High IQ posters only

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this meme. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of reality, the message will go over a typical viewers head. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of my satire, to realize its not just funny- it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike this meme truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate it. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as they contemplate their own life. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, we are all homnid great apes. And yes, we are all related. Or course there are incels who disagree with my logic, but they would have to demonstrate how they fell out of the sky, and this is all "mere coincidence".

Fertility meme?

Perhaps one day you will realize you aren't as intelligent as you think you are.

Just autistic.

Don't try so hard to bait next time. It's way too obvious what you are trying to accomplish here and no one is going to bite on it. If they do, they are near retarded and where is the spot in that?

Get your shit together user, this is one of the worst attempts I've seen in years.

Thats where your wrong bucko

If you were smart you´d know evolution is a hoax and Earth is flat.

You are not funny.

Dunning-Kruger effect in action.

I watch Rick and Morty

I have an IQ of 143 and this is gay.
OP is a fag.

Evolution is a fact tho. Its both a theory and a fact. There is undisputed evidence that animals evolve as found by the research done in the Galapagos islands.

Why would the earth be flat, but the moon, and all other planets be round. With a strong enough telescope, you can see the red dot on jupiter, and even the rings of Saturn. Flat earth is a psy op. (((Google))) doesnt show you pictures of the earth so you fall for the psy op. To destroy the truther movement. Illuminati, Aliens, flat earth. Occultism, magick, all psyops.

The real answer to the matrix is you are just a monkey. An animal.

There is micro-evolution. There isn't macro-evolution.

You could be on to something. You see, Yakub is actually biblically Jacob. I think there is evidence to suggest he was commanded to mass breed albinos on the island of patmos.

An albino is born only once ever 20,000. Why would a supreme being as of this? To make us all different. Because thats price of free will. The choice to do evil. We are being tested to see if our light can still overcome our darkness.

Niggers were created by God. In the Bible, they're referred to as "beasts of the field" or "beasts that wear loincloth" or some shit.

You can split species into little variations, like dog breeds.

Evolution is about big changes. From lizart to bird, from rat alike to bat.

If you take a new look at that, it is really hard to believe some designs where competent before they where completely finished.

I'm not a retard, but thank you for your default answer.

My IQ is abnormally high. The meme means nothing. OP is a fag.

Implying that whites arent actually easu in the bible. Something along the lines of She will have two nations in her womb. Jacob(Yakub) I have loved. But easu I have hated he. He who would trade his birthright for a morsel of meat. Its all there.

108 iq here ehat you gon do about it virginbrains lmaoo

All that stuff did happen. The fish became the amphibian, which would become the reptile. Which would grow whiskers, which would eventually become hairs. Eventually making that reptilian into a warm blooded rat. Which would surive the extinction event. Which would go on to evolve into a monkey.

That monkey would eat the magic mushroom, see its own reflection, and become self aware. Thus becoming the first human being.

If you eve get good mushrooms, and pound on ur chest. Your involuntary inner beast will awaken and start making the movements on their own. Thats when I knew our past lives are all locked away in our brainstem and spine.

"N-nothing I tell you! L-Leftists cant meme!!"



The reason noses became thinner is became natural selection took place when albinos became trapped in an ice age. The needed a narrow nose to heat up the cold air. Thin lips to not get frost bite on them. This is also why blacks seemingly have bigger genitals, asses, and tattys in general.

Hair becomes straight through a missing protein in an amino acid. A side effect of albinism, a deficieny disease. A natural phenomena that exists is all living creatures, even plants.