Is the Anti-Boomer shit posting justified?


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No. Just a bunch of miserable failures looking for someone to blame for the fact that they’re miserable failures.

I love my parents but objectively boomers are a pretty shit generation. They were the first spoiled American generation because their parents lived through the Depression and wanted their kids to have nice things. Subsequently they grew up bratty and entitled and became hippies in the sixties, adopting the communist ideologies and loose sexual morals that set Western civilization on the road to ruin. When they realized that that was a dead end they became hyper-capitalists in the 1980s, and while they benefited in the short term from the economic boom of the Reagan years, the type of free-trade policies they supported started the outsourcing of American jobs and the importing of low-wage immigrants. Now, in their old age, they live off of cushy retirements built up from their careers while simultaneously sucking the social security system dry, and support neoconservative/neoliberal political agendas.

Just more divide and conquer Jew memes*

So basically yes, boomers suck.

>it's a "haha Sup Forums is populated by losers" post again

Literally selling their children's inheritance.
All that goes into it, their society, their land, their culture.
They will be remembered for their actions in history, till history is lost to time.

The boomers sold out our futures, I will never forgive them.

I don't blame boomers exactly.
They were propagandized to do and vote the way that the powers wanted them to, and they were living in an illusory golden age of unprecedented growth.
They could not do otherwise.
When the millennial generation holds on to the reins of power and gets old, the younger generation will blame them for everything wrong about the country, like police indifference to crime, outright racial violence, rootless faggotry and consumerism, and then collapse to barbarism.

Can't greentext your way out of the truth frogposter

They did not remain vigilant

Boomers were the first generation where nationalism sharply declined. They sold out their country and fucked it up for future generations so that they could live more comfortably.

Boomer hating is a psyop right out of the cultural revolution of china designed to get the youth to unconditionally hate the elderly while not questioning the overall (((system))) more in depthly. It's a distraction. Boomers just more or less got lucky as a generation. My personal distaste of boomers notwithstanding, I was always suspicious of just how quickly boomer hate took off and spread, while criticisms of the overall system remained low or non existent. I wonder (((who))) could be behind it and why!

There's a lot I dislike about boomers, but I'm not going to play some stupid blame game and try to pin every ail in the world on them.

We've honestly got enough divisiveness we don't need to be at our parents' throats as well. We're better off working together and fixing the shit that's broke than getting mad at whoever made the mess in the first place.

When my father was young you could get a job out of highschool and raise a family on a single income. Who fucked that up? Not us. Yes it's justified. You had control of the system when it failed. You were the ones responsible You just want to call us failures for not cleaning up your fucking mess. Just like boomers, so used to someone wiping your ass you expect us to do the same.

>the cunts sold us out to the fucking gooks their parents fought against...boomers are a fucking abomination.

My own boomer dad admits that boomers ushered in the downfall of America.

>I was always suspicious of just how quickly boomer hate took off and spread

>50% divorce rate
>horrible parents
>most of them drink
>even the conservatives are left-leaning
>most of the men are feminist sympathizers (they want their wives to go to work)
>the boomer men basically created 3rd wave feminism by cheating on their boomer wives and breeding an entire generation of millenial women with daddy issues
>patriotards who vote for corporate shills like the Bush family and other faggots
>parrot mantras like "Do what you love" and other gay shit
>were the leaders of the 1960's civil rights movement
>were the leaders of the "free love" movement
>were the leaders of the hippy movement
>were the lightbearers of Marxism
>watered down Christianity
>destroyed acadamia by preaching marxist faggotry
>destroyed America by having "compassion" for 3rd wordlers and basically encourged them to just fucking flood in
>stayed mostly politically retarded while globalists took over the world
>support Hollywood and cuckball

I could go on, but they are just pieces of shit. Many of them even know they are pieces of shit. They are the worst generation of Americans who ever lived, and should be remebered as an absolute abomination and all countries in the future should remember American Boomers as the generation who destroyed an empire.

A generation who destroyed lineage, honor, traditional, religion, and sent the strongest empire in the world into a death spiral.

Hi boomer.

Yup. All boomers in the west followed this path to some degree.
In the UK it was revealed by the NIES that all boomers die owing £250,000 more than they've paid in taxes as they suck the marrow out of the bones of our welfare system.

All non boomers will die having paid £159,000 more than they receive to address this.
They've also already put up the non boomer UK state retirement age to 68 and keep saying it will go up to 72.
Boomer women retired at 60, men at 65, public service workers at 55.
And they still get an increase in their boomer pensions every year.
This on top of them destroying the housing market, being the main recipient's of the wealth transfer mechanism called "housing market" just a system designed to increase debt and funnel money up to boomers and banks.

This and checked.

I hate boomers. They tell millennials to get jobs but won't hire millennials, thus creating the problem they so hate. They also ruined the country and economy.

Rather than rising to greater heights through their own designs. The boomers decided that legislaters would micro and macromanage thier lives and the economy to new heights. So they did what the intelligentsia of their generation preached, which was the opposite of what the greatest generation did. Rather than maintaining the export system through a robust industrialized economy, we would rely on all getting degrees funded through public welfare and being paid to use these degrees. Rather than making a product to sell, we would buy one from China. Rather than serving in the mililtary to do your duty for God and country, some other sucker would die in the war while you reap the benefits of draft-dodging. Instead of continuing the uplifting of peoples around the world, we would promote them coming here to the USA. All of this and so much more was their attempt to end the wars of humanity, but instead, the wars have gotten worse. They created an unwinniable vietnam because of their impiety that killed many of their own family members. The birth rates of the country plummetted because they couldn't have as many kids do to their own shortcomings. Now, the want drugs to be made to rectify each and every one of them as they push responsibility farther and farther away from themselves. So is it any wonder that as a new generation came a wave of innovation came with it, in the form of alt-right, computers, internet, and new arts?

Let’s see. 2% of the country own 48% of the wealth and most of the media/entertainment/education complex.

“Let’s hate boomers”. Good idea.

US worker's wages stopped rising right when baby boomers came of age, because of the policies they demanded.

You can dislike both you know

One for being the subverter and the other for going along with it

>Is the Anti-Boomer shit posting justified?
Yes. Of course not all boomers were hippie retards who smoked away their children's future, but the hippie phenomenon and all its """progressive""" change to a perfectly functioning White society should be considered the biggest generational treason of modern history.

The few boomers who actively rejected and fought the degeneracy of their time must be held with high regard, though.

Boomers are complicit in white genocide

75% of Boomers should have been aborted. The other 25% are amazing people. Their cohort have fucked our culture and planet up beyond recognition.
>t. Gen X Loser

The generation coming after them is even worse though.

it's also notable how stuff like no fault divorce, affirmative action and other such policies all took off almost precisely the moment boomers attained the voting age

Vampire generation. Sold off our culture and future, gave away everything their forefathers fought for, all for personal gain. They will be tapeworms in their next lives.

t. boomer scum

I wish for a boomercide




Gas the boomers! Generation war now!

Millennials are worse. Instead of the cultural Marxism that the boomers pushed, they push for a Bolshevik style revolution.

>Instead of the cultural Marxism that the boomers pushed, they push for a Bolshevik style revolution.
It's almost like they're doing what the boomers taught them. Unpossible!

Because they were raised by boomers dumbass. Boomers basically hit the final nail into the coffin. It is only downhill after them and their retarded hippy movement, you can say the next generations are worse, but it's only possible because of their boomer parents.

Fuck boomers

t. boomer

fuck off, old man.

The Ozone layer is so degraded over my part of the planet that you can get sun burnt within 15 minutes by going outside in the summer and It was the Millennials that fucking did that.


Boomers are on their way out

Us gen X'ers will get to work when they're done fuckin the place, we'll have 20 years odd years to fix shit for you whiney little cunts so you can take it all for granted, retire and lecture people about how hard you had it.

How do you think millennials and Antifa will try to overthrow us?

When I got out of high school I got a job making enough money to support my family, buy a house, multiple cars, and live a comfortable life at a local job. I am still working there Today!
>Gen X
I got out of high school and started college and had a good amount of work offered for my learned skills at a high pay wage.


I went to the same place that my Boomer parents did, but never moved up because these old fucks won't retire. I have been in an entry level position for decades.


No jobs paying enough for what college costs. Every major purchase is prohibitive expensive for almost all career fields without a major degree and massive amount of debt to pay back for the rest of my life. Society hates me if I am white and male. Women have become the most destructive generation of women in the history of the species. Every time a business fails or changes somehow I 'killed it'. Even Hollywood who is making billions of dollars a year is 'dying' because of me somehow. Literally everything is my fault according to 100% of the media and the previous generations despite me not getting any chance at all. I will retreat into porn and video games so I can live a quiet life.


Fuck the older guys for screwing us over. Fuck the Jews for paving the way to this shit. Fuck the blacks for being pure gibsmedats fucking over society. Fuck the left for being cucks. Fuck the right for being cucks. Women need to get back in the kitchen and shut the fuck up if they want to even get on my radar with their 3DPD shit. Race war now.

I'm not even a millennial, but they got fucked pretty hard by boomers and Gen-Xers alike for not checking the boomers bullshit.

>Millennials and Antifa

A very large portion of Millennials and the generation after them are going hard as hell into anti-left mode. More so than any other generation I have seen in a long ass time.

I don't know. Pretty much, they're the main reason why society the way it is.


i really just hate how gullible and scared of being called racist boomers are
makes them so easy to control and predictable

Most of it isn't.

Boomers just own property, it's GenX who opened the floodgates to everyone and fucked the system completely.

On a website that's populated by twenty-somethings its to be expected.

You wont do shit, you never did while they lived, you wont now. It'll be up to early millenials to save the future for their children as their own is and will be forever fucked.

What about beatniks? were they boomer generation?

The sun in the Sahara desert in 40 degree heat is mild compared to the sun in NZ. Very strange.

Hippies... Just wait 4 the millennial screw...think Woodstock versus burning man.

Because the pied piper

You might be right with this. Numbers confirm it. That's why there is noway around war, civil ones.

Well kinda but is it productive not really. To be fair I despise my generation as well.

My main problem with a lot of boomers is that they either:

a) Know they fucked up and still push for more of the same shit, have had a lot of boomers tell me this. Basically "Well you're fucked kid but pay my pension".

b) They flat out refuse to recognise any problem.

Then again its not entirely the boomers fault, kinda like its not entirely the fault of millennials that they're brainwashed retards.

How is life when your generation had it better than your parents AND your kids?

they don't have a clue what they have done

>It'll be up to early millenials to save the future
That's the most frightening thing I've read in a while, 10/10 spooky.

No. I was born in 1988, I'm not sure what generation that puts me in and I don't care. This is pure divide-and-conquer bullshit at its finest and, unlike other dividing lines that are based on TANGIBLE AND UNDENIABLE THINGS (like race, for example), the concept of a group of people being similar to each other simply because they were born in a certain period of time and simultaneously different to another group of people simply because that other group of people were born in a different period of time is nonsense when you realise that the periods of time each generation fit into are ARBITRARY. There is NOT ANY UNIVERSALLY AGREED-UPON period of time for ANY of the so-called 'generations' you people talk about - it varies from country to country. Not only that, but even the NAMES of different so-called 'generations' vary from country to country. For example, in the Western World, there is a generation known as the 'Millennials' that was born in the 80s and in Taiwan, there is also a generation that was born in the 80s known as the 'strawberry generation'. I can easily imagine the (((global elites))) laughing at us saying "The goyim are SO STUPID that they even fall for being divided by arbitrary things like certain periods of time that people are born in that we randomly pull out of our ass!". It doesn't matter to me what so-called 'generation' you were born in - if you work hard and live virtuously, I stand with you.

>my friend works at a mill
>tells me about a 60 year old that works there
>the guy got a full time job at 18 after high school
>fully bought and owned a house at the age of 23 with the money from his full time job
>says he got the job literally just by walking into the store asking for a job

what the fuck changed since then and now, im 19 and if i hypothetically had a gf (tfw no gf) and we both had white collar jobs and we save all our money we couldnt buy a house together until we are atleast 30


It's fucked up, Boomers seem to at least have realized how they fucked up. However, Millennials still hate them while pushing the very policies that fucked them over to begin with.

>Now, in their old age, they live off of cushy retirements built up from their careers
Actually alot of them are broke because they had shitty fiscal discipline. My mom somehow owes more on her house than she bought it for 15 years ago, despite declaring bankruptcy and having a high 5 figure income. Many of them will be totally screwed if/when SS fails.

Horseshit. GenX never had any power. Boomers are the inertia that fucked us all. Nothing happens until the boomers die.
Even now in Canada they are selling immigration to boomers as a means of keeping social security afloat.
boomers don't have a fucking clue about anything and trust authority like its encoded in their DNA

Alot of truth here. Boomers didn't actually enact most of the society-destroying policies, they just failed to reverse them. Let's see if the Millennials are any better

If we're not able to critically examine our failures we will never get better.

>We're better off working together
The problem is, for the Boomers that means a willingness to detach from the welfare teat, and most of them are unwilling.

All i know is I'm sick of paying fica tax to support their asses.

t. boomer

Retirement needs to go into the trashcan. If you are well enough to work, you need to work. Doesn't necessarily need to be paid work, alot of the social work and childcare type jobs used to be done by grannies.

At least, nobody should expect to retire on someone else's dime.

>t. Boomer

I used to work in a summer camp and I can tell you some of the 16 year old camp counselors were full fledged SJWs. That was the Boomer's doing. These kids are entering college at 17-19 already fully radicalized.

This was like 10 years ago now, it's probably even worse now

Fuck man, this rings so much truth.
We are completely screwed

Boomers can't see more than 4 years out.

They can't see out in time or beyond their immediate selves and perhaps their immediate family if they have above average empathy (for a Boomer)

>you will never live in a time before boomers

>were the leaders of the hippy movement
It's actually worse than this. Most Boomers were too young to be hippies. They simply lapped all the Hippie bullshit up without any critical analysis/reflection. At least the hippies were a movement. Boomers are a blank canvas. They're basically a soul-less generation

millenials are horrible. boomer 'raised' them and now we have never ending anti-white propaganda , sjws, feminist cancer, free the nipple, and slut walks.

basically fuck you boomers

The irony is all of the millennial 'progressive' Bernie voters who complain about the boomers non-stop are of the exact same mindset and behavior boomers had when they were young.

If our nation makes it far enough for millennials to reach current boomer age, imagine precisely how fucked the world will be.

not sure if serious. this is what your average millenial looks like

>If our nation makes it far enough for millennials to reach current boomer age, imagine precisely how fucked the world will be.

millennial progress

>that boomer projection

And how does a 20 year old end up like that?

At least yours are trying to live off their retirement. My boomer mother keeps on trying to float the idea to my sibling that she should move in with them to “help around the house” in retirement, as she has no substantial savings, will not curb her new husband’s spending, and is now staring down her mid sixties with no end in sight.

I imagine it happens from public school and parents who want their kids to think they're "cool."

My Boomer parents are materialist pieces of garbage. My grandma passed a few years ago and part of her estate was about 120k in stocks, that she had gotten from HER parents (my great-grandparents). My mom jewed her sister out of her portion, and cashed it in to buy things like an RV and plastic surgery. Two fucking generations held that stock and she pissed it away. My sister and I know we have to work hard and save, because we will receive nothing from her.

To a degree. The boomers are the undisputed luckiest generation in history. What they did was, to be frank, exactly what anyone else would do: take it all. Why not? The chance to make life better is almost always one you want to take. They were a huge voting bloc and powerful demographic that politicians pandered to while they grew up in an era of great prosperity. So they took everything they possibly could and you and I would do the same.

I can't get upset at people for being lucky and advancing themselves. They were not trying to destroy the economy for future generations and they really didn't, that was ridiculous lending practices by banks being pushed by the government to get more people into homes they had no business owning. It can be argued that what they did by expanding unions and allowing their illiterate compatriots to make $100k per year on an assembly line destroyed the manufacturing sector but the fact is that was inevitable. It was only a matter of time before companies started sending jobs overseas to hellholes where people were treated like garbage. Boomers just wanted a better life the way everyone else does and they got it.

The real issue is the horrendous luck millennials had versus the boomers' fortune. More importantly, it's our attitude toward it. No, we weren't as lucky as they were but we are still living in a much better time than most. We weren't shipped off to wars or born into economic starvation, we just didn't hit the jackpot and because of that we complain as though life is impossible. We're in a turbulent time and we can't adapt. If you want to complain about boomers, start with them failing to prepare you for the world today.

I blame more the generation before boomers. Boomers didn't get the careless liberal attitude out of nowhere.

Blaming boomers is pointless and achieves nothing. We can't change what has happended in the past. Focus on the future and the youth. Boomers will one day die, Generation Zyklon will be there for us.

That is such a boomer thing to do. My aunt's father-in-law passed earlier this year, and what did they do with the inheritance? Buy a new house, buy a new boat, buy a second summer home. Boomers take their family's financial legacy and spend it the moment they get it.

And that's the tip of the iceburg. Get a bonus at work? New flatscreen TV. Get a raise? Upgrade cable package. Get lucky on the housing market and house appreciates significantly? Take out home equity LOC and use it to buy a hummer. Going on vacation? Go to most tourist place possible, never go outside of hotel area, eat dinner at chain restaurants you could just eat at at home, buy a shirt that says the name of the place you were at, buy a timeshare and go back and do the same exact thing every year until you die.

>(((greatest generation))) was better

>It's fucked up, Boomers seem to at least have realized how they fucked up

That's a characteristic of their generation, they don't give a fuck about what came before and what comes next.