Based Boogie destroyed Sup Forums

Based Boogie destroyed Sup Forums
You literally can't refute this nor genuinely argue a successful point against it

Some fat fuck who doesn't have sex and who couldn't verify his sex without a mirror is gonna tell me about gender roles and constructs?

>refutes Sup Forums by stating the public platform of Sup Forums on the subject

wew lad

I'm sure the people who came up with the word "gender" intended for it to be a choice.


He's basically admitting it's slang twisted by feminist ideology and tries to make a case for why this slang should be the new definition for everyone else outside the ideology. Sorry we don't care what your fucking slang means or how it makes a mockery of science.


This basically confirms my hypothesis that people arguing about "gender spectrum" are just too fat to see their own genitalia.

Do you think I could publish it in some peer-reciewed journal?

>nothing but behaviours heavily correlated with sex and influenced by sex

I think we're done here

i sexually identify as a battery-operated toaster
my preferred pronouns are xh7siue, xh7siam, and xh7siuyez
p.s. if you don't respect and use my preferred pronouns, i WILL report you to the california state police

Boogie is a spineless, fat fuck of a cuck... but he is just so nice that I can't bring myself to hate him...

Boogie is a fattie q.e.d.


>you can't have 2 words for the same thing
Stopped reading there, absolutely retarded.

>Editied tweet that is FAR over the new 240 char max
>people are eating this like flies on shit
I have lost all faith..

Boogie said there are two genders in that post

Lynch him when?

Finally I can say that I'm a Reaper Drone without these racist bigots of Sup Forums

I think I'm just gonna start telling people I'm Muslim so I can stop debating why stupid shit like this is wrong. They aren't allowed to tell Muslims there wrong

I don't take unironically fat losers with a youtube following seriously, go back to plebbit.

>gender can be whatever you want
when was this decided?, im just missing the studies of real scientist, can anybody post some nice phd studies on this? because its fucking weird because it looks like it's only happening in america.

>Gender is a social construct
I didn't think he's was this much of a retard.

all this shit is mostly a semantics issue. Bunch of petty faggotry

gender identity is a social construct. sex and gender are not since sex (our genes) have a direct influence over how we naturally express our masculinity / femininity which is influenced by our environment but not a (((social construct))) like these degenerates want to argue.

His penis is slowly entering his body and disappearing. He's changing gender.

Is that you in the pic, user?

>gender is a social construct
stopped reading there

The distinction between gender and sex is not a useful one. it is a concept thought up by a fraudulent psycologist who was covering up his misuse of his position.

The word gender has never historically referred to Sex, that's a modern misuse of the word. Gender is purely grammatical.

It’s fake you niggers

born a male and now identifies as a cuck as his penis retreated to the cuckshed made of bellyfat, hiding in shame.

He's rattling off a historically accurate telling of the story of "gender" but where is his argument? Do we have to accept the work of the 70s feminists as an a priori truth? And yes, gender is what you want someone to call you but where is the limit of sanity there? Just how many genders do there need to be? If someone "feels like a woman" but is really a man is that not a delusion? How far do we entertain delusions? Does the attack helicopter meme apply unironically?

I swear God puts these people on Earth to punish us for the sins of our ancestors.

>That's why we have different words for them, go figure

Does this bitch not know what a synonym is?

>there's only two sexes
>btfo's Sup Forums
aged and idden

Probably a bait thread. There has been a lot for the past few days.

Ok just read the rest of his post. So he knows they were used as synonyms. His explanation is that they "embraced" the usage of gender in a different way. IE. they literally changed the definition to suit their needs. Cmon boogie, feminists changing the meaning of a word to fit their crazy ideology should set off SOME warning bells in your head if you're a rational thinking person.

>Purely grammatical

Pure Orwellian word policing.

Nouns like man/woman and pronouns such as he/she do not refer to gender identity and they never have. Gender is different from gender identity or there wouldn't be two different words. There is no way to truly know someone's gender identity, they could be lying to you because it's all in their head, making gender identity a useless concept.

Pretty easy to refure.

there isn't just fat and thin. you can also identify as weight-fluid. some body types can't be described in terms of weight and volume.

Also: Not all languages have 2 words for gender.

Of course he would say that...

UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sex is penis vagina gender is what makes penis strong and women weak. estrogen vs testosterone, blue Pink.

>two different words for them

Things can be synonyms.

People without culture (see: all Leftists) don't get an opinion.

Is boogie a weight? How much is a boogie?

>1 post by this id

The rough equivalent to a metric fuck tonne

that seems way too long for even a 280 character tweet.

>we have 2 different words
>therefore its something completely different

Let me teach you my wisdom young man. Ask yourself not how much is a boogie, but how much a boogie is you.


NOPE. Wrong. Because science and biology shit. That said, I have no prob with you. It's all good.

I'm glad that I am not a boogie. Thank you, wise kraut.










We have many different words for car, that doesn't make a car different from an automobile.

this word used to mean one thing then a bunch of brain dead feminists changed the meaning to fit their delusional ideology

If gender is a social construct then gender is defined by society and not by the individual. If society mandates that one's sex is linked to gender.


If your "gender" does not match your physical biological sex, you are delusional and mentally ill.



>there are only 2 sexes

haHAHAAHAHAH did he accidently reveal his power level?

>But if the state and the legal system have an interest in maintaining a two-party sexual system, they are defying nature. For biologically speaking, there are many gradations running from female to male; along that spectrum lie at least five sexes -- perhaps even more.
>at least five sexes


Sooooo how long until Boogie pull a chris chan on us?
What would his post op name be?


This piece of shit hasn't seen his dick in a decade, what the fuck does he know about sex and gender.








He's nothing but a fat disgusting fucking pig.



Is boogies gender: fat?

>tfw he's losing weight so fast, soon people won't be able to call him fat



>human rights are a social construct
>but I get to pick which constructs are good and bad

>boogie doesn't understand the concept of a synonym

this is what happens when your brain is fed nothing but deep fried butter all day

>This distinction is from feminists theory in the 70s
Then I doubt it's valid. Not a good track record with reality. Too communist. SAD!

He's making a descriptive linguistic argument. It's indefensible. It's right up there with "Could Mighty Mouse beat up Superman?"

You can't compel anyone to refer to gender rather than biological sex. It's just an excuse to wield state force. I like to play the name game with people I've just met. It's an old, and aggravating shit test with people you've just met. I shouldn't have to worry about going to jail or getting fined, cited for that, no? Do I need to be punished if I meet Mr. Thompson and decide to yank his chain by referring to him as Mr. Tompkins? It's far more personal and unkind than refusing to play the gender game. Should I be arrested or cited for this? I should hope not.

If I meet some facefag from youtube and he insists that I call him Booger, I'm not doing it. That nigger is Jeremy or whatever his mom named him. Should I go to jail for that? lol outlaw over here.

Gender is synonymous with sex. The reason it gets used is because adults don't want "sex" to be on sheets of paper that little kids fill out. There is a second definition for gender, which is synonymous with genre.

There are gender roles and they are informed by our biology and have thus been implemented into our culture. You can be a feminine man or a masculine woman, but that doesn't nor should it change the way one addresses you. In English, we use masculine pronouns for men and feminine pronouns for women, regardless of their role in sexual relationships, who they choose to have sex with or how they are feeling at any given moment.

Sage this fat fuck.

People can ask other people to call them by a different name/nickname, but not respecting a persons nickname won't cause legal ramifications in Canada. With the new Canadian legislation that was passed earlier this year, calling a person by the wrong "gender" can literally put you behind bars or can have your kids taken away by social services. Pretty sure the same goes for Commiefornia.

Anyone wasting their time talking about gender fluidity hasn't destroyed anything but themselves.

Pro tip, no one fucken cares what gender you identify as, what sex you are or what your ethnic background is. In 2017 by far most people only care about how you conduct yourself, content of your character and what not, out in the real world normal people will think your a moron the moment you start spouting SJW bulltshit.

No one cares. Most millennials don't even care they just spout this shit in an attempt to be hip and trendy, to be "different". Just look on twitter some time at how many alleged "queer" or "bisexual" women date and marry men.

Who the fuck still cares about this kind of shit? Seriously, why do liberals do what they do.