What prevents that red pill of yours from turning into a black pill? No institution or hobby is safe from the cancer...

What prevents that red pill of yours from turning into a black pill? No institution or hobby is safe from the cancer, and I can't think of something under the influence of Western culture that's hasn't become toxic. How the fuck do you even avoid divorce and raise well-adjusted children with this environment being a majority of what they're exposed to? That's as likely to succeed as raising an openly gay child drag queen in the 30's.

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Who is John Galt?

the red pill is a blue pill in disguise. a black pill in the bluest of pills. the real red pill is a white pill that let's you realize the overwhelming joy of life despite current times.

life on earth has never been better
we enjoy kvetching

Sup Forums is a meme. it's a fun doll house of ideas. if you're here to look for actual truth, then you're looking at shadows on the wall of Plato's cave.

if you think you're smart, then why aren't you smart enough to be happy?


try your best wherever you are in life

best advice I can give you, leaf friend

>if you're here to look for actual truth, then you're looking at shadows on the wall of Plato's cave.
I've been outside the cave and it's full of shadows as well and it's just a matter of time before war breaks out again amidst an economic reset.

The black pill is a necessary part of the process. You have to find a way to turn the despair into righteous anger, and then turn the anger into action. You also have to find some real people who will share in your anger, so that you don't become isolated. You cannot fix the world by yourself.

This is what keeps me going user. It's kept us running for centuries.

Oh, and coffee.


Good answer

I do what I can in this queer country, but the flame of passion and reinforcement of ethnic solidarity are missing.

I'm too happy/optimistic to take the black pill, sorry.

I already know such people they're just not angry enough yet.

>economic reset

Keep dreaming goy. Free and unfettered porn makes for a masturbating underclass not a revolutionary one. Praise the Clintons. Praise the Naked God.

The pendulum is swinging leafbro.

You think that's the fucking black pill lemme tell you the fucking black pill that'll make some of you commit suicide.

We are entering an extremely dark period of human history that may be marked with the death of many millions and it's important all of you understand why. The powers we are up against WILL NEVER GIVE UP. The elites that secretly rule the world are SATANIST and they are the purest of evil. Adolf hitler tried to warn you about them but you did not listen many notable historic figures tried to warn you and you did not listen. And they will do the same overthrown and genocide in America and the whole world that they did in Soviet Russia.

The events of the past few months have convinced me Agenda 21 and the depopulation agenda is real. They are actively killing you right now as we speak. and while people are awakening I believe it may already be to late.
The Georgia Guide stones are real folks the elites have planned a mass extermination of 90% of humanity and I can guarantee you none of you will survive in fact I do believe nationalist like ourselves will be the first to be killed As we will pose the greatest threat

a c e b o o k.com/stfnews/videos/1535535443190227/

The American people need to wake the fuck up before it's to late everything is a lie everything. And you fuckers eat it. Now why would a goverment knowingly cover up 9/11 The JFK assassination and many other atrocities commited against you if they where not planning on killing you.

Why would our goverment knowing cover up their involvement in frying a bunch of houses with microwave laser. or knowing manipulated the weather against you. this hurricane season is not a fluke.



The elites will kill you and It's important every Sup Forumsack know why that is the blackest of black pills


A refusal to accept the hand fate has dealt you, and the will to be the change you seek.

The fight in the man.

You are deluded.
There is no secret group of the mighty, only investors with interests.
Smart/rich people create interest groups to reach their goals easier and they care about their own power.

Syria is the perfect example and the basic reading material should be enough to expose the different interests.
Many people were invested in the state because of deals behind closed doors involving different interest parties and an important one is the government.
Trump made it clear that he has got other interests than the last governments, but he cannot just ignore the investors that are running your economy

Hitler wanted to get rid of the jews because they supported each other in disadvantage of the population, like firing germans to hire fellow jews, manipulate the economy to cause crashes and more.


Sorry for the grammar, but it does not change anything


Weight lifting is the only form of self improvement that hasn’t and will never be touched by the left. Physical fitness is anathema to the left.

Ill definitely vouch for this. Get fit man.

Get back to the grave, Zyzz

>Free and unfettered porn makes for a masturbating underclass not a revolutionary one

Please explain.


It was a conscious choice that morality and copyright issues disappeared in the mid 90's. It didn't have to go that way. Porn Tubes could have went the way of Napster. They still could go the way of Pirate Bay.

But they won't. That anesthetizing agent neutralizes dissent more effectively than opiates or legalized weed.

>the red pill is a blue pill in disguise. a black pill in the bluest of pills. the real red pill is a white pill that let's you realize the overwhelming joy of life despite current times.

carpe diem baby boomer mind set

What ruined the west and drag down current situation



I am a man driven by hope and willpower, honor and ambition. I'm in my early prime so I don't have time for petty sulkering. I will use my influence to pave a way for my ideal future. I'm still taking the redpill into other areas of life other than as a hobby.

this is a good answer, it feels good

For a fleeting moment man is here. Like how the races of man in lord of the rings stood against the never ending black tide of sauron's armies. Life is to struggle and its both beautiful and terrifying. You can only do your best and at the end of the day the only person you have to answer to is yourself.

There are no answers. No great truths. No big reveals. There are only choices.

Who are YOU?

Everyone wants someone to believe in. To trust. To respect. To follow.

If you have the capacity, be that person. And gain joy from the connection.