Can I be Jewish and not contribute to the downfall of western civilisation?

Can I be Jewish and not contribute to the downfall of western civilisation?

I didn't ask to be born this way. Why should I be the subject of open hostility and Jewish guilt?

It is your duty to dismantle the Jewish elite from within and liberate the Jewess into the laps of black men

Being jewish is going to be a big problem for you when we start the cleansing.


that doesn't sound very fair
I thought Whites were compassionate

Simple, just don't be a Zionist. Work in a field that ISN'T Finance or Law, so that your efforts put a real world impact on society, as opposed to fixing the rules so they tend to benefit your people or parasitically take money from the economy.

you have no power dip shit

so why am I going to be hanged?

Don't take it personally

Go back to the steppes where your genetic makeup belongs and we won't have any problems.

Because the sins of the Fathers shall visit upon the Children!

You wont idiot. What, you seriously think that the retards on this website will be able to mobilize in any way? Every time someome even tries to actually do something irl thats made presentable to the public (Enoch, Spencer, Southern etc) they call them kikes and shills. The demographic change will cause some white nationalist sentiment or maybe a general right wing shift but Ill be any autist here any amount of money that theie imaginary "day of the rope" will never happen. Its like, browse commie forums and theyre delusional enough to thimk that a communist revolution is going to happen, while irl all they are are angry kids, queers and losers. No different from Sup Forums. The MOST these shitposters can do is be a quasi-propaganda wing, as the case was with Trump's election. So enjoy your connections and live a normal life & get off Sup Forums, jewlad. And ignore the "purge is coming" larpers.

Some are but the anti-semites are absolutely vicious. They are sky high on Pepe and Monster energy drinks and they take no prisoners.

>Can I be Jewish and not contribute to the downfall of western civilisation?
climb ladder, collect evidence, squeal on everyone

If you're born jew, but you're against zionism and judaism you're good in my book, you can still redeem yourself

Yes. Many people complain about Shapiro, but I think hes doing good job massacrating lefties merithorically in a debate.

It is fair, because you refuse to dismantle the Jewish elite from within and liberate the Jewess into the laps of black men.

You can try to Jew the Jews, but being a pawn pays so well and it is such a comfortable job that once you enter it is really hard to leave.

Hitler had Jews in the SS. You'll be watched, but you can be spared. As long as you contribute to white causes and seek to dismantle Zionism, i won't put a bayonet through your chest

In the eyes of blacks you're white,in the eyes of chinks a weilao,in our eyes a kike...And a done goofed user.
Also maybe you aren't a full grown kike and your instincts haven't awaken,but you have them.
It's a pity your people wouldn't stop trying to fuck up with the west,some of your guys are alright,truly i think your people made a pact with a fucking volcano demon and are bound to fuck up whatever they touch,and try to corrupt/control it yet at the same time you have given the world some great things,if only you would all stop fucking with the west and leaching it would be great

>you done goofed user.
by being born?



You have to stop

I fucking hate being a mischling.