Why is this info being censored from Sup Forums? 3 threads deleted now and a temp ban incurred...

why is this info being censored from Sup Forums? 3 threads deleted now and a temp ban incurred. there are lefty mods at work here trying to censor this info and control the narrative!

Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population.

Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population.

Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.

Young black men kill 14X more than young white men.

Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims.

42% of all cop killers are black.

Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks.

In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.
>Source: bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/pjim06.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:


Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America: 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock.

67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians.

In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.

At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.

Some facts on intelligence levels of blacks: 1) Whites on average have a 15 point higher IQ than blacks, across many different studies. “There is a long-standing 15 point or 1 standard deviation difference between the intelligence test scores of African Americans and White Americans, though it might have narrowed slightly in the then recent years. The difference was largest on those tests, verbal or non-verbal, that best represented the general intelligence factor (g).”

2) IQ across different ethnic groups in the US: Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites of 103, Asians 106 and Jewish Americans 113: The study found that the average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 273–278)
>Source:humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Rushton, J. Philippe et al. ”Performance on Raven_s Advanced Progressive Matrices by African, East Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa." Intelligence 31 (2003).pdf

3) Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
>Source:humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Rushton, J. Philippe et al. "Performance on Raven_s Advanced Progressive Matrices by African, East Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa." Intelligence 31 (2003).pdf

4) For those who claim that IQ tests are biased against blacks and that’s why they keep getting lower scores, there are IQ tests like the Raven’s Progressive Matrices which don’t have any language and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. It’s simply finding patterns in visual shapes. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well, like in Africa between white and black engineering students:

5) Harvard psychologists took a look at how black children adopted by well off upper-middle class white families at a very young age perform on IQ tests once they grow up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions. Black children adopted by white parents average 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). White children who grew up in the same households and had white biological parents on average scored 109. Even with the same socioeconomic upbringing, the racial IQ gap remains. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The studies’ general findings were that the IQs of children of a particular race did not differ significantly depending on whether they were raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents of a different race. The gap between black and white IQ scores remained even if growing up in the same family.
>Wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Transracial_Adoption_Study

6) East Asian countries have on average the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are generally between the Asian and African countries.

7) Blacks performs substantially worse in standard school tests than whites. From the higher education achievement perspective: In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.

8) From the elementary education achievement perspective: At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.

9) For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on socioeconomic factors, IQ is largely genetically determined: Estimates in the academic research of the heritability of IQ have varied from below 0.5 to a high of 0.8. (where 1.0 indicates that monozygotic twins have no variance in IQ and 0 indicates that their IQs are completely uncorrelated) Various studies have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.7 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States.[6][9][18]


native americans held slaves. latin americans held slaves. africans held slaves. and all of their cultures were far more brutal and barbaric than anything ever produced by the white man.
slavery was literally still legal in parts of africa until 2007
slavery continues to be a huge problem among these peoples today, particularly in africa. one example of an entire industry built on slavery (specifically child slavery) in Africa is the cacao trade. think about that the next time you eat chocolate




in africa, black people literally fuck babies because they believe it will cure them of AIDs. this has the effect of infecting more babies with AIDs

what happened to this website that this information has now been deemed "too dangerous" for you to see? the other thread had a ton of replies and was at the top of the bump order, that's why they pruned it. they couldn't deal with the truth getting that much visibility. this is the exact same information posted. why is this information deemed too dangerous for your eyes? picture related.

Wow now I am banned but they kept the thread up because it's not getting any replies. The other was top of the bump order so it was being seen.

Tricky fucking games these infiltrated mods are playing. I'm sure they will bam this IP too.

As long as nobody posts and nobody sees it they'll keep it up, huh? But as soon as it's getting replies then SHUT IT DOWN because they've got to make room for the commie and anti white threads

SICK this website used to be good. You used to be able to talk about shit. Now it is 100% infiltrated and taken over

they decide to ban me but keep the thread up so it looks like they allow discussion. BUT they banned the thread that was actually active. Fucking tricky people. All they do is manipulate regular users

Hey guys, don't worry, all of those commie and blacked threads won't get deleted, but the shitted ones will and will earn you a ban

This is why 90% of this website is lefty threads now. Mods infiltrated and shut down the best right wing threads

keep up god's work user.

Thank you people think this website is still unbiased but don't realize what has really happened to it and why all of the threads on the front page are now lefty threads
Anons who posted good right wing threads get BANNED

All leftist literature revolved around subversion and iniltration. From the Frankfurt school.to alinsly and everyone else. That is how they roll. They have infiltrated pol now too

Not his quote, I just didn't feel like typing it out.

If they let you post these you might convince people to start looking at ((who)) has been behind it since the beginning

Here I have it


the reason they gave me for the ban is "off topic post" hahaha yeah this post really has nothing to do with politics huh? this is totally off topic.
I post right wing threads and get banned all of the time here. IF you post effective right wing threads they get deleted and you get BANNED.

that's why all of the commenters here are right wing but all of the threads are left wing. That's how they've figured out to infiltrated the board and bring it down



i know a black guy that voted for trump though and hes pretty smart. most his family called him a coon for supporting trump but he doesn't care

That's an awkward reason.
This bord is called politically incorrect, not politics.
Discussing discrimination between inequal strands of humans is politically incorrect.

Though, infodump are inefficients. It is better to post a controversial statement and tyhen drip the info slowly.


Bro it's not the real reason. Real reason was the thread had a lot of traction and they tried to cover it up. Lefty mods have been running this board for a long time now. And it's not the first thread this happened to me with tonight.

I get banned all the time from this board for just making good solid posts with OC.

that's what they do. That's why pol COMMENTERS are right wing but pol POSTERS are always left wing.

the right wing posters get banned when they make effective OC posts

the mods are fucking retarded cucks. all these off topic threads are up for hours. what the fuck is going on

The mods turned us from "politically incorrect" to "politics general".
Fucking reddit fags getting the mod spots man.

Ask yourselves why shitted threads get you instantly banned but blacked threads are always allowed up here. just ask yourself and you will have the answer of what happened to this website.

Thank you for your "service" user!

I thank all these shills for calling out Lauren, PJW and other faggots. They only refine our ideology and make it more pure. They think this ''division'' will make us weaker. In fact, it will only make the most radical version of our ideology subjugate all others

They aren't deleting this now only because they got called out and don't want to prove me right for everyone to see

Manipulation runs in the blood of these people

I think it's true about the mods. They start with getting away with the idea of being able to delete duplicates, because that's the first stage.

Furthermore, they have been archiving posts more quickly lately.

This isn't the first time they used this tactic either. They often let the threads like this one stay up, the ones that call them out, so that it looks like they don't delete, so that it looks like it's not true. You'll notice if you pay attention. That's how fucking depraved these monster are. This is how deeply they think about this manipulative shit

The mods have been infilitrated by SJW faggots since at least gamergate, if not before.

Make a really good post with OC or something really funny that is racist and right wing. You will get insta BANNED. they allow the COMMENTS to be whatever, but the POSTS are always supposed to be left winger posts and they make sure the frequent right winger posters are shown the door so that the content becomes disproportionately left

if i post shitty right wing threads, no problem. they keep them up. i post something interesting and effective and original? BAM BANNED instantly sorry. that is the tactic they are using to silence the good content and make the commies look better.

It's good because the result is this board full of right wingers gets constantly subjected to lefty propaganda now. These people are SICK but they are not stupid

I have been banned like 10 times recently just for making quality posts that got a lot of traction and discussion. I post shitty posts? No problem. No ban. That's the manipulation these fuckers employ.

i believe you but give me something to post i wanna test it.

Look. You've already been given an explanation and now you're just making a scene. The thread you keep making gets made multiple times daily. Spam is against the rules.

if you make a quality commie post though or one that shits on right wing RS, you'll be fine. The whole purpose is to make the righties look bad and weak. That's why blacked threads stay and shitted threads are banned too. It's all about making you look WEAK.

Bullshit? This is just bullshit that you just made up.

I'd rather have this thread up 24/7 for 3 fucking months than to have 80% of the threads on the board be shill's clickbait/slidethreads with (((1 post by this ID))), can't wait until they start to do (((2 posts by this ID))) when people start waking up to the single post OPs and their bullshit stops working. So fuck off nigger. Let this be up for as long as it takes to spread awareness

Yeah, I didn't think I was crazy. I was banned for one post about a book about an Australian bikini wearing girl, but with Muslim family. She was forced overseas to be beaten into marriage and practicing being muslim. She was raped by her cousin.

She escaped eventually, but basically hates on Muslims. It converted a lefty I know on Muslims. When I tried making the post, it was taken down and I was banned, as if the evidence were false? Pffft.

It's a book that is easily digestible by the left because she's a minority.

"Betrayed" by Latifa Ali was the book.

Oh, and American soldiers helped her escape, the Secretary at the Australian embassy refused to help her because she (The secretary) was also muslim and wanted to keep things under wraps.

I don't know if you will get banned for the same things I did if I post it here, because they generally don't want people to know their shit. But for example the last ban I had was for making this really funny "brown power" thread that were obviously jokes. I was posting "beautiful brown families" and saying shit like "what will we do with the cumskins once we are the demographic majority??". It was pretty funny shit. Obvious satire. Got a lot of responses in short period of time and then BOOM banned because it was something new and original and funny and right wing and they didn't want that.

So they banned me and told me the reason was "off topic" LOL and ihad even cited and linked a bunch of informative demographics predictions and studies and facts in the OP. it was very ON topic and not a shit post

if it's something new like that, that's new information, that's the sort of stuff they try to censor. They try to keep it a closed system. Just post stupid Nazi memes and "hurr durrrrr the joos" but as soon as you post real info they will try to bury it the best way they can

So, how do mods come and go anyway? How does one become a mod here? Or is that question off limits too?

its full of kikes man

Thank you for your service, based user.

Another example is this thread about child slavery in Africa I made, full of info most people don't know. We'll sourced. We'll cited. Pictures and everything. Totally OC, my own little essay i had put together. Has a ton of replies and then boom just disappears. I don't think I got banned for that one but I have been banned for plenty of similar instances, it's pathetic.

Mod position here are paid if i remember right, but then there are volunteer "janitor" positions. Not sure which group gets to delete the threads but i know it's the paid mods that make the decisions.on the banning and they have def been infiltrated for sure.

Bump. Janitors are gay and mods are shit eaters who will get doxxed. Enjoy your rope on that day

Hmm, yeah, I've seen threads like that archived way too quickly.

So I was looking at the "About" menu at the bottom of the page.

There were two things that stood out to me in my quick read through:

On Janitors and mods, they are entitled to anonymity, which I understand is important for the general community, but in the interest of preventing corruption, mods should probably be named. I think the best solution would be for new mods to rise up with username on display, then they would be held accountable by the community right? Only those true to Pol could handle it then.

Even on Reddit you knew the mods. There were lots and subs devoted to mod abuse. That site is full cucked now but that's by the design of the CEO and the paid staff. The system itself worked really good on that website for years as it was even more uncucked and right wing than Sup Forums back in the day.

It's just sad. These people get into everything and ruined everything. You read their literature and that's what they're all abuse, marcuse, alinsky, adorno, every single one of them is all about infiltration and subversion

That's what they're all about*, i mean. not "abuse". that's a typo.
They are all about deceit and manipulation if you read their literature, just saying

Haha, sounds like a new forum needs to be created. If just one single based /Pol user could run it, a lot of people would probably jump ship. from here. then users could just spam posts about the new site periodically.

Sorry, I didn't explain fully. I mean, in order to transfer users over, just ask those who already jumped ship to come back here and spam the details.

Would be good but right wingers tend not to put that much effort into stuff like this, overall, because we're more individualistic, independent and mostly just want to be left alone. As opposed to lefties whose whole ideology is about control and subversion and trying to forcefully make the world into what they think it should be (ergo all of the genocide and subversion)

>Implying kikemagic works on Sup Forums

Dude not only does it work but has already been working for quite a while now. If you were here before the election this place was a den of high quality, right wing posting. Now look at the front page. It's all either newsposts with sloppy bait bodies or shit that shits on conservatives, whites, or right wingers. The straight Nazi stuff they don't delete because that stuff ultimately helps their agenda too and they know it. But everything of quality right wing on this website now is totally washed away.

why are leftist stronger than intelligent anons, is it because of sheer numbers?

are we outnumbered by idiots of this world?

same happened to Nazi Germany, they where outnumbered...

They are more driven andore collectivist. Lefties want to work together to turn the world and everyone in it into their personal vision of what should be (ergo tyranny, genocide, violence, murder, authoritarianism)
Right wingers just want to be left alone with their rural homes and their guns and their wives that they fuck and make like 10 babies with. It's really that simple.

black people are based you fucking racist trumpvoter

>make like 10 babies

50% of those babies will be leftist, so it's same shit all over again

The other thread about this somehow got pruned while being in page 2. OP post number I didn't really want to make another thread asking about that one, because I have to admit it was pretty much just me keeping it bumped at that point, it seems having to argue with psyops and misinfo agents really made it blow over. Quite saddening that I was the only one left in it trying to denounce the shady bullshit

Bump, mods are COMPed. I repeat, MODS. ARE. COMPED.

I think some SJW types snuck in during the last group of moderators came in.
Censorship is a 'thing' for the lefties.

It doesn’t contain enough naked black guys to pass as a quality post for the commie faggot mods.

>inb4 suicide with entire minigun ammo belt to the back of the head

Good material mayne!

Say what now? You got banned?

What the fuck? Mods really are infiltrated and the commies weren't larping. Someone needs to alert fucking gook moot.