Be Jewish

>be Jewish
>cannot use electricity on the Shabbat so have to use air powered wheelchair
>air runs out in the middle of a busy street
>get hit

How have Jews been alive so long if they believe that? How are they able to treat their asthma if they cannot use electricity on the Shabbat?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shabbats goys

>>air runs out in the middle of a busy street
>>get hit
You do know people will probably stop their car if they see someone standing still on a road in a wheelchair?

You clearly have not seen enough asian american driver videos.

Is it me or does the jewish religion revolve around coming up with retarded rules and then finding ways to cheat and get around those rules?

Not for a jew

What is this

they use it as subvert the goyim

Are they that bad?

*as practice to

that's nearly all religion


Jew or not, you will still get charged with reckless driving and a homicide
Not smart tbqh

Ewww.... yuck... fucking gross dude. Can you imagine being so desperate you put julian carrots in soup.

>watch the first few minutes of the video
>already keking
>"mitigates the often misused prohibitions of the "shabbos goy"
>Jews literally try to force to goyim to turn on and off light switches for them on the sabbath
I can't control my laughter, I must stop watching this video, I thought that was just a joke not a real thing

That was my first redpill about the Jews. If god really did make all these rules that you can do something on the sabbath, it’s weird to devote so much time to cheating those rules. Think about the Eruv. Jewish law prohibits certain actions outside of the home so they just string up a wire around the neighborhood and redefine home to be “everything within the wire.”
Jews are the fucking worst.

Literally ''buy my how to cheat


There's a whole industry built around devices that are designed to circumvent the shabbat restrictions. That's what so funny about Jews - they are so conniving, arrogant, and manipulative that they truly believe that they can "trick" God.

Worse than the stereotype

You realize that humans have survived for hundreds of thousands of years without electricity?
How retarded can you even be?

It's like they're mocking God, like they think he's a fucking retard. They completely ignore that the rules were put there for a reason, not an arbitrary guideline. If you're going to try and find a way to cheat it you shouldn't bother following it at all--you're fooling nobody.

I remember hearing Jews can't walk upon grass during the sabbath because they may pick up a grass seed on their shoe and then plant it unknowingly.

God is surely laughing his ass off at these people.

What? They cant use electricity?
What kind of ancient-ass commandment forbids this?

reminder jews use a string around manhattan to cheat pretending they are indoors to do anything they want outside

fuck dude. Atleast the somalis and arabs don't drive and the ones that does atleast have a proper license


Can't work on the sabbath. Rabbis interpret this as not being able to let electricity do work for you on the sabbath either, so the Jews devise these schemes to subvert the rules of their own religion.

>air powered
i did not know about that tech

it doesn't run of air but of gas. and the jew is hooked

Yes. And its exactly why they are so successful at subverting entire societies. They get in positions of power and design the laws like their fag religion is designed so that there is always some obscure exception or loophole that only they know how to exploit.

Its the precise reason why our tax code is so ridiculously long and complicated. The average citizen doesnt have literal years to pour over it and make sense of all the contradictions and exceptions and additions and legalese bullshit. The jews on the other hand worship a book that is nothing but legalese bullshit so for them it comes natural.

sort of like how christcucks interpret the sabbath as going to a megachurch to pay some middleman performer to absolve you of bad deeds so you can keep doing them

Yes, not quite as bad as in China though.

But why can the air do work for you, when electricity can't?
Jews are weirdos. Must be why their such great lawyers.

that third rabbi looks like he was raised from the dead


This is how I know all religion is bull shit.

Some bullshit about not being able to start fires on the Sabbath; flicking a switch causes a spark which has been ruled a fire

Oh, damn.

Yes, and also like how christcucks will literally let a rabid animal rape their family and forgive it because their cucked religion tells them to.

>be jewish
>get hit

Where's the Problem?

>having so many rules that came from the minds of rabbis
9 What then? Are we Jews1 any better off?2 No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both kJews and lGreeks, are munder sin, 10 as it is written:

n“None is righteous, no, not one;

11 no one understands;

no one seeks for God.

12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;

no one does good,

not even one.”

13 o“Their throat is pan open grave;

they use their tongues to deceive.”

q“The venom of asps is under their lips.”

14 r“Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.”

15 s“Their feet are swift to shed blood;

16 in their paths are ruin and misery,

17 and tthe way of peace they have not known.”

18 u“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

19 Now we know that whatever vthe law says it speaks to those who are under the law, wso that every mouth may be stopped, and xthe whole world may be held accountable to God. 20 For yby works of the law no human being3 will be justified in his sight, since zthrough the law comes knowledge of sin.

What video


A jew cannot work or cause someone else to do work this also means workers at the electricity plant

NJ is fighting that hard

This is partially true. Worked as a contractor for home automation and almost all jews say that they cannot influence work. So in the case of electricity they can't use motion sensors or regular switches but if the entire house is setup on a timer then they are fine with using electricity.

Ran into one couple who refused to spend the extra money on a surge protector for the main unit and 2 months later their house was struck by lightning on a friday night. I get a frantic call monday that their house is going crazy cause the unit got fried and just pulsed things at random. Charged them triple the cost of the surge protector ontop of labor

Why the fuck haven’t we killed these superstitious Bronze Age fossil races yet?

It's hilarious how they have all these neurotic rules to follow, that were given to them by their god, and they come up with all these methods for cheating the rules, and tricking their god.

>larp your religion for eternal gibz
>larp yourself to death
goy vey

Holy fucking shit, when they finally explained how the switch gets around Kosher laws I was fucking dying. It works because it is supposedly random and unrelated to the actions of the user, even though the outcome is 100% predictable to the point he will sell it as a switch.

This is the principle reason, flicking a switch or causing a spark are seen as fundamentally the same as starting fires, which is considered toil.

>i resuhhhllted to invent
fucking disgusting people

Jews create and own the opposition.

Anally anguished paganfags detected.


>A non-Jew known as a Shabbos goy may be employed to press the buttons and hold the door for Jewish people, in buildings that do not have Shabbat elevators. As discussed in that article, a non-Jew is not expected to keep the Sabbath like a Jew, hence a Jew may benefit from work performed by a goy if the goy performs this work for his own good and of his own free will. A borderline case is when a Jew hints to a non-Jew that he wants him to perform a certain service without explicitly asking him. These borderline cases are considered legitimate in most Jewish communities.

Doesn't even make sense...air is doing the same work as electricity. Why would air be allowed but not electric?


Fucking sandmonkeys. Nuke the Yids.

At the same time they overdo it to make things more difficult for themselves with the kosher rules on dairy. They took a very specific scripture about not cooking the kid in the milk of the mother and ran it all the way out to absurdity. Some of them have two kitchens, one for meat and one for dairy, to make sure not even a molecule mixes. And you can't put cheese on chicken even though it is not a mammal. But you can put cheese on fish.
Also as an engineer I am impressed that they would build an air powered wheelchair for this purpose.

I thought it was because you aren't allowed to create fire and buttons and switches may make a spark inside them when tripped. That's why a Jewish friend growing up told me he couldn't play Nintendo on Saturday anyway.

How does even steer itself if it's completely air powered? Got any ideas?

ok goyim, i'll explain:

first of all, only orthodox jews do not activate electricity on Shabbat. second, there is an exception to the rule, or any other jewish rule, which is preservation of human life overrides virtually any other religious consideration.

Same way an electric one would. Each drive wheel has its own "motor" and the joystick would operate mechanical valves to send differential air pressure to the motors to steer. It's not like it's blowing the air out the back like a rocket.

>preservation of life
Story time
>walking the dog Saturday afternoon
>walk past Jew house on the block, notice trash can in the driveway is ON FUCKING FIRE
>Jews staring at it making faces
>Call fire department
>Grab hose from neighbor house, suppress fire
>FD arrives, starts asking questions
>"oh, we're not allowed to do anything with fire on the Sabbath"

>cannot use electricity on the Shabbat

This is islam-tier retardation

>to see the true nature of the jew, one must only observe how the treat their own god

>he names the goyim