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inslee u neber lern


What a bunch of freaks. Tey seriously put up a Commie and a pedo? lel

White. White. White. White.
White. White. White. Castro

Pocahontas 2020: Commander in Chieftan

Start shitting on Biden now, remind the normies of his pedophilia

Were coming for you, blumpf

calling it now: their entire platform will be "FUCK TRUMP"

It will be Booker and he'll win. The guy can speak.

Woah, you don't know Warren is Indian? You racist piece of shit.


>uncle Bornie

>It will be Booker and he'll win. The guy can speak.

So says the guy from Nigger.

booker looks like the congressman you do missions for in payday 2

>posting Fox & Friends propaganda

"But what about Obama's birth Kenyan emails Benghazi tan suit flag pin certificate? Watch us fill air time with complete bullshit and sell a ton of advertising for the next ten years " Fox & Friends

It's like they looked at their performance last time and concluded that the only reason they lost is that they're a diesel.


What fucking race is Castro? Some kind of asian spic hybrid there


Zuckerjew started his campaign like a year ago kek. Zuckerberg will be President by 2020. Will be the youngest president in history.

Screencap this.

>dems will still go after republicans for their whiteness

"We grabbed the pussies of our cohosts before it was cool" Fox & Friends

what's so funny?

Do the Dems even like him? Can't imagine he'd do much as an independent

The democrats are fucked.

Not diverse enough, shame on them!

if Bernie is alive by then he will win

>DNC on the Russia Dossier

Does it even matter? He's one of the most powerful Jews in America with the biggest social media machine at his control. If he runs.. he wins.

No one likes zuckerbot or kikebook. He should have ran in 08, beating romney then vs obama if he ever wanted a chance.

It's like they send their worst trash to see how retarded the democrat voter really is. This list is a joke.

>the marxist jew who took millions in donations and then made a 180
>the pedophile VP

American politics really is better than TV

Kayne started his even earlier. Could he win, Sup Forums?

Booker isn't white hes just a light skinned negro

That's the problem with Zuck, he could run as a republican and win, but 2016 showed us Dems will never allow anyone but their hand picked candidate to win.
I hope he tries to run and gets fucked by the DNC.

Can't believe Hillary is not there.
Russian hackers made her lose. It's public knowledge.
Pro tip:Hillary wins.

too many white men desu

the Democratic primaries will literally have 0 white men except maybe Bernie

Cory Booker is going to be president someday. Maybe not 2020, but eventually. Screencap this.

Apache mestizo, probably

Didn't he set it back to 2024?

you realize 2 of those people aren't white right?
or is that concidered white in America nowadays?

But can he meme?

Hillary Clinton was favored so much probably trump himself thought he had no chance.
Who is president currently?
Encumbents also have a giant advantage.

This is the worst collection of human garbage since the holocaust.


what a joke

Whelp, hello Trump 2020.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Y'all muthafuckas need Yeezus.

I think if it's Bernie vs Trump, Bernie has a good chance of winning
but a lot can change in 3 years of course

Kanye isn't a good public speaker and spergs out sometimes.
Remember the gop debates? Ruboto and the guac man?

Where is Z U C C

Harris and Booker are both magic mullatoo niggers

what morrowind mod is this?

White is malleable. It changes depending on what agenda needs to be pushed.

He will only appeal to urban voters.
That doesn't get you the ec win.


25% of them aren't white ffs

HAHAHAHAHAH... fuck zuck.

>all white

Nice so leftists didn't kill this show after all! Glad it's back!

Kanye can only win if he runs as a Republican after Trump's presidency
The Democratic establish is already "rigging" the primaries for Mrs. Harris. That should be a real shitshow lmao


Excuse me? Not diverse? Native American woman

he might run check the end of his ads. local dem and lawyer.

>White woman 1/16 injun
>White mixed race woman
>White mixed race man
>White creepy ass cracka uncle
>Former chad who pretended to be a liberal for so long to score pussy he finally became one
>Weasel faced Mitt Romney
>Hispanic George takei
They are probably going with warner or uncle bernie

why do you retards keep saying this?
2 of them obviously aren't white

Just remove the term limits already.
Emperor Drumpf shall reign forever

The first non-human president, how progressive!

This is going to backfire so hard.

Holy shit, they bleached Harris! Let’s start a meme about how CNN is racist for trying to make Harris white to make her appeal to white women voters that voted for Trump.

(She’s dot Indian/Jamaican)

I see 5 Jews. 2 Half Niggers. And 1 Mexican.

Unironically yes

Lol think you missed a few there

pls pls pls be Harris.
fucked her way to the top of the Cali DNC; the dirt will be glorious.

HAhahhahahahhaha no

LOL, they lost already. not putting the one democrat that has any chance of winning.

Bernie is a career politician from Vermont who wants to turn America into Denmark.
He will never be president.

warren is native and bornie is jewish

Yeah FFS only bigots don't know that Warren is a Cherokee Princess and not white at all.

Based frog setting these Nazi Drumpfkins straight. Praise Kek.

Bernie isn't a real candidate, he's just there to bring more people over to the dems side, sort of like how he won in the dem party but they chose Clinton anyway. The party picks the candidate regardless of what the votes are, hence why the dems are so absolutely fucked. This lineup essentially ensures Trump to win 2020.

Sup Forums will be shut down by then (or at the very least Sup Forums will be gone), and Twitter bankrupt. Also no more net neutrality. Good luck getting your memes out past your circle of half a dozen neckbeards in Discord.

They should just give up and start working on 2024.

Holy SHIT I didn't even realize she was in there she was so white! LOLOLOL

I'm talking about Booker and Castro you nigger

I predict that like 20+ people are going to run for their primary because:

>whoever wins the primary is going to be president because, like, look at the other guy

>they're a diesel


no zucc?
but what about the memes?

biden is going to win.
remember all the pro biden obama friendship memes?
it was already written.
the democrats thought 3 steps ahead
screencap this

Bernie will be too old and lost some of his magic. Warren isn't going to run yet, it's not her turn. the dems will run Obama 2.0 and back Corey Booker. Booker might have Castro as a running mate and go full idenity.

the dems don't think they lost because they went too far anti white or anti Christian. they believe that too many of their voters stayed at home. so they get a nig to get the nigs out and spic to get the spics out.

they aren't hard to understand

Sup Forums should create it's own social media site to spite mods.

If look at the other guy worked there would never be a two term president.
Most encumbents win.

>warren is native

I'd like to nominate this wonderful American patriot!

HUMANS, I stand here in perfect posture to kindly debate this vile monster we have in office today.

Oh and Harris too btw.
I didn't realize she was a nigger, because they bleached her picture.

We need to false flag for sanders

How will Biden survive his pedo stuff going public?

>old White male establishment snob
Niggers and spics will go out to vote for this?

I literally said out loud “wait who is *this* Harris D from CA? That’s not Kamala Harris...”

Hahah please memefuck CNN if they ever lighten her up a shade.

Next 3 years of Dem desperation will be fun the the tears for 4 more years after they loses. Slurp.