Would you rather your daughter marry a conservative black man or a liberal white man?

Would you rather your daughter marry a conservative black man or a liberal white man?

liberal white man

he might be stupid but at least he won't be stupid AND stinky

She won't be with either.

if she chose either shes disowned.

liberal white
anyone who says otherwise is a redditor

A conservative black man wouldn't marry a white woman.

Theres aren't answers you fucking mountain of men.

Conservative black man all the day

I'm proud of my family name. Black people can't take that too.

Thats a good point but still isn't an answer you fucking just down right good bloke.

white lib you jew

have seen you post similar shit on at least 5 different threads leading me to think you're a shill

liberal white

easy choice shlomo

Both suck. She picks the nig then my grandkids will be shitskin.

If she picks the open-boarders-we-r-all-one-race- libtard eventually my lineage will be shitskins.

Can't win

Lifes purpose is to spread youeff genes. So it has to be oil drilling.

think of it this way:

maybe she'll have ~2 white grandkids, and one of two things will happen

>the lib faggot grows out of his idiocy and becomes more less liberal
>eventually she realizes he's a low t pussy faggot

either way, at least you would have white grand children and peace of mind that she isn't fucking a nigger

White lib
My bloodline is FAR more important than some fucking political opinion.

liberal white. his kids will see him for the useless cuck faggot he is and rebel into little mini hitlers and goerings.

In both way I have a black grandson so who cares

Kill her and make another. More where that came from.

Same here

I'd like the conservative black man better but I'll go with liberal white man. Even if the black man is an outlier and excellent his kids will regress.

You can change ideology but you sure as shit can't change blood
white lib


>making slaves to serve the globalist kike jew world order
good goy!
>having daughters
good cuck! your goyish shiksa will be a delicious meal at my son's bar mitzvah!

low effort

A Black conservative is way better to have around than any white nigger.

Classic liberal. Whatever is limiting the choice to liberal or black can be overpowered, these kind of absolute scenarios are stupid.

I would rather she marry me, as Ahuramazda intended.

Liberal white man. At least the grandkids will be white and may not turn out to be liberal cucks with the right guidance.

White man no contest

the truth is effortless, glad you noticed

Liberal White

The white liberal. I'll convert or kill him.

I rather she marry a GOOD man. (Or, if she prefers, a good woman.)

Sure blood can change: transfusions happen all the time.

I would disown my child if he/she would be a homosexual. Not even kidding, the reason why i kids is to put my genes in the gene pool. If they boycott that, they will lose any financial and emotional support i could possibly offer.

If he marries outside of race he can't possibly be conservative. What is he conserving then if he can't even conserve his genetics?

Fuckin oath.