Operation golden shower

heres the plan
>buy ultralights or paragliders since theyre cheap and you dont need a license or registration.
>fill water balloons with piss
>alternatively soda bottles with shower heads on them
>dump it on a fag pride parade

>cuck revolution
dump acid

That's retarded. Drop bombs.

i dont want to go to prison. piss is nasty and hu miliating but its actually 100% sterile and nontoxic.

it's also a felony assault. might as well kill them

Get ready to get punched once you land your larp craft.

really? proof? not saying i disagree but i want to be a meme, not niggers raping my ass

unlike you, my dick is so long i can use it as a runway

You'd probably go to jail anyways. Like said, may as well kill them.

worth it to take out fags desu. should i paint swastikas on it to trigger them or just have a banner that says 'its PLANE to me youre faggots'?


how bout the banner with a swastika on the end

>let's use Antifa tactics against them!
>why does everybody hate us?
Fuck off, /leftypol/

it's only sterile and non toxic to you the second it comes out of your tiny cock. after a minute or two it will have grown enough new bacteria to no longer be sterile. And to others it's full of nasty bacteria and non sterile 24/7, even the second it comes out of your dick. Letting it fester in a balloon on soda bottle certainly won't help.

reported for underage

I can't wait for some autist to crash their paraglider into some antifa retards.

It is as pathetic as me shitting in streets
Get a life you nazi cosplaying faggot!

im a grown ass man, you stupid slav. your women are ugly, your cuntries are shit. go chug vodka in your radioactive hovel ruski

it will be 69/11!

even better, with napalm

Read SIEGE faggot

theyll burn in hell anyways,might as well get them used to it

>dumbass idea
>meme flag
Kill yourself

Greetings fellow non-FBI agents and /politics/ regulars (PRAISE SHREK LOL!), I too would like to discuss the planning and executing of highly visible acts of violence against favored minority groups at otherwise-peaceful public gatherings.

>>fill water balloons with piss
t. nigger

make me

you're wanted in conference room 7B, special agent Smith

you're assuming he doesn't have a uti. if you took urine from a group of sexually active men and women you statistically have a high chance of having lots of bacteria. op will be dropping non sterile urine for sure, but I think that's a good idea still

what about a forging how iron dildo to spear them with

>dropping piss on a bunch of degenerates who'd probably like it
where do the leftists dig you morons up from?

i was considering a lawnmower fertilizer sprayer filled with napalm. then i could finish the job by dropping a cigarette on them

Isn't there enough awful shit here for you to screencap for reddit without faking it yourself?

projecting much? i was being ironic there. its not time to burn them yet