Will there be a George Lincoln Rockwell of our time?

will there be a George Lincoln Rockwell of our time?


We do have a fair number of vets in the movement. Jayoh has a nice voice, he's recording the Culture of Critique audiobook.


No, because nazi faggots who are overweight and LARPing only sets us back

Anyone who is a self proclaimed nazi or NS is a fucking Fed

t. memeflag

me on the left

who the fuck is george lincoln rockwell?

Richard Bertrand Spencer

he's like ron paul

famous paleocon activist

I'm hoping more for a Hitler.

an american hero

I will be new Evola


Because trying to emulate nazis is doomed to fail. Too much baggage.

Richard Spencer is as close as we will get.


I think we already have more than enough NEETs, man.

friendly reminder Rockwell got beat up by some jackass who thought he must be a federal agent

>friendly reminder Rockwell got beat up by some jackass who thought he must be a federal agent
fuck, I guess we have ours then. ngl kind of a disappointment.

I know, and I agree it's a bad move. but I meant more of Rockwell in terms of charisma and speech inflection. Richard Spencer is not that.

fuck this cracka

Spencer can't engage an audience, and his rhetoric sounds disjointed and hollow because he doesn't believe what he's saying. The guy obviously never studied Rockwell beyond the fact sheets his handlers supplied for him.