ANNs can detect ethnicity

Are you really white?

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Can't detect Judaism



I can't wait to be told I'm a nigger. But at least it's free.

Hardest blackpill every white person needs to swallows is .....Jews are white. If southern euros are whites so are (((they))). You're worst enemy shares your blood.

>you're worst enemy



That is pretty much my score, too.

Bullshit I am absolutely not Hispanic.




I aint fallin' for your facial recognition database scheme.

Stop spreading Disinformation you kike you'll never be white.

Nazis BTFO

:( I was going to write you're related to your......but I changed my mind


1% Hispanic
1% Asian

I wonder (((who))) designed this (((app)))?

2% unknown

have the jews tricked us again?

Microsoft paint files don't work. ;_; tried to draw a Blackface.

Looks like Bruce isn't even more than 55%

Are you ?

>hey guys on top of all the other data mining here why dont you just upload a picture of your face to our (((servers)))

white on the phenotype level. This is facial recognition not a genetic test. This is objectively more important than your genetic result in everyday life.


I'm not European. But I'm a Christian, lets say Middle Eastern... So do I count as white now?

Hmmm; really make you think

guise this is bullshit glorious but bullshit nonetheless

That hair = at least 35% Hispanic.


>poo in loos are considered Asian

time to drop this dumb app

Funny shit Cat flag!



Mengele was compensating for something.



>it makes me 100% white

wtf is this racism???

>upload my pic
>99% white

I guess i'll let it off with the 1% error

that sure is a loose algo




It's just a picture where my hair is messy. I have straight hair.

2% Monkey

That 56% certainly isn't white either.


Well 99% white which is the highest it'll go but not too surprised given the (heritage?) site puts my family line as all Scandinavia with some noted within Scotland and Ireland. That said I really wouldn't put too much stock in this, kinda fun tho.


I don't know... I think I'm satisfied even though I'm missing 2%.






i have alzheimers



Who is she?



Of course we all know this is how CIAniggers get your face in a DB.

feels good to be white

I am laffin

astoundingly accurate. greatest fan


what is hispanic? My gf is chilean and 100% european








I got 99% white and nothing else. Where did the 1% go?


and 100% uma delĂ­cia


Jew isn't a category. Kinda makes you think huh user.


This site is shit. Just uploaded a photo of a friend (Brown/Blue) who is half White (Dad is Blonde/Blue) half Mexican (Mom is Brown/Blue). This site says she is 73% Black, 10% Hispanic, 7% White, 5% Asian and 2% other.



This is considered attractive in most white countries



I'd say its pretty accurate, got similar results on two different pictures

> 14% hispanic uhhh no

pretty accurate minus the hispanic part, desu



I got 89% Hispanic...I'm 100% Illyrian though :((

>0% black
that's all I need

stop going to KFC!

I uploaded this and got an error saying "no faces found in the image"

Hardest blackpill every white person needs to swallows is .....Jews are white. If southern euros are whites so are (((they))). You are your worst enemy.


>100% european