Blacks Can't Pay Water Bills in Chicago

They live next to a huge freshwater lake! Its like mismanagement and corruption is endemic to black populations.

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What do you expect from Sub-Saharan Africans?

Wow, it's almost like poor people should stop popping out fuck trophies they can't afford. I have no sympathy for these morons.

Going back to their native ways.

I bet they know how to steal it.

How much does water even cost there? Here is $1 for 1000L.

unironically this

I wouldn't drink out of the lake water near Chicago, that's 200 years of industrial waste and corpses of state's witnesses in there. Anyways a water bill is probably one of the lowest cost utilities an American family will have, not being able to pay it is just being stingy or an example of poor budgeting. In Detroit they had this problem too, basically every black family in the city just stopped paying the water bill because the city was so ineffective it would never get around to shutting your water off or penalizing you. It got to the point where liberals were protesting during the debt crisis because the city manager was actually forcing people to pay their water bills, pic related

>controversial practice of shutting of water for unpaid bills
It's been standard practice since the construction of city plumbing networks a hundred years ago but it suddenly becomes controversial now lol

I wanna see what kind of car she drives.

yep, negroes still equal cancer......

She's got money for food that's for sure

High tax rates voted for by blacks drove out business, which drove out the productive tax base of their communities. This also lowered property taxes because properties are worth less.
The cost of maintaining the water system is the same even though the tax base is gone. That cost has to be recouped so users get a rate hike.
Not to mention mismanagement, corruption, and everything else that goes hand in hand with a black majority area. See below

>One of the more egregious examples of water mismanagement has occurred in south suburban Harvey, where, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 36 percent of the population lives in poverty and 95 percent are African-American or Latino.
>But in court documents from litigation Chicago filed against Harvey in 2012, Harvey acknowledged that for several years starting in 2008 it received millions of gallons of water a day from the city, resold it and failed to pay Chicago.
>The financially wracked community also admitted in court documents that it had used money earmarked for water payments to cover unrelated loans.
>In 2014, Harvey entered into a court-monitored agreement with Chicago to repay the debt.
>But in July, the judge found Harvey had repeatedly violated the agreement and ordered a receiver to take control of the suburb’s water fund, saying Harvey’s leaders “failed to grasp the severity of their years of illegal conduct.”
>In her ruling, Cook County Circuit Judge Kathleen Pantle said millions of dollars were missing and $26 million was misspent. Those funds, which should have been used to pay off the debt to Chicago, were instead diverted to other accounts, the judge found.

How much is she paying for cable?

supply and demand. If water was free, it would be all used up in a week.

Chimpcongo is the next Detroit, why can't Democrats and Niggers into management?

>Implying they don't just piss on the ground next to whatever pile of roots and rats they've managed to gather for food.

I live in Arizona. If I stopped paying my water bill, the water company will shut off my water even if it is 120 degrees outside.

Maybe those dumb fucking niggers should get jobs so they can afford the cheapest fucking utility there is.

What happens when you let niggers run a town?

What happens when a good person. I won't even call them a black person. She is mixed anyway. When a good person runs your town?

You don't have nigger water or nigger prices.

>ay gurl y u leave da shower runin all day if ya not takin a shower?
>cuz FUCK WHITE PPL AND THEY WATAH we doin it to protest racism #ShowerPower
>aight i finna go turn mine on too
*water bill goes up*
*chimpout ensues*

85 bucks a month for water is a bit steep desu, but how else are g-ds chosen people gonna make a living I guess.

It's probably only that high in the first place because so many people don't pay their damned water bills. The utility probably has to jack up the rates so that its paying customers (what few there are) make up the difference.

i pay like $12/m for water, what's up with that?

In fairness we pretty much had free water, but then (((Thatcher))) privatised it for shekels. This caused huge issues because, just like with any (((company))), (((they))) said "hmm, how do we make maximum gold at minimum cost?" and then basically jacked the price up and stopped actually treating the water. For nearly a decade we had some of the shittest water in Europe purely because of that fact.
Then Commie (((Corbyn))) came along and said he would nationalise everything that was privatised by (((Thatcher))) until someone asked him where he was planning on getting the tens of billions of pounds it would cost to do and his simple solution was "bring in more immigrants".
That's the two main parties in my country. The one who looks out for (((themselves))) and is open about it, and one who looks out for (((themselves))), but pretends it's for the goys benefit.

Or a cell phone bill? Or a car? Or other luxuries?

People have no sense of sacrifice or budgeting anymore. They see every Tom Dick and Harry on TV with the newest phone, car, TV, whatever. They think that's how everyone should live and their throw all their money at it. Paycheck to paycheck. I have no sympathy, none whatsoever. I've been in those situations; I didn't have a car for 2 years and biked to work to be able to save money and buy things I needed. I sacrificed to be able to not stress over a goddamn water bill because I budget and save. These people shouldn't get a break and don't feed me that "disenfranchised" bullshit. Last I checked, it's fucking illegal to discriminate hires on the basis of race. I am so fucking sick of this defeatist mentality. Fuck them.

>"We spend money we don't have to buy things we cannot afford to impress people we don't like." - Dave Ramsey

There are other factors at play I'm sure. My water company deducts $5 from every bill if I set up auto-pay. Considering that they're in a city, I'm sure the maintenance costs for the water system is steep. Atlanta almost went broke years ago updating their pipes after residents told them they weren't footing the bill for their decades of ignorance.

If they haven't already, I'm sure these same blacks have carelessly polluted the lake anyway, since blacks think environmental protection is an exclusively white issue.

>blaming jews for this

maybe they're just incompetent negros?

shes got an easy $1000 on her fat ass alone

You were able to do that because you were raised with the appropriate values

That was a fantastic read