"Sperm count in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand declined by 50-60% between 1973 and 2011, according to a new study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Surprisingly, the study, which analysed data on the sperm counts of 42,935 men, found no decline in sperm counts in men from Asia, Africa and South America, although there was limited data from these areas."
All white western nations by the way

Other urls found in this thread:

with the culture shift beta's started breeding more

also more men are overweight/obese

>A new study co-authored by Jorge Chavarro, assistant professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), finds that overweight and obese men are more likely than their normal-weight peers to produce lower numbers of sperm, or even no sperm at all. This could increase the likelihood that they would have difficulty conceiving. While the results don’t prove that excess weight leads to fertility troubles, having a lower sperm count can make it more difficult for men to conceive.

nigger stop jewing up my thread

No Dan, we haven't

>multimillionaire NY Times best seller every book
>posting on Sup Forums to sell maybe 10 more to a bunch of broke ass NEETS
unplug everyone once in a while bro, you are to deep bruv too deep in

don't try to make dan brown sound like some sage

lol have your read his books? I am trying to tell you something important here

Someone with academic know-how forge a study saying Jewish men had the steepest sperm count decline or something about Jewish women being more attracted to the pheremones of non-Jews

top kek, I will help work on it of anyone is interested

Probably a mix of things, plastics, soy, all that crap.

Have you read the book? Or any of his books for that matter? What if I told you I could shatter every thing you think is real?

do it

you sure? There is no going back, I can give you the anarcum of the SS Black Sun

did I stutter?

alright bro go got it

Communism was created as a tool of rebellion and enslavement written by Marx (Jew) hired by the Illuminati to write the Communist Manifesto, modeled after the goals of the Illuminati as recorded in their own documents and documented by John Robisons Proof Of a Conspiracy and got them booted from many European nations and sent Weishaupt (Jewish Jesuit) on the run as a fugitive for many years.

1. Abolition of all Monarchial Government and patriotism to it
2. Elimination of private property and inheritance
3. Destruction of the traditional family
4. Eradication of all religion

>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up

Wtf are you waiting on? I left an active Vegas investigation thread for this.

We are just getting started

Welcome to the desert of the real. It will take some time to get used to your brain is in atrophy because you have never used it. I am God tier red pilled and one of the most dangerous men alive to them, if I had a platform that threatened them I would be dead already. I have such secrets to show you desu ....

There is a game being played against humanity for the simple goal of having the many serve the few. This goal is accomplished not with force, but by tricking humanity into a submissive role. The heart of the game is what is known as the Law. It is Common Law knowledge that humanity stands above government and government serves man. But by way of trickery, humanity is persuaded to submit their authority and serve beneath government through contracts.

Under Common Law so long as a human being does no harm to another's property, which includes their body, then one remains a free sovereign individual. All other laws are known as statutory laws and by definition they require an agreement of both parties. In other words, if you don't agree to a statute law, then you are not obligated by it. We are tricked into agreement with tactics seen in the video below.

In the video our hero was given a name, or a legal entity, at birth; KEITH THOMPSON. And this name is legally owned by the Crown of England and subject to Admiralty/Maritime Law. Our hero is not KEITH THOMPSON, he is not a name or a legal entity, he is a living soul incarnated in human form. But if a Judge can get our hero to contract, or to agree that he is KEITH THOMPSON, then he submits to the authority of the Crown and agrees to the statute laws. Game, Set, Match.

It happens every day. This is all carefully written into the letter of the Law and therefore is considered fair play. Didn't you read all the rules? What the tyrants call fair play, I call a deceitful trap, but the reality is that you can beat the game. It is no different than a bully in the school yard yelling at you to "Come Here".

I live less than 10 minutes from his house, should I go confront him about this??

You have no obligation to obey the bully, but if you do submit and obey, then through your actions you are agreeing to be the subordinate. The same applies with government, if you agree that you are the NAME then you agree to be the subordinate. And if you obey an order, then through your actions you agree to be the subordinate. (pic 1) In the video you will see the Judge playing these two strategies against our hero.

He attempts to get our hero to identify himself as the legal entity KEITH THOMPSON, and he attempts to intimidate him into submission by barking orders and calling on the (pic 2) court-room officers to forcibly remove him.

Our hero knows who he is, he knows he is the only true authority and because he knows this, he acts the part; honorable and peaceful, he does not identify himself as the legal entity, he is not intimidated by the bully tactics, and as you will see in the video, (pic 3) the Judge ends up bowing to him as the sovereign just before fleeing the court-room.

Judges bow, it is a ritual they perform at the start and end of the day, but this was not the end of his day. He bowed to our hero just before abandoning the court-room, to give way to his authority. (pic 4) Our hero then lawfully takes command of the court and dismisses the charges before leaving peacefully and of his own free will.

It's a simple game being played against us and we have been conditioned to think that we need permission, we have been conditioned to be intimidated by uniformed bullies, and we have been conditioned to believe that we are bound by every ridiculous law written.

The solution: know who you are, know that you are free, do no harm, and submit to no one. Personal freedom is your birth right and the truth shall set you free. Knowledge is the key.

To gain more knowledge I recommend the following website: Creditors In It is full of free information and links to most of the other info you can find on the web.

If just a small percentage of us stand up to tyranny and act peacefully and honorable then the game will soon end.
no he is a good guy just trying to show you all he knows what I am telling you here and he writes about it, it ain't fiction

>Asimov 33rd degree free mason

read Dan Brown books, read Asimov foundation series

You have all just become initiates in to the SS Black Sun Vrill Society. If you want to know everything it is here, you have the magic now use it wisely

Show others what you have learned
1.618 1488

We never left we have just been waiting
Unsere deutsches volk Sieg Hiel

See you in Åsgård brother

Blood and Soil

Hey mega redpilled guy, I kindly suggest you to make a backup/mirror of the videos you have in your (I think) channel.

grail of seed bud. hit my face last night wasnt even expecting as much

We are protected spread them w/e u can

4K downloader is great for this, let's you rip entire channels.
I'm sure other programs do it too, but it's what I'm familiar with

I'll try to do what suggested.
I suggest youtube-dl as well.

I'm now saving the links.

We have the "ark of the covenant"

Einstein was wrong Tesla was right

We are on the offensive and we are winning with your help

Here is a reading list also

The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Talmud, Zohar, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages

Leave comments if you have questions or need anything we will respond. We need you don't let us down

This first link is broken for me, got a backup?

You are the future of the Aryan bloodline this is our stand it will get bad soon no matter where you are they have a global communist coup planned
try this

They will collapse the economy and blame Trump and hope to start the revolution to take the US if the US falls Europe falls, this is why they are trying to get the guns in the US with these false flags, if they do it is game over, we will not capitulate I suggest you make local contacts and prepare it is only a matter of when

fall back positions, food stores, ammo, water etc, they will never stop they will be put down or we will. Churches are a good place to start show them the Jews are the anti-christ, the very term Jew means a denier of Christ does it not? Show them and be ready

Have a bump Dan :^)

We love you user do not take what I am telling you here lightly we will die for the cause but we will never capitulate

Thanks, that worked.

Check out this server
disco rd j3sZV
It's main focus is hollow earth, Antarctica and nazi ufos. You could probably generate some good discussions with this material there.

The Nazi UFO's were real Die Glocke, same tech from the ark of the covenant, it is anti-gravity magnetism sonic resonance from the Atlanteans used to levitate stones to build the pyramids, no one else in the world knows this but us and them, this is how they brought down the walls of Jericho and the WTC

If it's not the water then what is it?

About to read through your thread op. thanks.

>average age increases
>average sperm count declines

It is the water, the cell phones the power lines
they are doing it purposefully
We do this for you no need to thank us you are the future we will never let you down, we were down but not out ever

And yes the Fuhrer did get away just so you know we had friends in America and Argentina there are more of us then you think, we have more power than it may appear, we just have to be careful how we use it atm Trump is fighting we are winning, this is multi dimensional chess game as I sure you have already figured out, nothing is what it seems question everything believe nothing

vaccines are sterilizing people.

What is the Dan Brown pill?

yes these are friends the soft red pill you can use it on normies


The Fluoride Deception (2004) by Christopher Bryson
p xxii “He [Edward L. Bernays] also promoted water fluoridation, consulting on strategy for the National Institute of Dental Research.”
p 159 “Selling fluoride was child’s play, Bernays explained [in a 1993 interview]. The PR wizard specialized in promoting new ideas and products to the public by stressing a claimed public-health benefit. He understood that citizens had an often unconscious trust in medical authority. ‘You can get practically any idea accepted,’ Bernays told me, chuckling. ‘If doctors are in favor, the public is willing to accept it, because a doctor is an authority to most people, regardless of how much he knows, or doesn’t know.…By the law of averages, you can usually find an individual in any field who will be willing to accept new ideas, and the new ideas then infiltrate the others who haven’t accepted it.”
p 159 “By publicizing the purported health benefits of certain products, Bernays similarly increased sales of bananas for the United Fruit Company, bacon for the Beechnut Packing Company, and Crisco cooking oil for Procter and Gamble.”

is a heretical ,blaspheming apostate who will burn in hell unless he repents and tells the world he has been deceiving them and leading them astray for his own riches

I drive past his opulent palatzo in Rye NH every time I go to the beach and speak in the name of Jesus to him that he repent. do not give heed to Dan Brown.


"When the conspirators get ready to take over the United States they will use fluoridated water and vaccines to change people's attitudes and loyalties and make them docile, apathetic, unconcerned and groggy. According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population." (Impact of Science on Society, by Bertrand Russell)

The menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. - J Edgar Hoover

He was a friend

>While the results don’t prove that excess weight leads to fertility troubles
What, it literally fucking does, being fat makes you produce less or no sperm.

Do you ever go to any other chans? Not 8 obviously.

Not personally but we have people dropping red pills all over they know who we are

nothing is happening by accident

Okay. Cheers lad.

Yours in the bond Schutzstaffel

Who is we? may I ask.

Did you read the thread? Black Sun Vrill

but other civilizations have water and power lines and cell phones too

Cell phones are not that big of a deal but in conjunction with the others it has a multiplier effect, watch the video I linked

I did the test and the doctor said the minimum is 12mil, and I had 150mil

I'm the god of fertility

which video you linked 50 different ones

yeah i aint got an hour

just tell me how to avoid the cancer. distilled water?

I'd alkalize your body, and hope you didn't get the mumps vaccine? Just some Shit I read not on this Sup Forums. How do you not have an hour when you come here?

Because I've done enough reading for today. Either way I need to get one of those water distillers, lots of cancer in there that you cant filter out

I've heard about those. Is it the one that turns hard water into soft water?

I did, but I'm curious about your background.

Not sure about water softening but distilling water removes all of the shit that doesn't get filtered out like fluoride and pharmaceutical residuals

I've been thinking about getting a tabletop aquanui but I'm still looking around, I'm not sure yet

Either way I know distilled water by itself isn't safe in the long run but you can basically add 1/4tsp of salt to a gallon of distilled water to make it good to drink again

Cool user. My mom was telling me about one that turns hard water into soft water. Apparently the average water we consume isnt true water, not even counting the chemicals. Supposedly true water has extreme healing properties. I need to look into it more. Bookmarked your link though. Thanks.

I AM just a humble anonymous frog

Dan BrownEYE , book , DaVinci Code written just after WILLIAM COOPER exposes Freemason / Templar bloodline Mystery Babylon proof of links to todays power elite class. Misdirection.
" Behold A Pale Horse " read it, dummy !

Fair enough, don't worry, I'm not a 3 letter agency.
When did you start your awakening, so to speak?

>people falling for the Dan Brown meme.
I refuse to believe his shit is legitimate, i'd have a personal stake in some of that shit if it was.

>(((Hebrew University of Jerusalem)))

Water softening systems won't really filter anything harmful like pharmaceuticals and other toxic shit out, it will just remove the excess minerals. Softened water is just nicer in the shower really that's about it

As for the "pure water cures you" thing I'm not really sure about it. There's a book by some dr called "The Cure" and he says that the cure is to periodically drink a cup of distilled water and it will supposedly cure ailments but it sounds like bullshit.

BTW, pure water is the same as distilled water. It's made by heating up water in a pot, then the steam goes through a tube and collects into another container. In the chemistry lab we used the stuff, it's just water that is distilled twice instead of once, but once is good enough really.

>Double-distilled water is prepared by slow boiling the uncontaminated condensed water vapor from a prior slow boiling. Historically, it was the de facto standard for highly purified laboratory water for biochemistry and used in laboratory trace analysis until combination purification methods of water purification became widespread.

either way I'm not looking into water distillation for healing properties but to remove the crap thats in public water. you can find any number of articles by basic google

I appreciate your reply user. I've heard mixing a certain amount of borax with water flushes fluoride from your body. And in fact the borax turns into boron when consumed, which is illegal to consume on a federal level? Idk... thanks though. Cheers.

>according to a new study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
all i needed to see

>I've heard mixing a certain amount of borax with water flushes fluoride from your body. And in fact the borax turns into boron when consumed, which is illegal to consume on a federal level?

yeah that sounds all like bullshit, I wouldn't go ingesting borax, unless you want to accidentally kill yourself or make mustard gas. if you dont want fluoride in your water you have 2 options:

1. distilling your water
2. reverse osmosis filter

Anyways I'm out, cheers


Israeli jews are experiencing pronounced decline in sperm count, and this has been attributed, by some, to the fact that the jews have so many nukes, in such a small geographic area.

I have been awake for some time my friend

What's your take on the old Venetian oligarchy and the Jesuits? I have questions before I take an initation seriously. Assuming th8s initiation is based off of the common curse of words.

The Jesuits are against us

I know. I just want to hear your take on the creation of the Jesuits by the Venetian oligarchy. If not that, the fraternities of saturnanis, or the orsini family. Any of those families. Possibly Henry breakspears role in Macau China?

Bump I want to hear your fucking take.

So what you're telling me is I won't be able to have kids in the future?

Didnt this happen with oilve oil in the US?
First being pushed by the mafia in local stores, then when they got more power and friends in politics and academia, they paid for "studies" and "expert opinions" on how butter, bacon and eggs are unhealthy. The same principle like when breakfast cereal came around.

Pure water doesn't cure you, on the contrary. We need the ions it contains because that's what powers cellular activity. If you only drink pure water, the ions present in your body will gradually migrate out of your cells to reach osmotic and electrostatic equilibria, and your cells will die. One glass is fine I guess, but don't drink only this.
