an environmentalist in 2017 then you're a nihilist and are also promoting mass emigration events.

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Pay poor people to clean it up. You’ll have every poor person in a third world country with a canoe trying to collect trash for cash.

Need some of these

I thought it was the size of Texas?

Isnt most of that shit from China

And India. Most shithole countries, really.

An inconvenient truth:

>Saving the white race also requires saving the planet.
It's the other way around. Saving the planet requires the white race.

Way to avoid the question. Fine, what can the white race do to save the planet?

Waste from shit we get them to make. Wish we could cut down on all the plastic. Every fucking thing has to be sealed in plastic it seems

This is a different part of the ocean:

we most certainly could if the U.S. decided to lead the way.

>have a bunch of countries with governments
>unable to deal with garbage even though being able to legally initiate force against people
Checkmate statists. We should just live in ancapistan if we can't even solve problems like these.

Countries are often cucked by their government, you're right about that. But they're cucked by capital. Ancapistan would be much, much worse. At least there's still hope. It would help if the U.S. wasn't so unwilling to take the lead on any of this.
>muh freemarket
>muh plastic shit imported from china
>muh degenerating populace and degenerating globe

id never thought id say it but the leaf is right

Make biodegradable plastic cheaper than non-biodegradable plastic. Then sweep up the ocean or just let the whales eat that shit, either way it'll be gone in a few decades.

Thanks second-best Korea

>let the whales eat it
errr... read:
"a 2015 study published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin examined 44,006 individual animals of 395 species that had eaten plastic particles or had gotten caught in plastic waste. In 80 per cent of the incidents, the encounter injured or killed the animal."

and see:

That’s a good way to foul a prop.


And yet it lives.

No problem from my pov

life finds a way

People would pay money for that. I think I just found a new business. Selling fucked up shaped turtles.

Anyone want a violin made of turtle?

suck my cock you maple syrup loving fag, you know too damn well that thats never going to happen with all the shit out there

I'm not an environmentalist, most are real retards, but I agree we ought to clean up the garbage in the oceans once every couple decades. As far as >muh climate change< goes I think we need to stop tripping ourselves yup on CO2 gas, and focus on the many ways we can control global temperature unrelated to destroying our economies. Seriously though, has anyone considered the pros of a warmer planet?