Weak genes

How does it feel to not have dominant genes?

>lightens up dark skin
>lightens hair
>bigger ears

must suck to be a pure black with recessive genes.


Nignog genes are easily diluted.

what's up with this meme? "dominant genes" doesn't mean "better" or "stronger" or mean that they lead to "dominant traits". it just means that they'll show if paired with different genes. i mean in some cases fatal diseases and conditions can be "dominant". it really doesn't in any way mean "better". i'm just saying. maybe the reason black people latch onto this meme and don't see past it is the racial IQ gap.

Look at the noses the mouths and the eyes

I don't know. You tell me OP.

look at those "dominant" genes in action

clearly blacks have really "dominated" on planet earth.

Pure water is weak. I can’t even drink the water I shit into.

You can only dilute shit so much

If I poured some brown dogshit into a glass of white milk it would pollute the milk and turn it brown, if I poured milk into a glass of dogshit the dogshit would still be brown, the recessive nature of white genes isn't a design flaw, it's actually an adaption to allow us to make it extremely easy to tell when a white bloodline is polluted by brown genes

This desu

3 out of 3 whitey, you cant argue the facts

Lol they look like the average B L E A C H E D mulattos.

Indeed very dominant black genes.

I once saw a nigger with eyes like blue chipped ice. Made me quite curious about genes and dominance.

>Genes are repeated less frequently in the genome because they have been evolved more recently to adapt to the biological pressures of civilization

Not the same thing, cuck faggot.

Enjoy your paleolithic genome

What are the chances those boys will get with white women and just get lighter children?

Take a biology class, that word doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Maybe if your IQ was >75 you could figure out how to use words properly. I guess it’s not really your fault, just try not to make it painfully obvious that you’re profoundly uneducated and unintelligent.

>mix shit into clean water
>water turns into shit water
>this means the shit is superior

dominant genes do not imply strong genes. Plenty of diseases are of dominant genes, but they don't make a strong person.

Theres no such thing as superior or inferior genes fucktard. Its all relative to the environment. All genes can "dominate" in the correct environment or niche if its available. Problem is many living things never find their niche


Calm down nigger, it's not our fault your white mum fucked a nigger.

We're too dangerous to have dominant genes. Imagine a world with 2 or 3 billion whites. Every square inch of this rock would've been colonized and heavily bleached. Mother nature isn't worried about you threatening balance like she is with us. This is why so many of us our cucks. Cultural suicide is in our genes and when we get too dominant we need to be checked. Since we are at the top of the food chain we have to do it to ourselves.