Wizard's Soul ~Holy War of Love~

Chapter 10 has been out for 10 or so hours now (only 5 weeks wait this time!), and I haven't seen a thread, so I'll dump.

Link here:
if you can't be arsed waiting.

Roman all cheery after pulling the combo off.
She pulled all four of the card she needed in a row last chapter.

Manaka playing her standard Glorious Thousand Counters game.

Manaka runs some mill.
Eita continues his worship of the ground Manaka walks on.

Stupid perfect top decks.

What are these guys even on about?
A reset like that when your entire strategy resolves around a few specific cards seems obvious to run.

More mill.



Flag spotted!

Flag in hand!

Flag discarded!
Manaka intensifies.
Someone please bump.


A wonderful way of winning that leaves nobody happy.
As expected of our Manaka.




Nice recovery, Eita!
You'll get there eventually!

That was the last page of the chapter proper, some TL comments are all that are left.

Except this. Whoops.

Sup Forums forget about this manga already.

Too bad, at least /tg/ still like it.


Doing something like this should have been the craziest match at the tournament with people going nuts.
But alas, Wizard's Soul only brings gloom.

Oh, was there a /tg/ thread?

Well, Roman is a well known player popular for her janky decks.
It definitely wouldn't feel very good to see her get her combo jacked after all the miraculous shit that let her get to it during the game.

I dunno, but I've seen more discussion for the last couple chapter on /tg/ than Sup Forums.

I thought this was about not-MtG. Why are there face down cards?

They were in earlier chapters as well.
It's a fusion of MTG and Yu-gi-oh, I guess.

If anything this is only going to make Roman like her even more. The was a super roman style win



I wonder if this series would be more popular if it's less gloomy and more hype.

Fuck everyone, that was a great win.