Jewish Question?

What exactly is the Jewish question, and what is the correct answer?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Question: What role do Jews play in leading the direction the world is heading?
>Answer: They leech off of their host nations, become wealthy, and use that money to destroy their host nations and move to Israel

lurk more newfaggot

How many Jews does it take to plug in a lightbulb?

Question: Jews?
Answer: No.

question: should society throw away the bad apples? how often?
>your answer depends on how spoilt of an apple you are yourself

Q: recognition that jews are satanic pedophiles who engage in child sacrifice

A: gas.

kek this

Question: How do we get rid of the jews?
Answer: A real holocaust.

The Jewish question is whether or not they are white as they seem to always work against the interests of Whites and will betray Europeans at almost any given chance


It's just:
>What are we to do with the Jews?

Question: Could anybody go for a bagel and lox?

Answer: You know with a little cream cheese, it’s really not half bad


The question is, are you an asshole if you hate jews? The answer is yes.

wrong faggot

confederate jew

It amazes me how anyone can think that the Jews are leeches on our society.
>people of Jewish descent comprise less than 0.2% of the world's population.[4]
>As of 2017, people of Jewish descent constituted 36.71% of economics, 25.23% of medicine, 26.21% of physics, 19.77% of chemistry, 13.27% of literature and 8.65% of individual peace awards.

Now I know that Nobel Prizes aren't everything, and Jews certainly aren't perfect. My main two gripes with them are 1) circumcision and 2) Israel's seizure of Palestinian land. But by and large, Jews are very peaceful and intelligent people, and make a disproportionate contribution to the advancement of our society. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who says otherwise is just scapegoating.

>How many Jews does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, the Jews only screw us.

Not as outlandish as you might think.

> How many Jews can fit in a Kubbelwagen?

> 2 in the front, 2 in the back, and as many more as you want to make up because the holocaust wasn't real.

To be fair the original question wasn't really Jewish specific, just that it only really applied to Jews at the time.

Question: What do we do with a minority of people born and living in a country, but who have no loyalty to said country?

Were seeing a reemergence of similar issues in the west now with nigs, spics and sandnigs

As it is in heaven, so it shall be on Earth. There are no Jews in heaven.

A Jew awarding another Jew is like someone patting themselves on the back.


Even if the nepotism is as bad as you say, its hard to deny that a disproportionate amount of the West's intellectual productivity comes from Jews.

I'm not Jewish, but even if you suspect that I am, to end the argument there is to resort to ad hominem tactics.

Hey, it's Weevlos Faglos.

and even if you accept that jews are clever, it impossible to deny the net positive of their scientific contribution is massively outweighed by the damage they do to our societies. that damage is only exacerbated by their stranglehold in academia.


unironically this, but you can't deny that Jews are behind some of the most degenerate art, music and philosophy
Obviously the answer here isn't systematically murdering them, but rather defending our traditions instead of becoming mindless consumers of Hollywood filth

maybe not murdering them, but they simply cannot be allowed to have the same rights as non-jews in their host countries. even letting them live in your country is a bad idea. its like only letting yourself have a "little bit" of HIV.

Jews confirmed as optophobic vampires!

>intellectual productivity
>gender ideology, tranny studies, white privilege, we wuz, economic fraud schemes, and here and there an actual scientist doing the same shit a White person used to do before Jews usurped academia

Q: why are Jews better at everything?
A: because we're only competing with animals.

Q: If Mr. Goldbergsteinsilvercohenlevinsky has 500 shekels and decides to lend 50 to the goy, how many does Mr. Goldbergsteinsilvercohenlevinsky have now?

A: It depends what extortionate interest rate he charged.

Aside from the two issues I mentioned in my first post, I'm not really aware of any such damage.

>degenerate art, music and philosophy
"degenerate" is just a word right-wingers use for anything that they are disgusted by but are too lazy to construct a proper argument against.

If communism counts as "degenerate Jewish philosophy" though, I will at least agree with you on that. But I don't think America is in danger of becoming communist any time soon.

Yeah, I'm sure (((Einstein, Heisenberg, and Feynmann))) were totally just copying off of whites.

question: what do we do with them?
answer: ovens

Einstein literally was plagirizing, and Heisenberg wasn't Jewish.

The question is why is it jews that happen to be behind everything bad that happens to western civilization?
Why does AIPAC lobby western governments for all negative things that they would never allow in Israel?

Yes, there is.
First, one does so much 'research' on the internet, one find Jews more often than not. To the point it becomes 'weird.' Then the problems set in, you mouth off in public because you think you're in good company; and people start giving you shit. The same shit you read about in your 'research'. This leads to 'confirmation'. You turn inward; you start looking for more excuses to believe. You think you're actually making a difference. Some people are incapable of getting past this point. They ARE dangerous, I hope you don't know any, and I hope you're aren't one.

That said; they CAN be defeated. What I am about to say is cryptic on purpose. It is a lure; or a flare; like Jurassic Park:

Once you understand what Mel Blanc was thinking; they are no longer the Enemy. a most excellent sensation. Please find your way to it when you have Time.

I don't know but the bitch in your photo is a qt

if they invent that shit in israel it will be just as useful to us. they can do it there.

It's been a while since I brushed up, that was like, the 2nd in command or otherwise a super high up confederate, right? I'm blanking on the name.

So you think being label jewish is an ad hominem? Sounds like you hate jews too. So where's the beef?

Q: What do we do about these parasites.
A: Complete genocide.

Also you dumbass newfag.

Judah P. Benjamin. Confederate Secretary of State.

While I don't think the Jewish label is, in and of itself, bad, it is used on this board to discredit someone without addressing their argument. Therefore, it is an ad hominem.

>Once you understand what Mel Blanc was thinking; they are no longer the Enemy. a most excellent sensation. Please find your way to it when you have Time.

Is this to imply that Jews are Ubermensch? Or that Mel Blanc symbolizes shapeshifting as he was "the man of 1000 voices"

ID: Pos
Piece of shit
Opinion disregarded


People who hate on the jewish are just jealous.