Do you know how different skin colors developed over time? Through genetic mutations over very long periods of time to suit their environment.

Therefore, we can assume that the people who are currently in Europe who are foreigners would also, over time, develop white skin, as it would be an evolutionary benefit.

White people would also not stay white forever - remember, the climate of the world changes, and perhaps white skin would not be as useful in the future as it was during Ice Ages, where we needed as much vitamin D as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:



First it was
>You guys are crazy, we're not pushing it.
Then it was
>Only fringe Marxist groups are pushing it
Now it's
>Yes, we're pushing demographic replacement/white genocide, but don't worry about it
Go fuck yourself


And IQ differences are also a result of evolution, so those are impermanent as well, no?

Ofc I wil have white kids, I'm just saying nothing lasts forever.

Niggers have been living in America since 1800's, yet they're still black

Give up your identity, cunt. Go grandstand to someone who's buying it.

That's not how evolution works
That's not how any of this works

Not Bea Arthur, lmao.

Natural selection is barely working anymore, brainlet. Every nigger in Sweden can just take vitamin D supplement and happily continue raping and looting.

Any good rape begins with a well-balanced breakfast, goy.


also sage niggers


It is not only about skin color or even just intelligence.

It is about being a community that had to work together for thousands of years just to survive winter. Whites had to think ahead and plan for the future and build infrastructure to be used by the community.

Aggressive Men that disrupted the community were killed off. Thus the white pussy autism male evolved who is responsible for everything we today call civilization.

Well that's new

With modern medicine and technology, what matters the most, is the number of kids, because majority of them will survive anyway (unlike in the past).

>Do you know how different skin colors developed over time? Through genetic mutations over very long periods of time to suit their environment.

You have an infantile understanding of natural selection.

>perhaps white skin would not be as useful in the future as it was during Ice Ages, where we needed as much vitamin D as possible.

Are you mentally challenged or what?


>genetic mutations
>evolutionary benefit
>laughs in sickle cell anemia

And that brings us, to the quite pesimistic conclusion

>Do you know how different skin colors developed over time?

>Race is nothing but skin colour

Go eat a literal barrel of burning donkey dicks and then drown yourself in a vat of rat semen you fucking idiot.

Op post best post

kek, you dun goofed. Sicle cell mutation is prevalent in SS Africa, because it gives heterozygous individuals an advantage, namely, increased resistance to malaria. Homozygoteus ones are still fucked, ofc


Not really
Most are tan, brown
Hardly anyone is true black in the States, they just use their ancestry as a crutch and handicap in life

Genetics do play a factor, affecting IQ, behaviour etc. Would recommend reading A Troublesome Inheritance by Nicholas Wade.

Looks like the video doesn't really explain
What the Russians did was breed happy domesticated foxes from wild ones. They did it by letting the happy friendly foxes fuck and make babies while stopping the more aggressive foxes from fucking.

What happened was entirely not predicted not intended.
The foxes changed color from dark to light....and their eyes changed to blues and greens.

they did the same thing with a completely different species. Minks.
And the same fucking color changed happened.

Whites are not white cuz cold weather.
We are white because some selective force changed our minds and hormone mix levels and the lighter skin hair and eyes are an after effect of that change.

Likely Melanin which is linked with various hormones in Mammals.

If the selective forces was only for lighter skin hair eyes white would be albinos and have no melanin which we are not.

Alaska is not populated with a bunch of albino Eskimos. If skin color was a strong driving selective force in cold lands they would be.

"AFRICAN AMERICANS currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten (figure 1-1), and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites"

Doesn't mean you would score good as well, would it?

True, physiology and anatomy vary too

what kind of a world are you trying to create for your kids then, you dumb fucking nigger

Vitamin D is always important, no matter the current climate situation. It is one of the most anabolic and anti-inflammatory compounds in the body. It's neuroprotective and really fucking important for bone-density as well as your brain.

Yeah, there will be evolutionary selection without state measures or a deficit in nutrition aka starving being absent... alright.

> "It's not a problem to roll back 1000 years, it's just like a cycle, lets loose some time and destroy this planet even longer, and lets do it harder, goyim"

The skin pigmentation thing is a marxist myth. By that logic eskimos would be white yet they are brown.

Also i read some comment on here saying White skin collects Vitamin D much easier because its white

you cant climb down mount improbable

this is what dawkins said...once you evolve to go down 1 path you cant just reverse it

your hypothisis is false...whites wont come back at all

we will be conquered by niggers SAGE THIS CUNT

we evolved from a common ancestor not niggers,niggers already evolved

>White people would also not stay white forever - remember,
Let the climate do it, you SHILL SCUM FUCK!

That's literally the entire reason for why pale skin was developed

Whites are special and unique species. Don't have anything to do with other races


What I find funny is the triggered niggers who come here and post bait like "HAHA I'M GONNA FUCK A WHITE GIRL AND GET HER PREGNANT SO SHE HAS NIGLETS." Motherfucker, you're destroying your nigger genetics too.

Maybe I'd stop worrying if this place didn't give me faux panic attacks about us dwindling on a daily basis

not really. there will be nearly 3 billion nogs in 2050


>equating genetic evolution time tables to current immediate cultural annihilation and replacement.


Our hatred is more than skin deep OP.


>Something might change over the next few thousand years
>So the current racial situation is no problem

Fuck you.

>Anyone aggressive were killed
How did you become this retarded?


Or maybe because they have access to an abundance of vitamin a through their diets you idiot?

le race is about skin color meme
kys ancap-wannabe

Becuase most have been MASSA'd.

Eskimos had acess too an abundance of vitamin a through their diets, and they don't have that dark skin
And this is true, white skin does lead to better production of vitamin d with the same amount of sunlight.


well the theory i heard was that people developed higher cognitive ability because they had to plan ahead for the winder, wich was not an issue in Africa.
But if that were true, a black in Norway does not really have to be smart to survive, so you are right


>aggressive men were killed off
No, temperance was valued. That's why we keep up with bullshit for a long time. Until the furor Teutonicus, which has been a thing forever.

The pussy mentality is quite new.

you yell in all caps to ignore white genocide, and your reason for it is
>everything changes
you've become a really big thinker, snek, i'm proud of you. the tea party can use some more brothers demanding for shit. your children will get raped in the streets. everything changes!

who actually cares about the white race?
gonna race mix so hard here in japan.

thanks, greatest ally!

>Do you know how different skin colors developed over time? Through genetic mutations over very long periods of time to suit their environment

This is not completly true. The Eskimoes and other arctic people are not white but live under similar conditions.

So no. Your claims are not completly true.

op is a retard

i am a jew the post

he thinks that race is only skin deep

white people arent from the arctic you retard

It's not about white skin you fucking kike. It's about not wanting to be surrounded by, and governed by, a bunch of violent, low IQ, short sighted savages who the Jews manipulate to see me as the reason for all their failures.

Stop it silly, everyone knows the races are different because aliens genetically experimented on us.

>Do you know how different skin colors developed over time? Through genetic mutations over very long periods of time to suit their environment.

Therefore, we can assume that the people who are currently in Europe who are foreigners would also, over time, develop white skin, as it would be an evolutionary benefit.

Wtf is this 1.5 cent burger take on evolutionary theory the population as a whole will only change to suit those circumstances if those circumstances meant surviving to breed and pass on said genetics, the black and arab populations in Europe won't become white because we live in the 21st century with heated homes, Vitamin supplements and health care/Wellfare. I hope this is satire and im the ass here

Yeah don't worry goy.. guys. It's totally admitted that it's being attempted but aren't you feeling very sleepy now?
>it's ok white people are being genocided in every single article under the definition of genocide. As long as it's whites it happens to and not say blacks, or middle easterners, or asians or whatever.
Here is 2½ hours in their own words how they are trying to genocide us on purpose, and trying to attempt to say that it's a good or a positive thing. (when they're being sweet) and enjoying it (when they're not being so sweet). I particularly enjoyed the stupid kike who says europeans represent edom when the bible says exactly where edom is, from yemen to saudi arabia. The place where the kikes and the arabs enjoyed themselves, mecca. The KIKES ARE THE EDOMITES you daft twits. Esau of edom sold his birthright to jacob (meaning replacement, like jesus is the great replacer, he's the 2nd adam prototype for new mankind where the future mankind will be in his image, the replacement for humanity, hence born of a virgin). Jacob are the christians, jacob is europe. It's not edom. But that just shows you how kikes twist everything, why jesus of jacob (of the replacement) calls jews liars and how they think they can escape the destruction for doing such things.
>when white people are getting fewer then messiah comes
Yeah why do you think jesus is coming? to fucking end you you stupid kikes and muslims, be careful what you wish for HAHA!


Fuck you faggot OP

Look at the valley of decision in the bible, People are put in two rows, to the LEFT you go into destruction, to the RIGHT you go into the kingdom.
This is the commie left, who are trying to destroy western civilization and european stock.
Then there is goat that is also to the left, that is the defiant islam, and then ofcourse there are the evil kikes who jesus called out long ago, who btw. invented communism.
It's funny, who are the 3 groups trying to destroy western civilization and europeans and ending them like cain and abel and much like btw. they killed christ now they are going after his followers house jacob the europeans, the ones loyal to jesus the replacer of all mankind? By doing so indirectly? THOSE 3 GROUPS! AHAHAHA
You're on notice you faggots!

