Am already red pilled but not into this whole jew thing and globalist elite thing

Am already red pilled but not into this whole jew thing and globalist elite thing...
It seems to be the next stage of beeing fully woke.
Woke me up /pol

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

literally everything is here

you aren't ready, I will literally make your fucking head explode bro your power level will be max

I will tear you down and rebuild you as a God, but the life you now know will be gone forever and you will not be able to associate with mortals anymore only other Gods

I'm actually scarred

well if you want to know let me know

I want to know... and what video on your channel do you recommend me watching first to slowly get into it and not beeing overthrown with information

Read Mein Kampf: Stalag Edition, the only officially authorized version of the book, which is available for free online.


This will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the Jewish demon, which has been subverting nations since Rome.

watch this playlist first

Watch them in the order they were uploaded they were uploaded in that order for a reason.

You don't have to watch multiples on the same topic unless you want to know everything about that topic,for example there are multiple Illuminati multiple communists etc, tldr the kikes are the communists and Illuminati as I said you may not need to watch them all on the same topic but makes you watch the playlists and videos on every topic I would watch at least 95% of them, they paint a mosaic so to speak, only after watching them all will you see the gestalt and achieve Gnosis

I have a hard copy of Mein Kampf, but can't find the translators name anywhere in it. Could this be true cannon? Or is it a Jew forgery? It's published by Jaico Books if that helps.

ok buddy

kiss your innocence and naivety goodbye
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." (KJV)

If it's not the Stalag Edition, then it likely has been censored in some way. You can purchase a hard copy of the Stalag Edition, as well.

globalism = killing the white race and erasing them from history through Hijrah

>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%

>Winston Churchill exposes Jewish forces behind Communism

>Europa - The Last Battle

>In his book, Unnatural Deaths in the U.S.S.R.: 1928-1954, I.G. Dyadkin estimated that the USSR suffered 56 to 62 million "unnatural deaths" during that period, with 34 to 49 million directly linked to Stalin.
>In Europe A History, British historian Norman Davies counted 50 million killed between 1924-53, excluding wartime casualties.
>Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, a Soviet politician and historian, estimated 35 million deaths.
>In his acclaimed book The Great Terror: Stalins Purge of the Thirties, Anglo-American historian Robert Conquest said: We get a figure of 20 million dead [under Stalin], which is almost certainly too low and might require an increase of 50 percent or so.

jews = global cabal of rich and powerful cannibal paedophile bankers and CEOs

here, thank me on the other side:
>The FBI Rogue Informant Theory
>The Live Fire Drone Demo + Patsy Theory
>The Failed PsyOp Scenario
>The Lone Wolf Fallback Plan
>The Gun Deal Gone Bad Assumption
>The FBI False Flag
>The CIA False Flag
>The CIA Op Gone Sideways Scenario
>The 3-letter Op crashed by another 3-letter Op
>The Antifa Made Me Do It Speculation
>The Let's Start Civil War 2.0
>The -John user Theory
>The Left Wing Gun Grab Speculation
>The Sightseeing Saudis Explanation
>The Aborted VIP Assassination
>The Cartels Show They Run Bartertown Theory
>The Distraction
>The Two Towers
>The Assasitnation of Trump by Sheldon Andelson
the red pill:
>The Sup Forums investigative CIA AI learning (!)


It says "Unexpurgated Edition".
I've read most of it, if it has been altered, it still tackles tge JQ pretty well.

With the intention to create an underclass with the 90IQ sweetspot (smart enough to work, dumb enough to not rebel), which they will rule with an iron fist

The European man gets in the way of that, and they intend to eliminate him gradually, so before he realizes what is going on it will be too late. Make no mistake, they would be killing us like the Bolsheviks did if it called for it.

There is a channel on youtube called Johnny Gat is his latest one .. this is a logical approach without the need for magic it's geopolitical correct but very politically incorrect for goys mainstream media narrative consumption

I wouldn't worry about this thread anymore as I said everything is where I told you no one here can tell you anything more than what I have given you, good luck brother if you have any questions just leave a comment

Communism was not created by the masses to overthrow the bankers, Communism was created by the bankers to overthrow and enslave the masses.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. “We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But: without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism.

The Money Masters

I will give the people here a quick tip though, none of you have any clue how deep this deception goes or what they are hiding


>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up

This has all been orchestrated for 1000's of years, none of it is by accident or coincidence


Seems to be the same as the Stalag Edition.

Welcome to the desert of the real. It will take some time to get used to your brain is in atrophy because you have never used it. I am God tier red pilled and one of the most dangerous men alive to them, if I had a platform that threatened them I would be dead already. I have such secrets to show you desu ....
You really do have no idea how deep this goes

Legit redpill here


Looks like a cult lol

brother knows all other red pills are red herrings I am showing you where it all ends

It's a wonderful book. It's a shame Hitler's been made out as such a Boogeyman, there's alot of motivating passages that make me want to improve my life.

KB's relating to this topic can be found here:

Thread archives(take the time to read all OP's): Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>Asimov 33rd degree free mason

read Dan Brown books, read Asimov foundation series

fuck off you retarded faggot, you have no clue whatsoever what I am talking about here you are a LARPing moron

you know jack shit

1000 bucks this faggot tries to pass off what I am telling you here in a few days like he did when I exposed the Charlotsville CIA op. This is bodhi mantra so you know don't listen to this moronic faggot you know I just gave you the real deal, there are no more red pills when you swallow what I am giving you

>red pilled
>”not buying the whole jew thing”

Pick one

jews did the holocaust
jews also did the holocaust denial
they are on both sides
they want to see 100,000,000 white kids raped and killed
just to see a prophecy in a shitty book fulfilled
they are seeking to destroy europe as they think they'll always be the shitty arab-cousins if they don't
they are arabs
who raped whites fuckloads of years ago
and kept the children
and became a race of rapists

Here is a prominent Jew explaining how the WWI and WWII were entirely contrived and orchestrated to destroy the German people, and America has essentially been a surrogate imperial army since WWI.

everything you've been taught about history is a lie.

Here is the dope my bros fuck WWI and WWII the war between Judea and Rome never ended, and now they are pretty partners in fucking us all

There is a game being played against humanity for the simple goal of having the many serve the few. This goal is accomplished not with force, but by tricking humanity into a submissive role. The heart of the game is what is known as the Law. It is Common Law knowledge that humanity stands above government and government serves man. But by way of trickery, humanity is persuaded to submit their authority and serve beneath government through contracts.

Under Common Law so long as a human being does no harm to another's property, which includes their body, then one remains a free sovereign individual. All other laws are known as statutory laws and by definition they require an agreement of both parties. In other words, if you don't agree to a statute law, then you are not obligated by it. We are tricked into agreement with tactics seen in the video below.

In the video our hero was given a name, or a legal entity, at birth; KEITH THOMPSON. And this name is legally owned by the Crown of England and subject to Admiralty/Maritime Law. Our hero is not KEITH THOMPSON, he is not a name or a legal entity, he is a living soul incarnated in human form. But if a Judge can get our hero to contract, or to agree that he is KEITH THOMPSON, then he submits to the authority of the Crown and agrees to the statute laws. Game, Set, Match.

It happens every day. This is all carefully written into the letter of the Law and therefore is considered fair play. Didn't you read all the rules? What the tyrants call fair play, I call a deceitful trap, but the reality is that you can beat the game. It is no different than a bully in the school yard yelling at you to "Come Here".

You have no obligation to obey the bully, but if you do submit and obey, then through your actions you are agreeing to be the subordinate. The same applies with government, if you agree that you are the NAME then you agree to be the subordinate. And if you obey an order, then through your actions you agree to be the subordinate. (pic 1) In the video you will see the Judge playing these two strategies against our hero.

He attempts to get our hero to identify himself as the legal entity KEITH THOMPSON, and he attempts to intimidate him into submission by barking orders and calling on the (pic 2) court-room officers to forcibly remove him.

Our hero knows who he is, he knows he is the only true authority and because he knows this, he acts the part; honorable and peaceful, he does not identify himself as the legal entity, he is not intimidated by the bully tactics, and as you will see in the video, (pic 3) the Judge ends up bowing to him as the sovereign just before fleeing the court-room.

Judges bow, it is a ritual they perform at the start and end of the day, but this was not the end of his day. He bowed to our hero just before abandoning the court-room, to give way to his authority. (pic 4) Our hero then lawfully takes command of the court and dismisses the charges before leaving peacefully and of his own free will.

It's a simple game being played against us and we have been conditioned to think that we need permission, we have been conditioned to be intimidated by uniformed bullies, and we have been conditioned to believe that we are bound by every ridiculous law written.

The solution: know who you are, know that you are free, do no harm, and submit to no one. Personal freedom is your birth right and the truth shall set you free. Knowledge is the key.

To gain more knowledge I recommend the following website: Creditors In It is full of free information and links to most of the other info you can find on the web.

If just a small percentage of us stand up to tyranny and act peacefully and honorable then the game will soon end.

rise my niggers you have been initiated into the SS Black Sun, I just gave you the arcanum you are now Gods among men

Blood and Soil

Ok I got a first idea of what your believes are.. I have to get more into it to know for myself if I believe this.. but lets just say that all you believe in is true and you know it all.. how do you live with that? I seriusly want to know how your life looks like because I cant picture me going outside skating or whatever while knowing that everything everyone around me believes is a lie...
Even I am annoyed that I only have 2 other red pilled friends and everyone else in my class believes in the fucking wage gap or shit like this... but I cant picture not going crazy knowing all of this...

>how do you live with that
I give the gift of Gnosis to others
> I seriusly want to know how your life looks like
pic related/song related
> I cant picture me going outside skating or whatever while knowing that everything everyone around me believes is a lie
I warned you before we got started

I told you I was not joking they kill people for telling you what I am telling you, they killed the maker of that song for releasing that album

I told you, you got no idea how deep this goes pic related

I literally gave you what they gave to Black Sun/Vrill/Thule adepts,no one is just given this information, this shit has been gaurded for 10's of 1000's of years you are now SS I was not LARPing

Who do you think makes these pepe esoteric images dropping the red pills bros? Have you never taken 5 minutes to wonder why all the PEPES are Egyptian or what the numbers or poses mean? Of course you didn't because you were a mortal then now you are God we never left you we have been dormant waiting but not gone

>tfw you are too woke and everything seems hopeless

>too woke
Knowledge is power
>everything seems hopeless
see light the fire, we are all around you user find us and join us

I bought one of those replica statues on amazon


check'd and kek'd