How would YOU like it if YOU were enslaved?

How would YOU like it if YOU were enslaved?

Whites were slaves at one point. Then we went to the moon.

>implying i wouldn't kill my captors

Nice slide thread

It would suck, it was a cultural norm for the day but got rid of it justifiably so, wasn't worth fighting a war over though, and they most definitely should have shipped them all back to Africa

I'd fight to the death before allowing myself or my family to be sold into slavery.

>>TFW not low IQ obedient mudrace

Correct answer. Not worth the trouble, ship em back and quarantine Africa. GG. We fucked up.


We were, for a much longer period of time

Damn blacks really do get ashy af if they dont moisturize

we didnt so instead of screeching kangs and asking for gibs we murdered the slaughtered the mudslimes

now dont cry when you get hurt by white mans fire sticks

i would fight as well

I am enslaved

Most people are slaves in some way.
Fiat currency is jewish slavery.
A debt based economy makes the slaves more likely to turn on each other than unite. It's a self organizing prison of servitude to jewish bankers.

Why would I allow myself to be enslaved idiot?

I don't like it, but I pay my taxes anyways.

Beat me to it

i am enslaved

My ancestors were enslaved by the Romans and I got over it. Try it some time, darkie.

Blacks enslaved the Jews to build the pyramids.

I wouldn't like it very much so first i would find like minded slaves that also did not like being enslaved. then I would find like minded slavers who also felt guilty for their privilege of enslaving me. then i'd find a boat. load it up with stuff and sail away to somewhere else and enslave all the people who came with me.

meh, at least I'd have a goal in life, to be physically free if not mentally

Weak bait. The shills are trying to slide the boards like crazy

Black are little babies compared to Serbs when it comes to Slavery

>implying that the mudniggers didn't enslave Mediterraneans.
>Implying that if the roles were switched they wouldn't enslave us too

We are all enslaved

I'd love it, now put on those chains nigger

How would YOU like it ? Because YOU were never a slave. So YOU don't know what it's like, either. YOU stupid nigger.

I was. My caseworker at the Calgary Young Offender Center was named Ramona, I do not remember the last name. She ran a unit called Sparrohawk, which was intended to be open custody after the open custody center got shut down.

But it was run exactly the same as every other unit, and was defiantly NOT open custody, the only difference was that an open-custody prisoner could apply to a wider range of programs, if Ramonna allowed it.

She decided that I should be sent to a work camp up north. I was sentenced to open custody for the sole purpose of having several addiction programs open up to me (ward of gov, no alternative to fun this kind of thing as I had no family ect).

Ramona was unhappy that I came to her unit with a judge's caveat that I get into programs as soon as possible as it was not his intent to have me stay in prison any longer then I already had while on trial ect.

I did not want to play along with her bullshit and tried to contact the judge and almost got through to him until ramonna hung up the phone, and threw me in the Kitchner unit for 4 weeks.

The Kitchener unit is solitary, no bed, nothing in your room but a toilet, you are naked with a canvas babydoll which you can wear or use as a bed or a blanket. I was 6'4 at the time, they gave me one intended for 12 year old girls.

After weeks of being in this room (and being hosed down every morning) Ramonna asked if I was ready for work camp.

And so I went, to build a shitty little bridge connecting some seismic paths in wilderness of northern Alberta.

The moment I was handed a chainsaw, I used it to procure the vehicle of the idiot who was stupid enough to hand it to me, drove until I found a rest stop, and exchanged the shackle bus for a camper.

After months at large I was able to get a hold of the judge again who talked me into turning myself in and promised (and delivered) actual treatment like I was supposed to get.

My ancestors were slaves. Don't see me crying about it.

btw the addiction I sought treatment for was a sleeping pill addiction foisted upon me by (junkie) foster parents who used several types of sleeping pills as a babysitter for me. Every day they would give them to me when I got home from school, or whenever they felt like it on weekends, sometimes for the entire weekend.

My issue was not just with addiction, my sleep was extremely screwed up, which is why it was so hard to find a treatment program for me as I needed more then regular drug and alcohol counseling.

I was in medical distress when sent to the work camp. There is no way that Ramona did not know all of this unless she did not even read my case file, which itself would have been a dereliction of her duties.

They tried to use me as slave labour while I was actively at risk of seizures, after having neglected my condition for an entire month while I was in solitary.

I'd probably deserve it.


what happened to Ramona? Did you killed the bitch?

>implying we are not already slaves


Whites were slaves in much larger number and much longer than niggers and we built civilization. Niggers are still complaining about it and asking for gibs me dats

>be slav

The word "Slave" comes from "Slav".

Almost every race has both been and participated in using slaves at some point.

The biggest traders of African slaves were the Africans themselves.
Know why?
Because slaver has NEVER EVER been a RACE THING.

It has ALWAYS been a class thing.
If you're on the bottom of the pyramid, you're a slave, that's it, that's how it works.

The race-baiting is just that; baiting. Trying to distract you from the reality of what slavery is.

Honestly at the time she did not even crack the top ten of shitty adults in my life, I wasn't mad at her, like with most people who wronged me as a youth, I didn't even understand how badly she was breaching public trust until years later.

Also I do not attack people. I was in for hitting back, not for hitting first.

It's funny that they only care about the white slave owners.
Not the black slave owners.
Not the jewish slave owners.
Only the white ones are accountable. It's almost like there is some kind of ulterior motive behind it.