Here comes the really exciting part of the planet's most overfunded, violent...

Here comes the really exciting part of the planet's most overfunded, violent, hypocritical trash reality tv empire known as the United States final descent into hardcore, mouthfoaming-eyerolling paranoia.

we're ruled by idiots. please help us take down the US government/deep state

Is it normal that your flag looks like papa smurf ?

Cannot unsee

Send help

pls stop hacking the planet

Cool story, bromade

And now you're being accused of causing Brexit too.

It is almost blackmail.
Don't push us too hard or we will initiate WW3 with planted generals on both sides.

This is absolutely fucking madness.

They are mentalists.

Stop hacking us Ivan.


*hacks ur meme folder*

Glad I'm not the only one. I'm disappointed now.

it sure would suck if you hacked china into a radioactive wasteland

Whoa, we are pretty cool

jk we have nothing to do with this
Would be great if USA could keep its internal politics internal

Not our fault the rest of the world loves talking about us so much.
Almost no Americans keep up with other nations news or affairs, and those that do only care about Western Europe and Russia. Keep whining about something completely unimportant.

Still, I wish we didn't have to be this crazy.

Doesn't FB use a botnet to push stories and falsify trends?

Jesus Christ who the fuck cares

They act like ads aren't supposed to reach literally as many people as possible and that Russians were the only ones who did this shit

Of course, but that's in favor of globalism and israel - so it gets a pass.

Legitimately most of the country knows this whole Russia hacking bullshit is absolute garbage. It’s only democrats who can’t rationalize the fact that people rejected them. They take losing very personally and so they look for excuses. Hell democrats still complain that Al Gore won decades ago. Just give it a couple more months. Democrats won’t have any power or any relevance and then their complaints will fall on deaf ears.

How is this any different than the DNC paying millions to Correct the Record and Shareblu?

Fuck off Vlad. You will pay for fucking with our democracy. You and all your co-conspirators.

>Russians proven to be spreading rhetoric online while feeding (mis) information to both sides of a democratic race
What you guys so worried about anyways.

Those post amount to less than 1% of all FB posts during those times.
Also it was stated that "it MAY OFF reached 126m"

Burgers controll or try to controll almost every country on the planet. Just for a comparison

Can you imagine if American politicians figured this shit out and had bought ads instead of Russia?

Imagine if hillary spent 1.2 billion dollars on advertisements. She'd probably be president considering the russians got trump elected with $50k worth of ads that reached 126 million people.

Nah bro.

The traitors who let in millions of spics to vote for demonrats will pay.

Vladimir the Redeemer is our only hope.



That's a pretty good deal for $100,000.

When our next president inevitably starts a war with you please nuke both coasts leave Ohio unscathed thanks

Hush up, The Guardian, you're gonna start another cold war.

Yes, the burden of being an American is that you have to live with Tabloid Garbage People with no objectivity. If I was king for a day the entire Cardashian family would be tossed in a trash compactor.

Another repeat of the 72 summit series

>civil war in spain
>nationalism in europe
>anglos angloing with brexit
>russia influencing america
What a time to be alive

And what of Soros funding leftie organizations that then use it to bus people to riots, create advertising, donate to things like CTR and media matters... Wtf

Fuck off, bear-nigger! At least our country wasn't traded for blue jeans. The number of Americans that want to dismantle the system is disgusting though, they'll get the gulag right before we annex Russia