Everyone who has ever lived, at one point, has felt a sense of "emptiness", of something "missing", that surely...

Everyone who has ever lived, at one point, has felt a sense of "emptiness", of something "missing", that surely, if they were to fill, they would be complete.

What is this thing we are missing?
Is it drugs? No, because drugs only distract us from the feeling of emptiness.

Entertainment? No. Only a temporary distraction.

People or partners, a "mate"? No. Once again, temporary. They may make us feel happy, but that is codependency. Not true happiness.

We are made up of the same atoms and energy that comprises this universe, correct? So it goes to reason that, in essence, our body and mind are the universe experiencing itself from a subjective viewpoint. (continued)

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My perception of who I am, in essence, is an amalgam of my own and others' ideas of me. The society I have grown up in, has its own sets of ideas of what the ideal person should be. Combined with my own set of ideas as to what I should be, it creates a forever unattainable "goal" for me, and is something other than what I actually am. We often spend our whole lives trying to manage a perfect balance of approval from society, and approval of what we think we should be, creating a state of dissatisfaction with ourselves. We become unhappy, incomplete, "empty", so to speak.

The reality is, you will never achieve this perfect ideal, and thus never be complete. We do the things we do out of fear that others will think of us, and curse ourselves behind closed doors because we do not measure up to ourselves. We identify as this amalgam of society's and our own ideas of us, creating a false "self". When we get approval from society for our actions and thoughts, we feel good about our "selves", temporarily alleviating our fear of not measuring up. When we achieve something by our own actions, such as becoming self sufficient, building a name for ourselves, owning a successful business, all on our own, we become proud of ourselves. It feels good. We've achieved something, we're one step closer to our own ideas of perfection. When there is an inevitable failure, large or small, that fades away, and we are left with emptiness, a sense of being imperfect, incomplete. We do everything we can to alleviate this, or at least distract us from this. Drugs, sex, entertainment, burying ourselves in work, etc. But at the end of the day, it's always there.

So what is the solution? Nothing we do alleviates that emptiness. So where else is there to look? We may travel, see the world, do things on our bucket list, do drugs, have sex. None of this works, it only feeds the cycle of feeling empty, and doing things we feel will relieve that feeling. It's an endless loop. The solution is to stop feeding your false self, your ego, that amalgam of ideas of you and the perfect you. We define ourselves by the things we think and the actions we take. But is that really who we are? Surely we do not cease to exist when certain thoughts leave our head, nor when we have completed certain activities.

We operate the vehicle that is our body and mind, but we are not the vehicle itself. Do you confuse yourself and think you are the car while you drive it? Surely not. The solution is to completely surrender to the fact that you have no control over what happens, you have no control over what other people think or do, nor will you ever meet the perfect criteria you've created for yourself. You are an imperfect being. You will always fall short of your expectations for yourself. Why are we so afraid of this? We've been doing it all our life, yet we're still here. Still alive. We search for the meaning of life, the secrets of the cosmos, the big "Why?". The reality is, we as human beings are not meant to know, we will never know.

The solution is to stop looking, to stop seeking. To be thankful we are alive. The grass is already greener where we are. I think the reason we do not recognize this is that we've never been on the dead grass side of the fence to have a comparison. We take our whole lives for granted. When we are deprived of something for a while that we usually take for granted, we find that we have a new appreciation for it when we get it back, right? The solution is to appreciate every new moment for what it is, and not how much better it could be. You could, for example, die in the next few seconds. Then, that moment would never come. When people are almost hit by a bus for example, or robbed at gunpoint but not shot, they appreciate the moments afterward. To just be alive. And what a joy it is to just be alive! Money can't buy this. Drugs can't provide this. Sex can't satisfy this. People won't fill this. The reality is there's no emptiness. There is no "ideal world". This IS the ideal world. Whether you believe in God or not, we are not these false selves we fool ourselves into believing we are. We are the entity that observes our thoughts go by, that observes our body doing the actions it does.

Every unpleasant emotion, even that feeling of emptiness, can be traced back to fear. Fear that we will not measure up. Fear of what will happen. Fear of things that are out of control, such as other people's ideas of us. Things are going to happen whether you fear them or not. Embrace it, love things that happen and see them as either blessings or learning opportunities, instead of fearing things, and you will enjoy them instead of loathe them. They are neither good nor bad. They just are what they are. Nothing more.

All in all, we must embrace everything as it is, and fear is a lack of faith that everything will turn out the way we want it to, which is foolish, because we don't have control anyway over anything that happens as we are just miniscule specks in the universe. We will never fill that emptiness, because that emptiness was never there in the first place. That emptiness is a lack of gratitude for what we have, a lack of gratitude for life itself. No matter what your spiritual beliefs, you surely know that nothing is permanent, especially not life. We were not born to be unhappy, and nothing but ourselves can make us happy or unhappy. The grass is already green where we are, we cannot spend our whole lives looking for something to complete us, because we are already complete and have everything we need. We are not the things we've done or haven't done, nor are we ever going to meet ours or society's perfect standards. Embrace yourself with love. Embrace all that is, with love.

>What is this thing we are missing?
Bangin' two chicks at once.

That's overrated. When it's all over, you'll still have that feeling of something missing. The novelty of having a threesome will dissipate.

The perfect reuben, with just the right ratio of corned beef to saurkraut?

No earthly thing can fill this void. The void is an illusion. You are already complete.

OK, how about the total eradication of bronies from the planet?

So here you are, this object which somehow sprouted an illusory sense of self, an illusory consciousness, an illusory sense of time, and an illusory free will… This being which experiences a pre-packaged, pre-determined, illusory one-way journey from past to future called life. Not only do your genetic make-up and the external environment in which you exist influence your actions and thoughts, but they uniquely determine who you are at the core, they determine how your life unfolds, what you do, what you feel, what you think, what you create, moment after moment after moment.

You are a locked up prisoner hopelessly looking at your own movie through the bars of your cell, you are a detached spectator watching a fateful story unfold, a story with a script which was written 13.8 billion years ago, a story in which you have no input, a story which you have never and will never be able to direct. You are a puppet on invisible strings, a passive observer living a meaningless, purposeless, pointless life inside a meaningless, purposeless, pointless Universe.

You pathetic being. You're no prisoner. You're not helpless. You're not watching behind bars. Your freedom is real and the only thing in the way of your freedom is what we've made society become. If you wanted, you could get the fuck off this website and live in the woods until your deaths.

Stop being a fucking pussy.

That's gay. You're gay.
If you're Jesus, just bring on the beer and women please. If you're not, holy fuck get a job.

I stopped reading your existential bullshit once I realized you were a weak fuck that thinks giving up to the rythm of the universe is the easiest, most comforting way to live.

You seem to think we are utterly powerless. Sure we are, to random events, but you have legs and arms, and energy and passion to take you anywhere. Stop patting yourself on the shoulder saying it's not your fault, the universe is just too big and you'll die. That's fucking weak. Shame on you and shame for sharing SUCH a distasteful way of thinking.

Get the fuck off this board. You're as free asa mind can be.

They are beings to be pitied. This is coming from my "false self" that I talked about.

Quite contrary. Coming to this realization brings more freedom than ever imagined. I do not "want" for anything. I am content to simply exist.

My genetic make-up and external environment influence my false self, the one that society and my brain and ego say I am. But I am the driver of the vehicle that is my mind and body, not the vehicle itself. Who I am at the core is one part of a larger, universal consciousness. I am really the being that watches my thoughts and actions.

The secrets of the universe are not mine to know. The fate of the universe is not mine to know. The realization that I am already complete allows me to appreciate every moment as it is, and not what I wish it could be. This allows me to be grateful for the simple fact I am alive.

Of course I have no input on this "fateful story". This body and mind are but a tiny speck in the grand scale of the universe. Are you saying you are free? Or do you endlessly pursue what you think you "want", in the illusion that these things make you happy?

The question you are not asking, is "why is this person more happy than me?"


We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power. (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) We are all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger. (end)

Surely you realize, that if what I'm saying is not true, that I am just a product of my environment, then that would also mean that you're basically a biological robot, forever doomed to follow the pull of your mind's whims, and to react to events as they come? You are more of a prisoner to life's whims than I am.

Of course, you're free to feel otherwise. Go have a "successful" life. Get a career, a wife, kids.

Your happiness is currently situational, conditional. When life inevitably takes a turn that does not favor you, your life satisfaction takes a sudden drop.

You'll constantly search to get something out of life. There is nothing to "get". You're already complete.

We can make anime 'real', then have sex with our waifus, simply by awakening our siddhis. In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word 'siddhi' means 'perfection'. In its most common usage, the word 'siddhi' refers to an ability that is a natural and inherent faculty of our true identities as eternally alive souls. The soul is smaller than an atom and larger than the universe. The soul is infinitely small and infinitely large. The soul is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. The soul is the storehouse of ALL ENERGY, ALL POWER AND ALL STRENGTH. The soul is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. The soul possesses ALL siddhis and there are an INFINITE number of siddhis. Among all of these siddhis, there are considered to be eight major siddhis. Siddhis can be awakened through a variety of methods. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV.1, it is stated:

"Siddhis may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi."

Here is a list of the eight major siddhis (in no particular order):

Laghima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as light as you want.

Garima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as heavy as you want.

Mahima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as large as you want.

Anima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as small as you want.

Prapti siddhi: Having unrestricted access to any and/or all places.

Prakamya siddhi: Fulfillment of whatever you desire.

Isitva siddhi: Control over any and/or all of the laws of nature.

Vasitva siddhi: Being able to control any and/or all beings.

"A man is a god in ruins. When men are innocent, life shall be longer, and shall pass into the immortal, as gently as we awake from dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) You can awaken your siddhis through samyama, which is a state of consciousness in which one perceives the fundamental level of 'reality' where a perceiving subject (like you, for example) is merged with your perceived object. For example, to achieve laghima siddhi, you have to perform samyama on the lightness of a feather (for example) so that you become as light as that feather (or that you become the lightness of that feather, if you want to look at it that way). (end of part 2)

(start of part 3) Some people sneer at the siddhis because they do not believe in their existence, others because they think it is noble and spiritual to despise them. Both attitudes proceed from ignorance. Like Christ said truly "Be in the world, but not of the world." If you realise that this world is naught but Maya and are not attached to it, then you can play with it and have fun with it. Siddhis only keep you tied to samsara if you are attached to them. The siddhis in and of themselves are neither good nor evil, but represent the next level of both humanity's physical evolution and humanity's mental evolution. Siddhis are only a spiritual hazard if you are attached to them. Yogis know that the siddhis can be a distraction to the true spiritual goal of moksha if they are not used properly and that is why they NEVER use their siddhis for ego-based reasons, but ONLY to help other people without ANY desire to be rewarded and also as calling cards to make people accept that there is indeed a spiritual component to 'reality' that exists beyond the reach of the five senses. Anime won't ever BECOME 'real' because anime is ALREADY 'real' in an infinite number of universes. Anime is not 'real' here, but it IS 'real'. What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT FOR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF (WHICH IS INFINITE AND ETERNAL). I shall use manojava siddhi (the ability to instantly take your body wherever your mind goes) to teleport into a universe where anime is 'real' and make sweet, sweet love to one of my waifus there. Indians can teach us how to enter these other universes to make sweet, sweet love to our waifus through manojava siddhi. (end)

Why aren't you here?

all of this shit can be summed up as:
consume, obey, conform.
stay a wage slave, buy a new car, work within the system

1. Ego death.
2. Understand you are part of everything.
3. Everything is in fact connected.
4. God is a part of you, not a source outside of you.

You are missing the void to which you had been so accustomed to before life. The sense of emptiness is like a ptsd to nonexistence.

I understand all you are saying except the siddhis. Who would want this power? Of course we cannot control the size and shape of our body, teleport at will, or grant our own wishes at will. If people had such a power, they would quickly realize that such a power doesn't satisfy them.

True power and happiness comes from being satisfied with what you have, and not violently being opposed to losing it.

Can you elaborate, please? I already have everything I want, which was nothing in the first place. So what's the point of siddhis?

People who live by this inane bullshit phiolosophy of "just give yourself to the rythym of the universe" seem to always be in a perpetual state of identity crisis. Meaning is ultimately something you have to find for yourself. As someone who feels very lost in the world; aimless spiritual musings will just get you lost in an existential loop of not knowing where you end and everything else begins.

As far as I can tell the antidote is to spend time figuring out where you stand on important things like politics, career, relationships etc. Once you can mentally categorize who you are in a practical sense it gives you more bearing toward actually accomplishing goals and feeling fulfilled. The thing "spiritual" people want to avoid is the fact that grounding oneself takes self-awareness and dedication to the unknown in earthly utility and not spacey monologues.

Psychedelics can be used as a tool to achieve this realization, so long as you are prepared to abandon your current paradigm.

I have done psychedelics in the past, but that was years ago. I came to this realization on my own, while sober. I abstain from all drugs now, as they have the potential to disturb my spirit.

>Of course we cannot control the size and shape of our body, teleport at will, or grant our own wishes at will.

Of course we can. Stop vomiting empty platitudes. Fuck off, kike.

I'm fed up of 'enlightened' idiots thinking they can spout crap from fight club and be interesting

Intelligence is biologies answer to entropy. We are machines designed through necessity to build machines even better at building stuff. Because we are organic we have a foundation of instincts and animal lusts, we cant ignore them without dying and we cant satisfy them fully and be useful. This is what causes all angst in the world.

All of history and everything you do has been done to create a society where scientists can flourish. But at least they will be mentioned in the history index of the super intelligence that humanity gestalts into or creates. Enjoy your life as a statistic and shut up

You have two eyes, but you only ever see half the picture.

Identity crisis, huh?

Tell me, what is your identity? Are you not, at base, a collection of organic molecules and DNA which has formed a developed brain that thinks it is something separate from the universe?

I said elaborate, not insult. I do not see any 50 foot tall giants walking around for the fun of it.

And what is the point of scientists flourishing? What then? Say we master the universe (hypothetical, we never will), and figure out its secrets. What then? What's next? What is the end goal in all this? What will happen when that goal is achieved?

>I said elaborate, not insult.

I do what I want, cheesedick.

>tfw a sense of inner desolation nothing can fulfill ever since sentience became a thing

>And what is the point of scientists flourishing? What then? Say we master the universe (hypothetical, we never will), and figure out its secrets. What then? What's next? What is the end goal in all this? What will happen when that goal is achieved?
what kind of answer are you expecting with this?

Stop torturing your mind like that, it'll lead to nothing but depression. Read books, lift weights, do something constructive.

Being healthy and fit, having a loving family and seeing your children grow up to be good people, being financially independent, having a meaningful job and contributing to local community, living in a place with lots of nature will definitely reduce this sort of existential angst to a minimum.
And we could have had each and every of these things for most of the people by now were it not for (((them))) and their (((progress)))

That sense of emptiness is a lack of spirituality.
It doesn't really exist.

To truly be happy and satisfied, one must really look at it for what it is.

I'm not expecting any answer. What do you hope to gain from essentially becoming gods? Knowing all there is to know? The fun in life is not knowing all there is to know. It's the reason we become bored with games if we always win. There's no challenge.

To win, something else must also lose. We must have "nothing" in order to recognize "something". We would not know what peace is without war. We would not know happiness if there was no sadness to compare it to.

With no point of reference, everything becomes pointless and nonexistence.

Quite contrary. I was once suicidal, now I feel the same happiness children do, the same happiness we all have nostalgia for, and wish we could go back to. We can!

it's subjective guy. How do you know i don't feel complete?

>Tell me, what is your identity? Are you not, at base, a collection of organic molecules and DNA which has formed a developed brain that thinks it is something separate from the universe?

I don't disagree with you. The problem with your line of thinking is theres no utility to this. To only accept that you are a collection of molecules doesn't do anything. Its not useful to the present and real self. It doesn't take into account the uniqueness of what you are. Its an age old concept in philosophy of subject and object. Consciousness gives us the role of subject which in turn gives meaning to the object we interact and inhabit. Not the other way around.

But conciousness places certain demands on us it seems. As humans we are obsessed with order but at the same time with mystery. I don't have the answers and never will but I think leaving "ultimate meaning" as something outside of our comprehension therefore not really worth tackling over and over again and okay thing.

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

We are all but one.
We are separated as of now and hence we can't comprehend what this time and space is.
Doing science and maths gives you a sense of understanding and you feel good.
This is what I feel best way to unite.

Because what we seek is happiness, not a bucket list. In the grand scheme of things, will having a threesome even matter? If it does matter to you, think about WHY it matters.

The WHY is because it's a measure of "success" according to society's male standards.

Then, think about WHY you want to measure up to society's male standards.

That why is to be accepted, to be looked upon as a success. But it does not reflect our inner ideas of ourself. We crave acceptance from others because we do not accept ourself.

The problem with "utility" and attributing "meaning" to things is that's an entirely logical sense of things. The problem with logic is that logic and emotion are two sides of the same coin. Logic is useful, but only in the sense that it allows us to use things to our benefit. But if we were entirely logical, we would essentially be robots.

Using logic and emotion in tandem is the way to go. Achieving godhood by way of mastering the universe would be pointless if we weren't happy, no?

And using emotion and throwing out logic entirely would, in another sense, make us robots as well, reacting emotionally to every situation?

The key is to use them in balance. Mastering the universe would be pointless if we weren't happy and satisfied with our current state.

>We are separated as of now

We are never separate, that feeling of separation is illusory and it is due to an unelevated level of consciousness.

Yes, but I disagree with the sense of understanding. We will never know why the universe exists. That is not for us, as human beings, to know.

Our brains are not capable of understanding the concept of why the universe exists. We can have a sense of understanding of this, such as when we achieve ego death with psychedelics or intense meditation, but when we attempt to put it into words, we find we cannot.


Not giving you a hard time but you seem to like to just pull out the buzzwords from my comments and muse on those; which doesn't really surprise me as it helps you avoid wrestling with the reality of your implications. Yes, we are dealing with the logical sense of things because thats all we have to deal with which is ultimately the message you need to get.

You also have went on a tangent about how we must balance logic and emotion...which i and anyone else would agree with. You arent countering my points or even making an argument here...but I guess where we differ is the implication that those 2 things in unison will give you a spiritual path or some nonsense. But atleast we would be dealing in the realm of utility in humanity.

So what you are saying is that we need to accept that we live in a world we cannot control and we should just continue approaching life as a VR game, in which the best that we can as human do is continue to play by the rules?

The best way I sum up what you have said is that we are all empty inside, but you shouldn't live your life thinking like that, instead just accept it and be a good goy.

None of this was enlightening.