It’s finally happening

It’s finally happening.

soros paid shill

Yea, I've only heard "Drumpfstljfnd is done!" like a few hundred times since the primaries. I'm sure you're right this time though. kys


Are we being raided by leftypol?

The charges are not over Trump Russia collusion but with Clinton Russia collusion. The truth will come out.

>dotard blumpf

Fuck bros, he's actually getting impeached this time. Wish I voted for Hillary when I had the chance................... damn.

>The Prairie Cuck Companion

I swear, Sup Forums's h a p p e n i n g s are thousand times more likely to happen than these "Bolfam Krunkf is done" stories.

18 billion, that's with a "b", billion, and that's the best we get?

I thought jews were supposed to be entertianing, vat givs?


Says the Post for the 100th time in a year.


Guess we're finished then :/

Pack it up, boys

donald trump is done

said the increasingly nervous "man" for the 500th time

>The WaPo shrieks out podesta is hauled off to jail

Garrison Keillor? Are you for real?

>this is the end for Drumpf!!

>1 post by this id
>dronad crumf if impeechez
>every second
>of every day

You need to stop.

says increasingly nervous numale for the ten millionth time

The Washington Post has a pretty good track record in these things, so I believe it

>people get paid for this
really goobies my grape

this is the writer of the article, he's a big lefty with a face like a cocksucker

>oh look another shill thread
Can you guys at least be convincing next time?

Yeah this is it, there's no way he's going to get enough delegates to be the nominee. Pack it up boys, I'm a CRUZ MISSILE now.

>Garrison Keillor
...The guy who did Prairie Home Companion on the radio? Who the fuck cares what he has to say about this? Who are we going to consult next, public TV cooking show hosts? I'm sure Jacques Pepin has something to say about politics!

What is this Drumpf meme? I see it sometimes, who came up with it?

It is interesting to note, they get paid to make people think they should have voted Hillary. That is kinda intriguing, cause the bitch never will be back in politics. She is really done.
But still I see this pattern emerging, I wish I voted Hillary. Perhaps to prepare people for voting dems next time? Not such a good strategy to associate a bad candidate.
Or perhaps it is just a retard, who wishes he can time travel and change a small stone off the path of history.

Apparently his family changed their name when they came over to the US or some shit.

>Garrison Keillor
Written by the biggest faggot mankind has ever known.

You bunch of liberal anti-American assholes are screeching about President Trump getting kicked out or arrested for shit JUST because you don't like that your candidate lost their ass due to their shitty identity politics that you proudly support.
Meanwhile in the real world your fucking wastes of life POC minority groups are getting free money and education and throw it away on what? Going to school to be taught by a marxist nigger or female how to hate white men. The hypocrisy would be funny if it wasn't so damned sad and embrassaing.
Hillary Clampet and Co. have let you down and abused their power for personal gain their entire God damned careers and you waddle behind them, blue haired and overweight wearing free clothes or trust fund uniforms of the alt left just BEGGING to sniff her dirty rotten asshole and praise her on what a great person she is for her views that she didn't even have 2 or 3 election cycles ago.
You should be fucking ashamed of your lack of self awareness, but that's the problem. You don't even see what kind of pathetic, worthless, hateful, bigoted, hypersensitive, brainwashed little shits you are. I pray that you take a personal inventory with a shred of honesty and get some self respect where it is obviously lacking. You're all just little followers who care little for hard work and the family unit that made our country strong in favor of free shit and socialism that has destroyed everything it's ever touched.
Try to be better human beings than to force everyone else to accept a lower common denominator. Seriously. You're wrong and everyone else knows it. Even your own "team".

>Bolfam Krunkf

John "Rat in human skin" Oliver criticized Grompfs for saying that someone jewish changed their last name, implying that said person was dishonoring their heritage. He found out that The Trumps used to be called "Drumpf" when they first came to the country and dedicated an entire segment of his show to this.

>indictments relate to 2012 work with Ukraine and not the election
>Podesta brothers implicated
>D-d-drumpf is done!

TFW you give the dude who writes dozing prairie home companion an article day of today. Garrison Keillor yeah

Really starting to regret voting for sklumpf

Ah, I see, so they use it to make him sound German, so people feel he is foreign? Inventive for once of the liberals, usually they cannot get past the name calling. This targets nationalists, I guess.

I love that it isn’t even russia related; it’s fucking Ukraine.