Has anyone refuted this yet?

Has anyone refuted this yet?
Can you?

German and nigerian soon to be the same thing. Neither are american and therefore are shit

"German" isn't ethnic Germans, it means the Germans as a nation. Turks and other minorities are dragging down their average. The top 15 countries are all either European or Asian.

>German population: 82.67 million
Statistically, you would expect half of the population to have an IQ under 100. 41.335 million fits this perfectly.
Nigerian population: 186 million
Statistically, they should have around 93 million people with an IQ of 100+. 29.574 million is only 31.8% of the population, less than a third of the expected number.

>only 1/6th of Nigerians have average or above average intelligence

30m out of 191m......
So 84% are below the IQ of 99.
Compared to 50% in Germany.


This is a nigger hate threat now.

82.67 million (2016) pop. Germany
186 million (2016) pop. Nigeria

There should be more Nigerians over 99 than there are total Germans, assuming the average IQ is the same. Thanks for proving our point.


baiting this obvisous

This was posted before and refuted easily. Simply put, this "Science!" FB account doesn't understand basic statistics like adjusting for the populations: raw data will give you misleading results.

41m Retarded Germans/82.67m Total Germans = 0.496 --> ~50%.

156m Retarded Nigerians/186m Total Nigerians
= 0.839 --> ~84%.

So if you adjust for populations (I forgot the exact term, it's been awhile since I took stats) by using the classic "Out of a 100 Randomly Selected Respective People".

(.5)(100) = 50 Germans out of a 100 are retarded.
(.84)(100) = 84 Nigerians out of a 100 are retarded.

A Nigerian is more likely to be retarded than a German; probably even more so because I'm including the 3rd-World trash that keeps coming into Germany and not focusing solely on native (Real) Germans.

Hypothesis supported: that FB account is ran by a salty Nigerian Nigger, a "Double-Nigger" if you will.

Is this one of us trolling or one of the black women who got apollo 11 to mars in 1969?

Regression to the mean. It's real and its a bitch. It's why monarchies fail. It's why social mobility exists at all.
The fourth or fifth generation descendants of those 30 million Nigerians will have an IQ roughly at the Nigerian average. The fourth or fifth generation descendants of those 40 million Germans will have an IQ roughly at the German average.
The descendants of Nigerian doctors and lawyers, invited into Western nations, will be bog standard Nigerians before long. Likewise, the descendants of degenerate or stupid White immigrants will improve over time. Just look at what happened to the Irish.

>Simply put, this "Science!" FB account doesn't understand basic statistics like adjusting for the populations: raw data will give you misleading results
Nice post retard, only that's a race realist twitter account that made an ironic post

Shut up Ping Pong Wong.

So how is there even an IQ difference between these racial groups in the first place?

Obviously there's more to it than simply mean regression. Germans have genes that improve the actual functioning of their brain.

Further, you end up with the English nobility have a slower rate of regression to the mean than the general populace of England.
This of course indicates that they selected for intelligence. So regression to the mean is very powerful, but it's not insurmountable.

Well, yes. What I'm saying is that IQ averages were developed through our evolution as groups, and the presence of exceptionally smart or stupid individuals doesn't really change that average over time. Yes, Germans have genes that improve mental functions, but the particular intelligence of a specific German is only liable to keep their descendants above or below the average for a few generations.
IQ is more heritable on the basis of groups than on the basis of individuals, or at least I think so.

What is there to refute? This evidence supports the conclusions of race realists.

>English nobility
Lol that's pretty much my point. In a few hundred years the English peerage went from being a competent and deserving ruling class to being chinless wonders that couldn't fight, govern or preach their way out of a wet paper bag. Most figures in modern English life, while being decidedly upper-class, don't have any noble blood at all. The peers sit at home tending to their estates and investing their money to pay the bills.

>ignore the average I.Q. you blue eyed devil

That part where Nigeria sucks ass.

So 150 million Nigerians have an IQ below 99? Great point Hans.

Thank God for that. Op is probably a nig.

Isn't IQ really determined by the development of a countries school system

Racists BTFO


I don''t think that's an accurate analysis of regression. If this was true, nations with high average IQ would regress as would low average IQ eventually putting all nations at or near 100. This is ignorant to the factor of heritability. Regression to the mean is only useful when comparing extreme anomalies, such as people like Einstein, Newton, or any genius in history who where in the 99.99th percentile.

Germany is full of Nigerians

Race realists do not deny this of course.

This is the same kind of joke as the "one in six blacks is smarter than half of whites" meme.

Not only that, but if nig OP was a mathematician or understood this, don't you think he would've looked that part up?

Of course, it is easy to refute the question posed by the idiot in OP's picture, because one would expect approximately ~93m Nigerians to have IQ >100 if they were not subhumans.

The fun thing would be to examine the comparative densities of these distributions as you extend beyond 100.

Average IQ in Nigeria clocks in around 84, which essentially makes them American blacks (incidentally, the old cutoff for mental retardation in the US was 85, but was lowered to 70 because of the politically inconvenient fact that a cutoff of 85 [correctly] classifies 50% of blacks as retarded. Nothing substantive in the research changed, just like when they took homosexuality out of the DSM in the 70s). Let's say, for simplicity's sake, that the average for Germany is 100. The standard deviations we will fix at 15, even though you would actually expect a somewhat smaller number from the Nigerians (truncation because the non-normality of the distribution -- you cease to get functional human beings, even in the absolute most basic, minimal standards case, once you get below 80, though Africa finds a way jurassic_park.gif).

Upper quantile, normal distribution, 30/186 pop, mean=84, sd=15
They should have already reached the 30m threshold in the 98-99 range. Close enough for our purposes of further estimation, though.

Pic related is the ratio of germans to nigerians, by IQ, at increments of 1 on the IQ scale, controlling for population size (numbers are so close early on because Nigeria has over double Germany's pop). Note how things obviously start going in the germans' favor fairly early on, which we would expect. Nigeria is the way it is because it is inhabited by Nigerians, and Germany is the same way. To the extent that a country is its people, Nigeria is retarded by any metric of intellectual ability thus far devised by man.


Here we see the number of germans total we would expect with certain IQ values.

nice (((sources))), my meme flag friend

forgot the previous 2/3, this will be 3/3

Pic is the same, but for nigerians.

No one would expect anyone in that country to have any of the 150+ variety anyway, but this was extrapolating based on the distribution and the population.

You wonder why they have no great works of art or science? They are incapable of such things. Also, please note that Nigeria is well above average for african countries. With mean IQ near 70, some of those countries would be lucky to produce a single person that can pass a high-school level calculus course. Not discover, not advance science, not ace the class, but pass the class.

quality not quantity

Where are all these Nigerians hiding? I've worked there for 2 years and my experience was completely different.
Even smart people there are dumb. You wouldn't believe it.

Nothing to refute, the picture states that africans have lesser iq.

So your saying the mean niger IQ is actually less than 100!? No way, that would imply nigers are somehow biologically less intelligence and therefore racist!