Unbiased News Sources

What is THE most unbiased, unpoliticized, news source that just reports the FACTS?
We used to have the Based Morning Leader but now everything looks like The Yellow Press 2: Electric Boogaloo.
I head Salon is pretty centrist, though.

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Are there any other newspapers like the Morning Leader?

Salon is communist trash almost on the same level as Motherjewnes.

All I want is to be able to get the facts.

What's wrong with Communism?

unironically Sup Forums

The notion of news being objective is silly. Everyone has opinions and biases and goals that they want to achieve when they write about something so why not just transparently state your goals and implore people to explore any and every other source to create their own fully formed opinion on something

Kek, jk I was just pretending to be autistic.


Salon is trash.

Read pic related, exercise critical thinking and ask yourself :" who is profiting from this news?".

There isn't one. You have to use critical thinking and common sense to judge if something makes sense based off of the information you are provided or can find from multiple sources.

Hmmmmm good point

on TV, OAN. on interwebs, theoccidentalobserver.net/

Sup Forums

Digits confirmed. But in all honesty this is the truth. The only thing you can rely on any news to tell you is that something happened. That's it. You have to be able to recognize where spins and hot takes happen and decide how well they fit to you.

Sup Forums


I recommend Fox News and Fox Business , Breitbart, Info Wars, Rebel Media, Zero Hedge, and Trump's twitter feed for whats actually going on in this country.

>I head Salon is pretty centrist, though.
oh fuck dude. is this bait?

open borders and transgender hysteria. sure seems centrist to me!

Fox News


Also read Bernays' Propaganda.

Confirmed and confirmed.

A local bar and yearly reports of regional companies

Sup Forums is all you need desu

OANN and Washington Times are extremely underrated.

mcclatchydc.com/ is sometimes good.

Reuters has always been pretty great for me aside from the ocassional obvious jewish interference