Hook the reader in the first chapter by saying the world of HxH has a lot of good shit and treasure to be find and...

>hook the reader in the first chapter by saying the world of HxH has a lot of good shit and treasure to be find and explore

>the story spent the first 25 chapter or so on an exam
>then fewer than 25 chapters in mc's best friend home
>then 25 more chapters on a tower of fighting arena while introduce power level and trainning
>then 25 more chapters in not-newyork city, introduced a bunch of badass called phantom troupe whom would never be the mc
>then 25 more chapters in a NOT-VIRTUAL WORLD with silly video game mechanics and antagonist with killa queen power. Don't forget trainning section
>then 25 chapters or more on how everyone is trying to defeat this totally impossible to kill power leveled creep called chimera ants that it took all mc's power and some important character's lives
>fewer than 25 chapters on a bunch of people voting and the half ass reunion of mc and his dad
>latest arc focusing on everyone decided to go to a suicidal journey into chimera ants' world, which is filled with 000.02% chance of survival and long ass power gap while having to dealth with high notabilities' inner power struggle for the throne

seriously, I think the theme about hunters is wasted when the manga was largely focus on power gap and power level fighting. Sure it is interesting to see the characters struggle to out smart their enemies, but shouldn't there be treasure to take, gourmet to taste and monster to hunt? At least one piece and toriko established this part pretty well.

It's called build up. If you want some rushed up shit go enjoy your bleach faggot.

>Never read the manga, but I've watched the entire anime (2011).
I believe that the entire series so far was just leading up to Gon meeting his father, and building up the characters and their power levels.
You probably know that it's on hyatis atm, but the "ending" left a hint that it might continue on to space travel. That sounds pretty fucking bad ass to me, then again, he may never continue the series.

Kill yourself, Huntard.


well that's pretty long consider this manga started from 1999 or so.

all I'm saying is that all the possible world building and adventure are kind of wasted


Because HxH isn't generic shounen shit.

I feel like you're wasting your life with some cheap entertaining shit. Seriously? Onepiece, Toriko? these are garbage manga for garbage humans.

Are you upset?

If you think rushed is a word that applies to bleach you clearly haven't read it.

>werz muh one piece clone
>le wacky dragonquest maymay
I knew HxH threads attracted cancer, but this is just uncalled for.



>Shalnark was actually a Kurta, we never saw him angry
>The Dark Continent is actually the Demon World, ripped straight from YYH
>A future arc with Gyro in Meteor City will take place
>The Dark Continent will be multiple stories, split up by the Zodiacs and every other established character
>Someone will die at the end of the expedition Biscuit or Melody. Leorio will have a mental breakdown on not being able to revive them with his current knowledge
>Nanika is a manifested Ai creature
>Gon will get his nen back, but at a price or a catch
>The next time Gon/Killua meet will be as adults or the final chapter
>Pariston will do something that fucks over everyone, somehow, someway
>Kurapika will be the main character from here on, with Leorio as his right-hand man
>Shizuku is the next Spider to die. Feitan will hold his own, but will want blood by any means necessary
>Machi will be the one to kill Hisoka, or will be the sole survivor of the Spiders.
>Hisoka may encounter Gyro and battle him while seeking the other Spiders. Possibly a break from DC's calamities
>The ending won't be a closure type, but business as usual, with the main characters doing their individual tasks
>Hisoka will spare Kalluto, out of fear of pissing off Illumi. Kurapika won't be so forgiving, leading to the Zoldycks coming after him and eventually leading into a Killua/Kurapika showdown
>The CA cast will return for an arc, possibly Meteor City or even the rescue party for the first expedition team
>The ancestors of the Kurta will be on DC, the current Kurta being an off-shoot of it

Why yes, it is a shonen series.

Greed Island was one of the most brutally boring pieces of manga I've ever read. As much fun as watching someone else grind lvls in an MMORPG. And then the art went to shit.

Don't expect more from shonen shit and Hiatus x Hiatus.

Yeah it was slow up until you get to the last half of it. Plus it introduced some very important side characters and added to the nen abilities.

i actually really like alot of this.

Hiatus? More like I hate dis

Bleach is far from rushed, I had to stop reading about 2 or 3 years after the anime ended because the manga was really fucking slow.

>18 years of build up


any news on the hiatus at all? togashi just did that interview with kishimoto recently right? i miss this manga so much...

>>The ancestors of the Kurta will be on DC, the current Kurta being an off-shoot of it

>Kurta are a violent warlike race. To prevent their blood lust from happening, kurapika's ancestor led an exodus away from DC to the current setting
>years later into modern day, the evil clan at DC went Aizen and plotted a massacre to his traitor brethren. First by adopting a boy would be known as Chrollo Lucifer, train him and have him recruit strong people just to wipe out the traitor.
>chimera ants is also his doing, that he wounded the queen on purpose and have her drift to NGL
>dark continent is actually survivable. The previous casualty from many expeditions are due to the evil kurtas' interference.
>Ging, Netereo, Zzigy and hour'sdehour knew about this and kept it a secret

I doubt it would happened since the mastermind ultimate antagonist cliche is popular in jump comic. Toriko, Bleach, Naruto, Gintama and SHOKUGEKI NO SOMA.

There is some weird rumor originated by the editor and reported by some newbie mangaka about the hiatus being shorter than usual, 13 unpublished finished chapters and Togashi actually working on it.
Also there is an upcoming special on November that shows off his creation workflow.
Some people suggest further information will be available once volume 34 is announced.
Don't get your hopes up though, as HxH is always on the disappointment side when it's about hiatuses.

Author is a lazy shit. Don't expect chapters any time soon.

no chapters this year last i heard

Nice meme.

From who? Your uncle who works at Togashi?

My uncle lives on Naoko's breast


Yes, it's a fact that your post is a meme.

Don't give low-tier shitposters attention


Last I heard the author was going to give up on the manga and just continue where the anime left off.

Togashi and his wife must be the craziest couple ever if her comics are based on reality.
I'm pretty sure they are too.


>The ancestors of the Kurta will be on DC, the current Kurta being an off-shoot of it
>The CA cast will return for an arc, possibly Meteor City or even the rescue party for the first expedition team
>Hisoka will spare Kalluto, out of fear of pissing off Illumi. Kurapika won't be so forgiving, leading to the Zoldycks coming after him and eventually leading into a Killua/Kurapika showdown
>The ending won't be a closure type, but business as usual, with the main characters doing their individual tasks
>Hisoka may encounter Gyro and battle him while seeking the other Spiders. Possibly a break from DC's calamities
>Machi will be the one to kill Hisoka, or will be the sole survivor of the Spiders.
>Shizuku is the next Spider to die. Feitan will hold his own, but will want blood by any means necessary
>Kurapika will be the main character from here on, with Leorio as his right-hand man
>Pariston will do something that fucks over everyone, somehow, someway
>The next time Gon/Killua meet will be as adults or the final chapter
>Gon will get his nen back, but at a price or a catch
>Nanika is a manifested Ai creature
>Someone will die at the end of the expedition Biscuit or Melody. Leorio will have a mental breakdown on not being able to revive them with his current knowledge
>The Dark Continent will be multiple stories, split up by the Zodiacs and every other established character
>A future arc with Gyro in Meteor City will take place
>The Dark Continent is actually the Demon World, ripped straight from YYH
>Shalnark was actually a Kurta, we never saw him angry

Go read One Piece for your wacky adventure, newfag. HxH is a psychological manga more about the inner workings of characters than some adventure or fighting.

Most of this was a crapshoot, but some of scenarios are laid out.

It is tho

I wish that were true.


>doing it for Kurapika and not Zeno

What's stopping you from making your own?