Biannual Reminder: We're all fucked

Saving the white race also requires saving the planet. But environmental problems often do not stay within the limits of national borders. So, for example, how do you protect and restore the oceans without international coordination? Bilateral agreements won't get the job done.

Reminder, if you're not an environmentalist in 2017 then you're a nihilist and are also deeply complicit in the cause of mass migration events.

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we can't save this planet, the die has been cast but if it makes you feel better unless we get interstellar travel we will die long before the planet

"The pollution isn't just unsightly: a 2015 study published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin examined 44,006 individual animals of 395 species that had eaten plastic particles or had gotten caught in plastic waste. In 80 per cent of the incidents, the encounter injured or killed the animal. This has pushed some species to near-extinction in the wild."

Nope, it doesn't. Why should I have kids then, or care one iota about the white race?

Population reduction through war big homie. The strong will survive.

Survive in a greatly degraded and denuded world. Also, there's a lot more contingency involved; a whole community of the "strong" could be wiped out by a single bomb, or could dwell in a place where they run out of water, for example.

For billions of years since the onset of time every single one of your ancestors survived, every single person on your mom and dad's side successfully looked after and passed on to you life.

Just because the world went wacky doesn't mean you have to. Keep your fires burning while others dance on the ashes of their own culture.

Comped one sushi leaf.

Can't even save ourselves!!!

Humans are arrogant motherfuckers.
The planet does not need us and when we fuck up enough, we will be removed like a bad case of lice. The planet will then regenerate and return to its glory.


another one

I guess the real question we need to be asking is how to exterminate the chinks.

Of course the planet will continue, but you're wrong to think that it will necessarily return to anything like you mean by "glory."

Thanks burgerbro. That is the most beautiful thing I've ever been comped.

But we keep buying this shit. We could easily band together and impose strict laws on packaging. It would have to be an international effort though. Chinese get rich because we are unwise consumers.

Who's afraid of plastic? That's some stupid shit right there. Are you afraid of glass or metal?

Sorry you work at taco bell.

Crack a beer and watch the world burn. Yeah the oceans are fucked.

We could support 100x the people we have on this planet if everyone was intelligent and hard working. The problem isn't over population, it's IQ dysgenics and lazy bums.

Typical fucking yank, you know we eat out of the ocean yeah?

What the fuck?

Of course it will, always has.
You think humans are the worst thing that happened in 3-4 billion years HAHAHAHAHA

Ever hear of the great extinctions? Sun blocked out for 10-25 years by thick ash clouds, decade long winters, super volcanic activity, earthquakes up the yingyang..

>decade long winter

Please o God give us a great winter to kill off the nogs. Please...

Yes, but evolution involves so many contingencies. There will be life, but you have no idea what forms that life will take. But I agree with you, the point is to save "the planet" as in, save the planet as it is now; capable of sustaining us.


Our electrico-mechanical AI progeny doesn't require a pristine environment; being distributed and having a much wider range of physical tolerances.

You are wrong.
>whites use technology and good social order to maintain their lands.
>non-whites starve and attempt to migrate.
>whites mow them down at the borders, and spread superbugs among them to cleanse the earth
>when non-whites are gone, whites can go back to 10mpg gas-guzzling luxomobiles without much worry of global warming
>earth is now a depopulated ecological paradise for whites
Reminder that polluting the atmostphere is the duty of every white interested in saving their race.

Plastic is a completely artificial and synthetic material. The natural world has never known it before, and it doesn't break down quickly. When it does break down it releases deadly chemicals, that can among other things reduce testosterone count in men, and destroy the fertility of soils. 84% of the worlds drinkable water is plastic polluted. Plankton also eat plastic and it carries up the marine food chain.

Plastic pollution is probably the most serious environmental problem that exists because it is completely unknown the nature. Rapid climate change has happened before, so has destruction of the Ozone layer (which happened during the end permian extinction), so has Eutrophication, so has biodiversity loss etc but this shit never has. Also once it reaches a point it basically can't be cleaned up.

>removed like a bad case of lice

ok george carlin

This. 99% of the effect of pollution is local. In-land North America will stay pristine forever but Asia and the populated parts of Africa are disgusting. Let the vermin live in filth, it's not our problem to solve. Coastal liberal faggots will lose some fishing economy but w/e that's far from crucial for us as a whole. Us playing "save the brownskins from the consequences of their own behaviour" is why we're in this mess in the first place.

Reminder that the worst mass extinction was the End Permian, caused by global warming from the Siberian Traps, and humans are emitting CO2 faster than at any point during that event. Extinctions take a long time and I am sure in a few million years geologists would look back and see the era from when humans started killing the megafauna to a few thousand years from now when the current environmental damage catches up to us as a large extinction (maybe not mass).

I'm glad this is being discussed. Too many are afraid to talk about environmental issues because they think they're gonna be seen as Greenpeace leftists and disliked by Trump supporters etc. Thing is, the media sells us a boomer lifestyle. People think "success" is to be a boomer materialist degenerate. It's funny given now is about the time boomers are seeing the errors in their ways, and it's too late to go back.
Success isn't living in the suburbs and travelling abroad onde a year. I know many do that and are far from happy.
Success is having a big family and living in the countryside, where you do things on your own, have clear air to breathe and can take care of your kids. No relying on some random daycare that will brainwash them and surround them with diseased kids and bad influences.

> The thing is if we don't take care of the environment, all those things will be lost.

The carbon tax jew wants to talk about taxes. But he doesn't talk of the soil, air and sea pollution is East Asia, neither of superbacterias being created by pharma companies disposing their trash in the wild in India, neither of the pollution from big ships that transport food across continents. All so you can live in a concrete jungle, relying on others to get your food. When a big crisis hits, those reliant on others will starve, and nature will get to rest

>So, for example, how do you protect and restore the oceans without international coordination?
By solving the third world, african and asian over-population problem first.

>The carbon tax jew wants to talk about taxes. But he doesn't talk of the soil, air and sea pollution is East Asia, neither of superbacterias being created by pharma companies disposing their trash in the wild in India, neither of the pollution from big ships that transport food across continents. All so you can live in a concrete jungle, relying on others to get your food. When a big crisis hits, those reliant on others will starve, and nature will get to rest

I'm pretty sure anyone who wants a carbon tax is aware of those other issues, but just considers CO2 a more serious problem (I don't know if I agree). Maybe some are trying to benefit economically but I don't understand the thinking that anyone who supports carbon regulation is a Jew.

At the risk of sounding like an ecofaggot hippie I will say this:

If you actually want to know a 100% happening that will happen and a major conspiracy theory that is true is that in our lifetime (50 years) we will suffer the struggles of low forests, no water, dirty air etc...

Instead of wasting money on shit I'd personally start building a fortress of your liking in a part of the world that will at least be green in the future, with access to good water. Start stocking up or at least start planning out your life in this direction

You don't know this because you live in a godforsaken shithole of a desert called Spain, but what do you think most white lands are?
Why do you think we're all so upset about forced immigration?
Sorry about your arid wasteland, but the fortress is OUR countries.

>he thinks shit skins care about the environment
Only white do, negros can’t think 5 minutes into the future let alone 500 years, and orientals have the most polluted countries just look at China. 8 of the 10 most polluted rivers are in Asia. Don’t get me started on the favelas in Brazil, which is just a peek into the future should nothing change. Saving the white race doesn’t even mean we need more whites, just less of everyone else. Genocide saves us and the planet, doing nothing kills everyone.

No you stupid fucking shill

I was thinking Norway, Finland, Canada, Ushuaia etc...

Spain was much different in the past, user. He was almost talking out of experience. Deforestation ruined Spain

The problem IS overpopulation because the reality of the situation is that most of the world is filled with low-IQ breeders.


deforestation is a vastly overstated hypothesis.
If it was rock-solid, the US would have become spain when we cut down the forest extending from the Mississippi to the Eastern seaboard.
England would have become spain when the Crown chopped down all the trees to make ships.
Spain is an arid penninsula and always has been. There may have been a forest there that cannot recover, but it did not change the base precipitation patter, as you can plainly see from world history.
the deforestation myth is propagated to prove humans are an infection that needs to be eliminated, the basis of modern Ecology.
Israle was never lush.
Mesopotamia was never lush.

That extremely naive and impractical. Even if whites banded together and wiped out other races there would still be mouth breathers amongst white people that would overpopulate the planet and have no respect for the earth or society.

You are wrong. We're in the midst of a mass extinction event. What you do with land in Mexico can easily change the ecosystem of the eastern woodlands in the U.S.

Also you ignore the example of the oceans, which have been massively overfished, are currently acidifying, and are full of plastic garbage and microplastics.

This board is supposed to be for courageous and honest thinkers, for the hyperboreans. Fuck the Trumptards.

The first thing to be done is to take responsibility for our own habits of consumption and stop buying so much useless shit. We do externalize a lot of our costs onto the poorer countries. Look at what England was like 150 years ago.

The ability to educate whites and improve their station rises dramatically if they are not burdened with caring for billions of people who hate them and want them exterminated.
The fate of whites lie in the stars.
There is no way we are getting there being a whipping-boy for the dark faggoty racist races of this planet.
They chose this conflict.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds like you’re trying to argue drastically changing the environment does not change the environment?

I agree western countries consume too much and that some of the environmental destruction going on in the third world happens for our benefit, but that doesn’t change the fact that only Europeans seems to care about the future. Everyone is culpable, but only Europeans seem to want to fix the problem

I only disagree in that I doubt the ability of some white people to accept the responsibility of environmental stewardship and how to live in proper society.

>You are wrong. We're in the midst of a mass extinction event. What you do with land in Mexico can easily change the ecosystem of the eastern woodlands in the U.S.
>Also you ignore the example of the oceans, which have been massively overfished, are currently acidifying, and are full of plastic garbage and microplastics.
There is a strong ecological bent to white supremacy or white nationalism, so if you think there isn't you've missed some of the literature.
Who do you think is doing the overfishing? Who is burning all the goddamned coal mined up in Australia? who is dumping garbage and poison everywhere?
Ecological consciousness is one of THE distinguishing characteristics of race, and it's even beyond wealth.
>Japan was a polluted shithole until the 90s.
>China is rich and it's a polluted shithole.
If you love the earth it is your duty to be a white nationalist/identarian/supremacist.
Whites fixed all of the environmental/hygiene/sweage problems, all the other races have to do is the very basic work of digging a goddamned ditch.
But no.
I would agree that buying loads of Chinese/Malaysian/Korean shit is doing nothing for whites. Besides being degenerate and selfish, it's empowering shitholes to pollute the planet and fish out our oceans.
Only whites give a shit.
So, accelerate the process. You make wealthy liberal whites fear for their lives, they will turn fast. Most are mindless robots anyway, and as soon as their lattes are threatened they'll be screaming for genocide.
We'll actually have to stop them, and just let the darker races die out to a tolerable level, then use military force to keep them at a nativist hunter-gatherer level where we can vacation in safety to enjoy the splendor the white race has returned to the Earth.
It's being ruined by them anyway, so get behind the process to accelerate the healing.
The longer we wait, the worse it will be.

Europeans lived through it. Of course our culture is based in self-reflection and awareness, and science, so we progress quickly, but you think there won't be a massive environmental movement in China soon? It's ripe for it. Maybe we should be memeing that into existence.

There is already an environmental movement which the communists stamp out with an iron fist.

If you support carbon regulation you're either an idiot or you're a jew going to make a quick buck. The CO2 runaway effect theory has been proven false time and time again. They want to tax CO2 to redistribute wealth. They will NOT use any of that money to help with the environment, I guarantee it.

I disagree, I don’t think the others will ever care about the environment. But let’s say they will. Let’s say that what has been done to the planet was a learning curve, a sacrifice of sorts to go from primitive to first world. Do you want to let each society have a turn and destroy the planet a little more by little more? Look where we are now, think of the bad things will get if we all the entire third world to go through their own learning curve. There will be nothing left. Besides they will never advance, not when it’s much easier to flood into Europe, North America, AUS/NZ . The human refuse will consume it all, and there will be nothing left. Africa’s population is exploding, and rather than untold wealth being generated with that explosion, they are just infesting Europe and dragging it down to their homelands level

You're fucking retarded. Consume less does NOTHING when the really perpetrators of environmental disaster are giant growing countries we have no effect over. So here's what I'm going to do: live normally like I always have. I'll also make sure to stockpile food and have the tools necessary to survive if a disaster strikes. When all the idiot leftists starve or die of dehydration I'll move into their sweet ocean-side homes for pennies-on-the-dollar.

> The CO2 runaway effect theory has been proven false time and time again

What is the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
What is the End Permian Mass Extinction
What is the End Triassic Mass Extinction
What is Positive Feedback
What is Methane Hydrate
What is Permafrost melt
What is carbon cycle disruption from deforestation
What is ocean degassing

There is no solution for environment until Indians learn to poo in a loo

just for this thread, Im burning a tire tonight. So leaf. You are now directly associated with pollution that would not have been a factor is you just stayed home

Where in China is this?

Space is not what they say it is. All we have is this plane of existence. Until we die. Then into the next plane. Star Trek isn't real.

Canadians are such gay hippie shitlibs. No wonder you elected Trudeau.

First we should implement the death penalty for anyone that litters. Any lazy nigger that throws their KFC trash out on the road should be shot.

This is why it's morally indefensible to vote Republican. Get your priorities straight.

So brave burgerbro, you're a beacon of light in dark times.

>Consume less does NOTHING
except it begins changing balance of trade

I don't know where I read that 90% of the plastic in oceans comes from africa and India(?).
The impossible reality is that saving africa from starving and wanting to preserve the environment cannot both be ideas in the same mind.

But (((science))) user.

This isnt trash.
This is all the debris blown out to see by hurricane harvy.

You the same nigger that keeps throwing you chicken trash in my yard. I will shoot you one day. Keep your nigger ass trash in your nigger neighborhood. Liberals are all the same. Lets pay someone to clean up after the niggers. Makes me wonder why Canada has such high taxes.

The American imbecile has a point. Here we are rinsing our yoghurt pots before recycling them, but our direct actions are laughable, even giving us false reassurance. Multinational conglomerates and african explosion are where it's at. How to fight those?

What happened to the plastic eating bacteria they found?

First get our houses in order. Low consumption, wise and low impact production economies. Train our people to have respect for the environment. The amount of leverage the west has is significant if we work together on this.

I never said consuming less was the solution. You also have to stop being cucked by business.

>not trash, just human created debris that is useless and where it shouldn't be.

thats two tires.
>i got two more if you want to keep going

How do you keep niggers from tossing fast food trash out on the road? Yes I said niggers you fucking leaf. Drive through any nigger hood and there is roadside litter everywhere. Address the first problem. We first must train niggers to act like others in society.

>except it begins changing balance of trade

No it doesn't. How much frivolous consumption you think actually goes on?

>Multinational conglomerates and african explosion are where it's at. How to fight those?
With violence. Getting our hands dirty. All these cucks convincing everybody that violence isn’t the answer and will be used against us are just saying that because they don’t want us to defend ourselves. The solution is simple, we start killing these fuckers. Sink the boats in the med and shoot all the Africans while they drown to ensure there are no survivors. Unleash smallpox and plague and flu and whatever else we need to in sub-Sahara Africa. Sterilize them through the water supply.

Conglomerates are a little tough but they can have their accounts hacked and their leaders and board members and primary shareholders can be killed as well as their family and friends. The solution is dead simple. We need to start killing these fuckers, especially ashkenazi jews we need to kill them all (there are barely any jews on the planet, it will be extremely easy to kill them all... we just need to start doing it)

i don't care lol

Instead you should vote for someone who is the poster child of corruption. I'm sure Hillary would've fixed the environment after pocketing another couple billion. Democrats are a mental disease.

lel you sound like a massive fucking faggot

Hmmm lets not address the elephant in the room. Lets just focus on what productive members of society should cutback to save the world when its the POC that does more damage to society and the environment.

Until a White nation is secured, the planet can rot.

>the year 2017
>not being pro-NWO to reduce the worlds population to under 500million
Pro-eugenics ftw

White people volunteer time to clean roadside litter. Niggers toss trash at them and laugh.

Stop relying on the technoindustrial system.

Casus belli for nonwhite extinction

They don't give a fuck about anything other than gibs and dik

>believing (((NASA))) and the spacehoax

Define "injured". Also, what evidence does this "study" provide to show it was caused by trash and not sustained in the wild?

>So, for example, how do you protect and restore the oceans without international coordination?
By taking the Macron pledge and letting africans starve.


An actual environmentalist, someone who wants to turn the tide around, would want to genocide India and China. You cannot stop the destruction of nature with 2.5 billion people who have no western conscience about nature.

Nuke india china and africa
World population culled by 70% and nothing of value was lost

All of the pollution in India and China is caused by our outsourced interests producing consumer goods for western consumption combined with the labourers making our consumer goods striving for a tiny little taste of our same standard of living.

Consumerist faggots are the problem. Regardless of where they live.

It's the NWO that fed them in the first place.

You are aware that large swathes of the planet aren't contaminated by shit, right? When the supposed "impacts" really happen is when people will take real action to fixing the problems, see: the ozone layer.

Yes thank you, niggers do more damage to the environment than all races combined. Just drive through a nigger hood and look at the massive amounts of litter.

This. It's mostly Chinks, Niggers and poos who don't give a shit about nature. Lets just hope they make their environment unlivable and die off to various cancers and other shit before they can ruin the whole planet.

You cant. Dumbshit leafs, liberals, and progressives protect them at everyones expense.

Go rake yourself stupid leaf. If we stopped buying shit from China tomorrow they'd still be dumping trash when they sell their shit to someone else. Doesn't change the core problem which is THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT. They'll probably strip mine more land and destroy more forests to make up the shortfall if Americans stopped buying from them.

But sure, live in your little fantasyland where everyone stops buying shit and grows their own food and China learns from its mistakes and has an ecological revolution. lol

>not being pro-NWO to reduce the worlds population to under 500million
they will kill us and let 500 million africans live, leafshit

>the NWO created a situation that would garner support from the masses to commit a massive genocide
88D GO

>But environmental problems often do not stay within the limits of national borders
Just get rid of all the Africans, Indians and Chinese.

They'll just kill off the ones in debt to them

More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct.
>all extinct before man had any impact on the earth
>still countless millions of species on the planet right now
>the planet needs man to save it

these nothing to discuss
nucular war will happen
whole world will get rekt
but u can rest easy leaf,it probably wont happen in our lifetime
and even if it does we will be too old to give a fuck or our offspring will leave us to die

even considering me being a poo and u being a leaf, we should consider ourselves really lucky that we lived during the last stable and "peaceful" era of mankind

Whos gonna make us coordinate, white boi?
Go on get to picking up our trash. Once again whitey proves to be the international servant boi