''I'm going to be working for you; I'm not going to have time to go play golf" -Donald Trump

''I'm going to be working for you; I'm not going to have time to go play golf" -Donald Trump

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump is a businessman. You can be damn sure that the majority of deals he's worked out have been during a golf game. Obama used golf purely for recreation.

>majority of deals

What fucking deals? He's brought back like 10k manufacturing jobs, max. That's huge for those communities, but totally insignificant in the scheme of the nation.

Trump has been god-tier for BTFOing identity politics, but he hasn't done much else, especially not any "deal making".

This is one of the most retarded graphs I've ever seen. Leave to liberals to spaz out when they try to do anything with data.

Why would you keep track of 'likely" or "visits" for Trump but not Obama? If you don't have the data for both you can't make a comparison.

And the slope of the light orange and blue lines are essentially the same. So they played golf at the same rate, but Trump started playing earlier in his term.

It doesn't matter because he's higher than Obama in every measure

>what is data?

>what is data
He's higher than Obama if we either count times he golfed, likely golfed or visited his golf club. What are you talking about you subhuman french nigger.

>including the shill who claimed to conduct ground-penetrating tests at Treblinka and literally never posted his data when called out for being a shill


It's likely a way he can talk freely and worry about being bugged by 3 letters. Look what happened to Nixon, and rumors are the Nigger admin from 44 bugged the fuck out of the whitehouse.

difference between speed and acceleration as pointed out
as if you'd need more than pic related to expose the holohoax

to be honest with you, most of the doors were destroyed by russians and the one on your picture is a washroom door.

nice chimney you got there, would be a shame if it wasn't connected to anything

>Toothpaste posting
Worse than leafs these days

great data and source OP!
did you pull this crap out of your ass?

i don't really know what you mean by that

Whoever made this graph doesn't understand graphs.

>proving your ignorance once more
the chimney was build buy the russians after the war to frame the germans
it's literally a stack of bricks

oh wow debunked in 1 quick google search


"Michel de Boüard, former "Nacht und Nebel" at Mauthausen, considered that "the dossier [on the concentration camp system] is rotten". On the one hand, resentment and vendetta prevailed over conciliation. Then memory over history. On the other hand, the communists' grip on the main organs of command in the camps, the setting up after the liberation of associations under their control and the establishment for fifty years of a "peoples' democratic" history of the camps have introduced the virus of antifascist cant. Approximation, exaggeration, omission and lying characterise the majority of the accounts of that period. The unanimous and irrevocable discredit in which the communist writings are held can only rub off on a concentration camp experience tainted by their ideas and annihilate it. — Can things be put back on an even keel? It is too late. An overall rectification is humanly and materially impossible. Any historical change brings on a depreciation of this set memory presented as definitive. However, new documents will inevitably spring forth and will disrupt the official certainties more and more. The current form, although triumphant, of the presentation of the camp universe is doomed. What will be salvaged of it? Little. In effect, glorifying the concentration camp universe amounts to solving the squaring of the circle, to transmuting black into white. The conscience of peoples doesn't like sad stories. A zombie's life isn't a "growth area", all the less so when the pain endured has subsequently been exploited and turned into benefits: decorations, pensions, positions, political influence. One cannot be both victim and privileged, with a turn at being executioner as well. — Of all these facts, terrible because having caused the death of women, children and old people, only the established ones will survive. The others are bound for the rubbish bins of History (p. 651-652)."

Why did no one at nurenberg deny the holocaust?

>That's huge for those communities, but not for us poor poor city jews

>no one
plenty did, or said they weren't aware
Höss was tortured, pretty much all "evidence" for the holocaust is his testimony even though most of it is known and admitted to be false today
plus Nüremberg is no proof of anything

give me one example where someone said it didn't happen


Ausrottung means uprooting
Judenevakuierung speaks for itself and shows it wasn't an extermination
>one example where someone said it didn't happen
why ? would that be proof to you?

You are one smart french man








I did at first but then OP engaged and seemed to want to actually debate
now it seems like he fled but his beliefs in the holohoax should be irremediably shaken

>Ausrottung means uprooting

>ignores Judenevakuierung
what a surprise
also "lol" is not an argument you spastic