Does poverty cause crime or does crime cause poverty?

Does poverty cause crime or does crime cause poverty?

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blacks cause crime AND poverty.
1% more black dna is a better correlate of crime than 1% lower on the income chart.

insensitive yet true

Both are true, vicious cycle.


Poverty can cause normally otherwise decent people to commit crime. They commit crime because are poor and it offers the best or only way they see to get out of it.
Criminal genetics are also a way to dive into poverty, but those people don't commit crime because of their poverty, but rather because they are criminal in nature

blacks and whites are a good example of these two polar opposites

So being black is a problem...interesting

Because there are no white people in poverty or commit crimes

adjusted for income blacks commit more murder

Poverty makes crime more desirable. It's a matter of not having anything to lose and everything to gain.

Conversely, the wealthier you are the greater the risk and smaller the potential gain.

The trick is, even when given the money or opportunity people who come from poverty usually don't seem to know what to do with it anyway. You pretty much would have to pull them out of it as a baby and raise them in a better environment to expect any improvement.

So basically to stop a black person from murdering in this day and age they need to be earning 5 times over the amount of the ten percent richest white people? I think no amount of money in the world is going to stop them to be frank

subhuman mentality creates a culture where crime is acceptable as a means to live.

Just legalize drugs. It'll reduce poverty and greatly reduce crime.

Both are cause of a bad economic system, when the system of trade between peoples shuts down. This becomes extremely acute when there is a corrupt macro economic system over a micro system.

When basic needs near a normative curve are far out of bounds for things like survival, food and housing people take to theft and criminality, the black market to satiate what is openly banned within a local economy.

There are other factors at play, is IQ. Blacks are obviously heavily reliant on the white man's economic production in order to live along a normative wealth curve in the US. Otherwise if that system collapses(Detroit) then the entire micro system goes into the trash. The poverty and criminality are then causation of the environment.

Low brain matter in the pre-frontal cortex causes problems with self-control, which then causes both poverty and crime.

jews cause poverty
jews cause crime
jews cause poverty and crime

Low IQ causes crime, and high levels of narcissism, and higher than average levels of the violence gene, and higher than average levels of testosterone, and ... you get the picture.

brainletism causes both

>Does poverty cause crime or does crime cause poverty?

I think it's a little bit of both. But to be honest, everyone is an individual who makes their own choices. If they decide to be a collective and be a bunch of low life scum (left wingers), then they have nothing to blame but themselves.

Rich black neighborhoods have more crime than poor white neighborhoods. Crime and melanin have a causal relationship.


one causes the other, which in turn causes the other.

to some extent.

there are definitely some people who are raised in a "criminal mindset," and they can be rich and poor. It'[s a certain type of malicious opportunism that you can feel in a person almost instinctively. I think that many of these people end up getting driven to the bottom of society, where they take root and fester in ghettos, having kids that share their "issue" and pushing others to criminal activity.

as for more "casual" criminality, aggression and lack of foresight is definitely racial traits. Many crimes are driven purely by greed, lust, or straight anger, and usually manifest themselves on targets of convenience.

In those kinds of cases, I;m not sure it;s fair to say that it's totally caused by poverty, though it certianly contributes to poverty in a community, and propogates what crime poverty does have a hand in.

>post containing sexe lady
>no braappppps or sauce in first post
Rip Sup Forums

high Gini coefficients cause crime
poverty in close proximity to affluence causes high Gini coefficients

average wage of 400 euros
one of the lowest crime rates in europe
no being a sub human makes you commit crime


Jordan B Peterson cites the Gini coefficient; that crime is caused by relative poverty.
Neither, they are poorly correlated.

Trick question; race cause both

>discussion deals with correlates
>Response deals with absolutes
You didn't pay much attention in school, did ya?

Low IQ causes crime and poverty. The dumber a person is the more likely they are to be poor and the less likely they are to have the ability to think about long term consequences, instead favoring the instant gratification they gain by stealing.

Blacks have lower IQs than whites, thus they commit more crime. It's not that hard to understand really.

low IQ and high time preference causes crime and poverty

Retarded people without self control are both poor and criminal.

Poverty and crime are caused by retardation and lack of self control.

The correlation between poverty and crime is .34 i believe. The correlation between people of color and crime is .84 i believe.
>not on pc to give jpeg.
If poverty was such a high indicator the great depression would have been the end of the western world because of the breakdown of civility and morals. Did not happen.

why are the hands upside down?

erections cause rape

Who the fucks post are you responding to, goober?

Poverty causes property crime, depression and addiction. It does not cause violent crime. Some of the poorest counties in the country all in Kentucky, thry are all white, and there is almost zero serious violent crime.

Holy shit i knew it was bad but i didnt think it was this bad.

I'd say it goes both ways..

>ah fuck it im poor who cares
>stays poor and unproductive
>ah fuck it who cares about the law
>loses everything eventually

I do think the first is a bit easier trap to fall into. Shit sucks but it's the reality.

It was a midget who did it

Is this real ?

Crime causes poverty

>someone states the proven fact that black people are more criminal


Exceptions disprove rules, not trends you dolt.

The truth is that even with very good quality education and affirmative action most minorities are not intelligent enough to climb out of poverty. If most of their lives weren't subsidized then the poverty issue would be many magnitudes larger then it already is.

IQ is the ultimate barrier and because of the multiracial nature of the west (((Thanks faggots))) IQ has to be buried and instead we focus on trying to fix everything else.

Like an alcoholic who loses his job and blames his boss. Who crashes his car and blames the brakes. Who losses his wife and kids and blames her. etc etc etc.

In other words its every conceivable excuse for why shit is going bad except the REAL reason shit is going bad. Watching the entire western world actually fall for this massive deflection has red pilled me greatly. Most people believe what they believe through consensus. Meaning they don't think for themselves but prefer to have other people think for them and will adopt their opinions based on mass approval or disapproval towards a given subject. So there is a general consensus that racism of any kind is bad. That would include saying race has a cognitive component. You can say that because the consensus is that thats BAD.

So given this, the plan as far as I can tell is to let the alcoholic drink until he destroys himself and everyone around him because god forbid we address the truth. God forbid people stray from the nervous consensus that is riddled with inconsistency and double think.

live in poverty and find out

You can't* say that because the consensus is that that's BAD.

>TFW I had one fucking job.

Inequalities from lack of jobs causes poverty, poverty causes crime.

niggers cause crime and they live in poverty because they wont get a job because they're niggers

~Sup Forums in a shellnut

The former, obviously.

NFL/NBA blacks commit crime at a higher rate than poor blacks. Poverty is not the issue, black culture and the black race is the issue.

I can't remember where I heard this, but I think it's relative poverty that causes a lot of theft to occur. In areas where there's a mix of lower class and middle class, the lower class people in that area are more prone to crime compared to lower class people in areas with no mixture. Add to that the fact that you can see higher class people than you on TV (brainlets watch TV) every day, and the media telling you that you're poor because of these middle-class people, it becomes a good recipe for crime rates in the lower-class.

>[citation needed]

It's a vicious cycle but poverty always comes first.

It's also worth noting that poverty doesn't always cause just anyone to become a criminal.

Niggers cause crime. Can't you follow simple FBI statistics?

Say it with me, everyone...


Poor genetics causes both.