How has Sup Forums changed You?

How has Sup Forums changed You?
>everytime I see a black person, I automatically think "WE WUZ KANGS N SHEEEEEEET".

Top Kek

Lol do you imagine that he's looking at who will make eye contact with him so he can approach them and start telling them about how the Jews were black and they were Egyptians?

When I see coalburners I view them as what they are: Garbagetier mudsharks.


I literally cannot be around Jewish people without feeling scorn. Every time I one bitching i always get a warm and tingly feeling and can only think of "oy vey goyim".

What the fuck have you done to me?

The same thing they claim the "jewish media" does to them

I now hate: lefties,boomers,immigrants,moslems,vegans,millennials,that polish bird with square head and niglet,poles in general.
and lots more that I can't think of yet.

In general I feel less isolated.

>hold the door open for a white guy
>junglecoon is walking right behind him
>close the door

I can be my conspiracy oriented self and there ard now a lot more people to talk to on and off this board

>started watching anime
>learning japanese
>be honorable towards other warriors like myself
>raise 5 cats
>get toxoplasmosis

The whole blacks are retarded meme,

Most black people i talk to take a milisecond longer to process my words, its not a big diffrence but enough for me to notice, also they tend to have a fly catching gape

Note this does not apply to all black people, some are actually quite Bright and i know a few i would even call smarter them my self

But overall i would say they are alot dumber then most

i get why white people are racist sometimes, i bet you haven't even met southern blacks yet

my dick is 6" longer

>stub my toe.... say NIGGER in my head
>drop somthing ... NIGGER
>BLACK GUY BEGGING FOR MONEY SAYS I WONT GIVE HIM ANY CUZ HES BLACK.. respond with yup exactly. laugh the rest of the day on that one
Sup Forums thank you

As a Jew it makes me feel very uncomfortable when I'm wearing a kippah in game stop, it's easy to forget most of you are fat kissless virgins in your 20s and 30s though.

It made me feel better knowing that there really are people who think like me all over the world and that the leftist "you're the last one haha you're going extinct" propaganda was all just exactly that

I don't think I've ever actually seen a Jew in real life.

Every time I see something on TV promoting even if remotely, things like transgenderism, gayzism, mass influx of immigrants and so on, I run to the internet to see if the host or producer of said show is jewish.

80% of the time it is.

>thinking we want to see you