What's the difference between good edgy manga and bad edgy manga? Pic may or may not be related

What's the difference between good edgy manga and bad edgy manga? Pic may or may not be related.

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Edgy is where the actions of the MC are done in because of some pereceived slight against him by society, or purely out of pleasure.

Good edgy is when it must be done in order for the greater good, or maybe the MC is the big bad and he's doing it for a selfish reason, but not purely out of trying to cause suffering

Examples would be bully kid in HS goes around torutures classmates

Good would be Ancient Lich rises and tries to conquerer his continent in order to get enough mana to ascend to godhood

This sums it up pretty well.

Your image is decent edgy OP as the premise itself is not bad edgy, but the way they are handling the plot leaves a lot to be desired.

Good edgy manga is the hardest to come by. I liked GOTH quite a bit and it was short and edgy

One is good, the other is bad. Edgy doesn't really have anything to do with it: shit is shit, edgy or not.

good edge
is one with a edgy waifu to go along the edge of the MC

more edge couples please

Edge is pretty much just another word for nonsensical violence that serves as nothing more than eye candy for any teenage viewer who wanted to see something """mature"""

"Edge" is a degratory term. It can't be good in any vocabulary.

The only way for Edge to be good is if it is self-aware and aims to make a parody of itself. e.g: Kill la Kill, Happy Tree Friends, Akame ga Kill, Cross Ange, Valvrave, Another

Edge is literally as dumb and nonsensical as NTR. Any attempts to make justification of it will only backfire into an unintentional comedy. e.g Attack on Titan, Elfien Lied, Mirai Nikki, etc...

Usually some form of substance, be it content, premise, themes, ideas, characters, etc with some depth and thought put into it. It could be as simple or complex as possible, just that there is "something".

Edgy is usually shallow as hell.

So what kind of edgy is pic related?
He is basically doomguy that hunts goblins instead of demons.

Berserk is a good example of good edge. Gut's started off edgy as all hell but through good writing and characterization.

Bad edge is just uninteresting because the Main characters have no redeeming qualities or the situations they are in are completely one sided, or the reader lacks any investment.

It comes down to writing.

>victims are all plumpy girls and in bikini armor
>and they be raped
That should tell you enough about the literary skills of the author

Who the fuck cares about the side characters? They are just fodder made to show that gobs are shits and must be purge.

We haven't seen much about GS yet but as far as the 4 chapter goes, GS is the amalgation of the author's edge...set in a world designed to "justify" his edge

The series hinges our attraction to the Main character on the fact that he's the only sensible person in a world of retarded adventurers. He gets to be brooding and angsty about his past while also having a busty, childhood friend who dotes on him and a QT360 guild clerk who sticks up for him despite all the naysayers.

He is pretty insane and only does this for revenge (and pleasure, he admitted it), he only thinks in gobs all the fucking day and his "harem" is one-side, they instead focus in healing his madness first.

His tactics are sensible. His mindset is not

>good edgy manga
Thing I like
>bad edgy manga
Thing I don't like

That's all it ever really is.

It's okay because it's probably a satire™

● do you think you can shatter my shadow with an inner darkness as feeble as your own?
● do you think your idealism can solve all the problems in the world?

The first one has a way sharper edge because of how a really trashy phrase is trying to be profound.

"Good edge" doesn't exist because edge is a shallow, poorly-written way to express something that could be a complex or mature topic. Something both well-written and edgy isn't actually edgy.

>His job is an executioner
>beheads a bitch that fucking killed him
That manga is more homolust than edgey later on.

Quality of the edge is based on the quality of the story. Some people are okay with shitty stories if they get the lewd or the waifus or the action or whatever. Some people hate all edginess. But I believe edginess is beautiful.

Edgy is just being dark for the sake of being dark instead of serving the plot.

>good edge
Heath Ledger Joker

>Bad Edge
Jared Leto Joker

Where can I read the original web comic this is based on?

Every once in a while I find it, and then I forget where it is.

Anyway, found it again:

Is this the OPM of edgy RPGs?

>Happy Tree Friends
Bad example, that's not what self-awareness looks like. It's unapologetically "le quirky cute but violent xD" edge.

>good edge
>bad edge
Mahou Shoujo of the End

Add Hellsing to good edge since it fits the theme of the Dionysian vs the Apollinian that runs under that last half of Ultimate

>good edge is self aware like Another

thank god someone else sees that show in this way

I think the person actually has to have a reason on why he's edgy

Good writing.

Who cares about anything in GS? The whole story is just two gods throwing dice that they have no control over.

Nah he has Shizu

>Good edge

>Bad edge
The shitty parts of Deathnote

>What's the difference between good edgy manga and bad edgy manga?
Good edgy doesn't take itself seriously

Anything that needs edge to gain an audience is trash.

Good edgy is when there is a good reason for it to exist aka person living in a nation during a civil war. Bad edgy is when they have to hamfist a reason for it to be edgy aka you must kill your high level friends to power-up and kill the enemy.

Reminder that the MC does not enjoying killing his allies
But hes forced to do it to kill the demon lord

BTW that girl already got her legs sliced off by the bad guy they were fighting, so she was dead anyway
So the MC killed her to survive

Posting this because that page always get called edgy without people knowing the context

Good edge is when the main character doesn't WANT to be edgy but is forced somehow. Example: the picture you just posted (he has to sacrifice people to save the world and is not allowed to say it) or Berserk (Guts taunts Theresia to distract her from killing herself, Guts pushes people away because he is a demon magnet). Bad edgy is when a character has absolutely no reason to be an edgelord and the author just wants to capitalize on teen angst with no depth or afterthoughts.

Good edge: Edgebros
Bad edge: current Sinbad

Healing magic exists bro. She was the only one in that party to still be salvagable but he needed the extra levels to ensure he could take out the monster.

Doesn't change the fact that missing legs is very survivable and she would have just retired from being a hero to wait at home while MC went off to defeat the demon lord.

How would he save her if he wasnt strong enough to defeat the monster? Its either both of them die or just the girl dies for him to survive

It's all a matter of willing suspension of disbelief.
Good edgy is when the edge manages to justify itself in-universe in a way that keeps the reader invested and doesn't take them out of the story.
Bad edgy is when the edge fails to justify itself in a satisfying way, takes the reader out of the story, and makes them think the author is a hack who's desperately trying to appeal to children.

GOTH does do edgy right.

It was a nice twist to the psychological detective genre too since the main character wasn't "solving" these crimes for justice or something like that

Blunted edge, in the sense that the author wants to use the rape card as much as he can but was forced to tone it down due to readership feedback.

Execution is all that matters in the end.

Murcielago, Misu Misou, and trash are all good series that anyone would dismiss as edgy garbage at a glance.

>Good edge

>Bad edge
Maou no Hajimetaka

didn't know this was translated that far

Is this the manga where the enemy's levels are complex numbers?

fuck off

good writing

"edge" is just a story's conflict takes the form of gratuitous violence, and conflict is core to most story structures.

good conflict is what causes the protagonist to express himself or grow; the MC could be the most generous person in the world, but it would never come to light if he lived in a utopia where nobody needed any help.
bad conflict is just violence for violence's sake, kind of like Micheal Bay's explosions. there are people that can enjoy them for what they are, but they have little substance

The Dark Knight does "edge" pretty well if you can call it that it that outside of anime. there are a number of decent breakdowns of what makes it good as well.


It's been a while but how many levels under the monster was he at the time? Because I'm pretty sure being underleveled =/= being unable to kill something. Just that it's harder.

Suspension of disbelief, basically.
A good edge story can pull off grim scenarios without you wondering the point of it.
A bad edge story builds the story around the edge.

story with edge vs edge with story

>Maou no Hajimetaka
Its so shit I still can´t believe its being translated.

Is that the one with bad art?

>Mahou Shoujo of the End
That's more like gorefest than edgy.


The difference being that it came out so early in the lifespan of the internet that to apply "le" or "xD" to it is massive misappropriation.

Happy Tree Friends is old enough that "randumb" and being quirky or ironic for the sake of it as a meme of internet sub-culture wasn't a thing yet.

Happy Tree Friends is old enough that it's actually just authentic randomness, quirkiness, and childish humor instead of the modern, pre-calculated thought-bites of facsimilies of what those things are that are thrown around by the contemporary internet culture.

it's pretty easy
if you want to know whether the edge is justified ask yourself this:
Why is this scene happening?
if you can't think of any reason then it's torture/violence porn and bad edge

This is, oddly enough, a surprisingly good series (Well, for a certain value of good.)

The strange thing is that the protagonist never really shows the same viciously sadistic tendencies he showed in the first chapters. In fact, for most of the others, he's depicted as world-weary and full of self-loathing.

The inherent concept of Blume is utterly fascinating. Like, this guy is bluffing with NO CARDS IN HIS HAND, relying entirely on his reputation and social position to get the power he needs. More, the power goes away after one fight! (In fact, the world is set up so that it's impossible to beat the main villain by level-grinding. It's physically impossible to reach the right level.)

There's no such thing as "good Edgy", Edgy is by all means a derogatory term and a sign of bland or childish writing. Edgy basically goes hand in hand with shock value, although Shock value is not necessarily bad and can be done in a good complementary way, whereas Edgy tries to evoke similar reactions in the reader but it's always cheap.

>Akame ga Kill
Actually, even the author calls his manga a serious story.

That's not edge but fanservice.

Edge would be GS doing the killing of those adventures and them pull some reason to justify it.

A good example of edge trying hard to be serious would Maou no Hajimekata.

If it had a chance the last chapter squandered its chance with the edge parade.

"good" edgy is when it feels justified by the setting and is part of the story and doesn't stand out in a major way.
"bad" edgy is when it feels like it's just there to cover up how bland or stupid it is.
It's the equivalent of shaking keys in a babbies face to entertain and distract them.

Being 20 levels under a boss makes a fucking huge difference in JRPGs.

IMO, the only difference is how it fit in the narrative of the story and how seriously it takes itself. The worst possible kind of edgy is when authors think it's the same thing as depth.

The best example of edgy is probably Dorohedoro. A lot of the elements used in it should by every means make it >edgy, but it's so nonchalant and lighthearted about it that it'd be better to call it anti-edgy.

I fundamentally disagree with your definition of edgy, because some great character development arcs involve the MC feeling slighted by society.

Edgy is when circumstances in the plot are magnificently contrived for shock value. When the author writes inane bullshit like a MC's childhood friend cycling them for a decade and desperately hoping the MC will die. Or when the MC kills people who require decades of professional training with a good heap of personal talent so he can get a temporary buff for an hour or so.

The former describes cartoonishly distorted human behavior, it's worse then depicting a harem of girls lusting after the MC's cock. The latter describes an unsustainable shitfest, every hero the MC kills would take orders of magnitude more time to replace then the slight benefit he receives and represents a resource which could continually benefit society, the MC is actually making things worse with his ability in that world.

Pic relaged is the edgiest manga in the whole wide world while being one of the best mystery/fantasy/detective/thriller works out there.

"Edginess" itself is completely irrelevant when judging a manga. Its like a setting, it doesnt affect the mangas enjoyability. Its just a marketing gimmick at worst and nothing remarkable at best.

In a nutshell, what makes manga great is good art and plot. Pic related can easily convey characters emotions and thoughts trough superb expressions and create tension&atmosphere trough smart usage of white&black with greys being rare. Art in general is also amazing and pictures actually have feeling of depth because artist(s) can portray perspective unlike anyother mangaka(s) out there.

Plot is intriguing with sudden and surprising twists which are actually rather logical and enjoyable.

Tldr:good edgy manga has good art and plot. Bad one has bad

>The latter describes an unsustainable shitfest, every hero the MC kills would take orders of magnitude more time to replace then the slight benefit he receives and represents a resource which could continually benefit society, the MC is actually making things worse with his ability in that world.

Well sure, that's a recurring theme in the manga, about whether or not the Subjugators are actually a force of good, slaughtering some people in order to save many others.

Is the trolley dilemma edgy?

Totally agree.

How do you say the anime holds up against the manga?
I dropped it a long time ago.

The edge has to be justified.

The edge has to be entertaining.

Edge doesn't hold any meaning. If it once did no one remembers it anymore.

It's good when it makes an interesting point and build around it interestingly with multiple elements.

It's bad when it's just there to be cool or stand out.

I'm pretty sure the only way to do good edgy is to have a neutral or good MC in an edgy world. Having an edgy MC just gets kind of, cringe I guess would be the word to use? I can't really describe it. It's really hard to care about what's going on if you can't empathize with the main character at all.

Exactly. It's Oyasumi Punpun versus Zankyou no Terror. Abuse, depression, and suicide vs. bored, "genius" teenagers blowing shit up just because, and trying to be "deep" about it.


I haven't watch SS, spoil me that Joker.

If you've seen cosplayers get up on stage and try to act the character they're dressed up as, but instead end up embarrassing everyone present by trying way too hard, he's kinda like that.

Low tier 'lol so random' jokes and heavily edited. Actor doesn't do well in the role. Biggest fetish would be to watch Miss Meme getting blacked.

None of the anime adaptations are worth watching. VN or manga only.

I kinda like the more realistic edgy manga, it's not something I try to relate to but I like stories that could easily happen in real life.

Dropped at this chapter. This manga is magnum opus of cringe and adgy shit

Damn, that is accurate. Well done user.

Manga or VN user.

Manga has better illustrations and shows more emotion than VN ever could. VN has one of the best OSTs and more dialogue even if compared to dialogue heavy manga.

There is really no escaping the fact that edge is juvenile excesses and mostly violence porn.

Good edge can happen if the edginess fits the rest of the show well and the show embraces it. For example, an action filled gory flick with an edgy MC. Simple and effective.

Bad edge happens when edge is used to try to give the pretense of some DEEP plot device or try to write an edgy character into a complex moralfag to have it both ways.

This series is edgy for the sake of being edgy.