The Alt-Right

i need you all to tell me EXACTLY what the Alt-Right stands for, and its political ideologies it carries.

Currently a Libertarian, but i'm sick of seeing whats going on in our world today, and I want a change. I want my children, and their children to prosper in a world without all of these disgraceful problems we're dealing with in our society.

Other urls found in this thread:

What is the news that should be discussed instead of this obvious slide thread?

*not a slide thread, your a nigger


Bump, I also want to know this. The more videos from alt-righters I watch, the more it makes sense and appeals to me, but I also have friends of color I'd like to keep in my life.


for the interests of the European people

From what I can see, the Alt Right isn't one single movement, but a collection of various different groups. The only thing that completely unites them is being pro-white.




longcat is long

The alt-kike is a deep state psyop now.

Alt Right is traditionalist white nationalism in the English-speaking world. As long as you believe in a white nation being good and support traditional European values and morality, you can consider yourself 'Alt-right'

Haha Stargate sg 1

There are a lot of different political ideologies which people in the "AltRight" have. Some are libertarians, some are fascists. The most people though are something between that.
What really unites us as a group is that we are aware of the white genocide / replacement of our people in all white countries all over the world, by immigration and systematically lowering white fertility rates etc., and we all want to stop that.
Some people might be afraid and don't want to be part of the AltRight because they think it's anti-semitic and or "white supremacist". I can assure you that 95% if not more are only against bad jews. The zionist jews, the jews who work to destroy us. Those who run the media and who brainwash us with their influence. Most of us also aren't "white supremacist" if you define that as the will to oppress non-whites, especially black people, establish slavery again etc.. We are race realists however and acknowledge that there are fundamental differences between the races, as an example, black people have in average lower IQs than white people.

Our goals basically are to secure the existence of white people, in the USA, Europe, and everywhere in the world where we are. We don't want to rule over non-whites and oppress them, or re-open the concentration camps are whatever our enemies are telling you. We are 100% peaceful, unless we are attacked first.

Again, this is what the most people in the AltRight probably will tell you, but there also are some hardcore NatSocs here who want to oppress other people or whatever.

White nationalism.

Alt right is whatever you want it to be man. Thats what makes it so great.
For me its anti communist mixed with white pride.

Basically just pick your flavour and start telling the establishment where to go

White nationalism. Not necessarily 1488, but 14 at the very least.

That's retarded

Nah. Retarded is dividing the alt right over trivial shit.

this should explain it

So here's the background of the "Alt Right" term:

A lot of people were very unhappy with the term "right" leading up to the US election. They felt that the "right" (conservatives) were as globalist and pro-immigration as the left, and anti-nationalism.

What these people had IN COMMON:

- Nationalism
- Unhappy about existing-right wing because it was so globalist (pro-immigration)
- Against an extremely big government

What these people DID NOT HAVE IN COMMON:

- Extremely much, including questions like e.g. should we condemn antisemitism or should we praise Hitler

So people were desperate for a term other than "right".

The term appeared, and immediately a number of folks started calling themselves "alt-right". However, none of those who used it originally were anti-semitic. An example is Milo Yiannopolous.

Suddenly a bunch of anti-semitic people started using it about themselves as well. The people who used it first didn't want to be associated with those or that, so they gradually stopped using it. It turned into a label that doesn't really mean anything other than "Non-Mainstream-Republican-Party".

I'd advise against using it. Good labels have connotations built into them, so you can understand from the words at least something of what it's about, e.g. "NEO-MODERNISM" (some kind of new, recent take on an older modernism movement). "ALT-RIGHT" is a retard term because it says nothing other than "DIFFERENT RIGHT".

^ This is the correct answer. It is not meant as a criticism of any group calling itself alt-right today, just a criticism of the term.

one last bump, some great answers so far


Richard Spencer is a homosexual jew and controlled opposition. Christianity is a Zionist Hoax.

Going by what Hans Hoppe’s said, alt-right essentially describes people who are unhappy with widespread degeneracy and the current political establishment, which they see as intrinsically linked.

That’s about it. It’s a very narrow descriptor. Everyone agrees about the problem, there’s no agreement about the solution. Alt-right fascists/nazis want a centralized government to crack down on degenerate behaviors, while alt-right libertarians/ancaps want the free market to act as a sort of Darwinian eugenics program to weed out all forms of degeneracy.

It's basically small government, pro-freedom conservatism with a patriotic, traditionalist bent and a disdain for conservatives who have sold out to huge multi-national globalist corporations and international banks. Pro-tradition, anti-tyranny, including the tyranny of unrestrained globalism. It's about making sure our kids have the same sort of opportunities and culture that we had, maybe a bit even a bit better/fairer.

Such thinking is a huge threat to certain business interests, and a major threat to the democratic party who has more or less abandoned labor for cultural/identity based politics, so there's been a major effort to rebrand the movement as nazi and racist. To say our heritage, culture and land matter and shouldn't be sold out to international business is certainly not to be a nazi. Don't let them fool you.

It's hard to define what exactly the Alt-right stands for. I would say the main point which all Alt-righters agree on, the point which distinguishes them from the Alt-lite, is that race is real and highly predictive of certain behaviors.

Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia 42 years ago. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Weinstein scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.

Get this trending. Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Hugh Hefner was scum.

Share these links via your social media as well.

Alt right is basically identity politics for white people

Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity. That's it. Anything else you believe is fine.

It used to be a term for alternative to the mainstream right, so pro-nationalist, protectionist of industry, more nation centred policy drives basically what the USA was like pre-Civil War in terms of the Unions stance on economic policy.

>EXACTLY define this ideology for our data mining and strategy thread goy

bum for this:


The alt-right is post-ironic.

Things often said ironically are said unironically, things often said unironically are said ironically, and there is no often no real effort from the speaker to distinguish what means what to an untuned listener.

There is no leader, not even man in your pic related, and there is no appointed representative to explain to you what the Alt-Right stands for.

The argument of anyone who tells you otherwise is literally Talmudic.

Fashy Haircuts

The alt-right is a white identitarian movement for americans. It's that fucking basic.

It's not populist Trump supporters nor is it National Socialists.

Nothing good will come from the alt-right as they are a bunch of idiots, groomed to make white people like retarded. Listen to literally any speech by Richard Spencer and you might understand what I'm talking about.

Most are just racist liberals. They want the same society we have now, but less minorities. That's it. If you want a coherent ideology, look into the part of the alt right that emphasizes faith, like the Traditionalist Worker's Party.

so much o vey in this thread. At this point its full on 1488 whites are under attack by the vile jew and their sinful allies.

Now? I think it's the opposite and elements of the deep state still exist in it but, genuine movements have joined. This is why you are such a push against it. Also agent involvement only becomes an issue of you plan to break the law. So don't break the law and, you'll have no actual problem. It works with Antigua and commies because they're not the best at not breaking the law

Nothing more, nothing less.

All whites are under attack it's just the trouble makers have to go first.

>Currently a Libertarian

>The zionist jews, the jews who work to destroy us.

I've seen enough 'based Israelis' on here that I think the Zionists have got their homeland, so they're not subverting us anymore. Why would they want to destroy Europe? It's the liberal Jews who still live in white countries and want to 'rot' them a bit to make them more comfortable.

>i need you all to tell me EXACTLY what the Alt-Right stands for, and its political ideologies it carries.
Nothing. It's a meme
>but i'm sick of seeing whats going on in our world today, and I want a change.
Oh wait, no that's it right there. Exactly that. It's the fuck you right. It's the people who have become disgusted by what we've become and don't really care if Donald Trump's a perv so long as he sticks it to them and don't really care if Milo's a pedo jew so long as he sticks it to them and don't really care if Richard Spencer is a nazi so long as he sticks it to them.

I don't care if we don't have a coherent ideology, I don't care if we crash the country the way things are now is monstrous and repulsive. I don't care who brings it down. Just no commies.

It's an obvious strawman made by raging niggerloving faggots for other raging niggerloving faggots to attack so they all can feel they accomplished something in their worthless lives for once.

>inb4 hurr durr Hillary controlled opposition psyop
The Alt-Right is a white identity movement seeking to advance white interests without the baggage of Nazism, the KKK or other, older "WN 1.0" groups which have made these types of politics toxic. It seeks to promote these views via intellectual and factual means and with a significant focus on aesthetics and presentation. Its rejects multiculturalism and its ultimate goal is for the separation of peoples into their own distinct and homogenous states.

it's a strawman term used to demonize everyone against the establishment as being basically actually nazis. it's been somewhat successful. but it's not a term anyone should be using frankly, it's not a term popularized by the media to label us for our benefit. there is no more alt right there never was

stop using that term alt right fucking wogs

The alt-right is an imaginary umbrella term for "right wing ideologies the MSM doesn't tolerate".

no thats the official mainstream definition. the majority of the alt right is a bunch of alt light civic nationalists, many of them not even white. lumped in with decent white interest advocates and full on nazi racists in order to dsicredit anyone standing against the establishment.

1) identify your enemies with a label
2) get your enemies to identify with a label
3) further define the label by adding full on nazi racists
4) now eveyone against the establishment can be defined as a nazi

"alt right" is a bad term and we shouldn't use it

This is the definitive expository paper on the Alt-Right written by the (in)famous radical White cleric Andre Wanglin.

it's okay to be libertarian on some issues, and not on others.

Just because you describe yourself as libertarian doesn't mean that other people get to then tell you what you think about every issue.

Consider this before you go full alt-right and get 1488 tattooed on your forehead... you can still vote for lower taxes and advocate strong borders/less immigration

I do like pic related tho

woop de fucking doo
strawman term, get with the program/ fuckin nu-nazis are slow

It's not Israel itself that's subverting US politics, it's more diaspora Jews working as Zionist agents in the US government that are sending millions of shekels every year to Israel and pushing for open borders in the US. Bibi Netanyahu himself likely has little to do with it.