Star Trek society

Why don’t we aim for that? I am happy with a blue or yellow Star Trek uniform and instead of a shitty smartphone. have a tricorder and a communicator badge. Also, having a completely militarized society working together for the bettering of mankind and ending all religion and nations is pretty cool. Also, no more trash on the street and lots of gardens and trees and modern architecture.

Other urls found in this thread:

Star Trek is an interpertation of a post communist dictatorship, Roddenberry was a card carrying communist good show but that world is idealistic to say the least

Fuck your comme space utopia, you redshirt Nigger

So? I don’t care about what you call it, I care about how it feels like to walk around in a blue jump suit with my phased in the holster, checking out plants with my tricorder while having afternoon tea with my African gf who is undergoing quantum mechanics training at the academy.

I think people who hold thru mode timers to get to Kobyashi Maru should be shot.

Are you a faggot? Asking for a logical friend.

Fine with me. I don’t want to command shit. I am fine being a blue shirt science guy or a yellow shirt engineer.

monarchy is a failed system

The most disappointing thing about star trek was that they failed to invent three bob cunts. All these exotic aliens and not a single one of them came with some extra tiddies. Total Recall beat them to that. Leads me to think that the writers of that show were kinda queer

>Commie + race traitor.
Why are modern Germans like that? Why can't you reverse to your imperial selves?

Because you poo in loo and haven't met elven ayy lamos enlightened by their logic thanks no scuh mad man right now

Because there are no euphoric space elf to lift us from this state of pathetic faggotry

shut your bleeding hole

United Federation of Planets was based off the Articles of Confederation

That wasn't a human build society. Earth only ended up like that because aliens landed and gave us technology that eliminated the need for recourse wars. So unless you've got a benevolent alien species hiding up your ass I suggest you get the fuck back to jerking off to Jeri Ryan centerfolds and leave hypothetical world affairs to people with half a brain.

piss off you can see how commie they are the no money and a few episodes were they go full anti capitalist

Exactly correct. They dreamed up this idea where there would be no "scarcity" - except when they're looking for fuel for their starships. And there would be no "money" - except then they barter when they have to trade with non-Federation worlds for things like that fuel. Basically, the show's underlying premise has no anchor in reality whatsoever. But then again, neither does Marxism.

Star Trek is a fun show, and does a pretty good job of showing superficial prejudices to be stupid. If Person A has the skillset required to excel at Task A, let them do it; no problem there. But anyone who takes any of it seriously is being set up for a tremendous disappointment. Contrary to brainless Marxist dogma, there is an objective reality and an innate human nature. Going through life with eyes screwed shut and fingers jammed in ears, screaming "LA LA LA" doesn't change this. We are witnessing the beginnings of the utter collapse of Marxist indoctrination in the Western world, precisely because it has no basis in reality. That which cannot endure, will not endure.

Because as far as the average person in the federation is concerned they're living in a post-scarcity society, which we aren't. Also, religion still exists among humanity in the Star Trek universe, and the reason the planet unified was largely due to alien intervention.

Star Trek a shit

Orville a best

A Star-Trek, what did it show? It showed how we can have nice things when and only when we have a space navy which enforces it. A mostly White space navy.

honestly did not even know i liked that before total recall

Because we are very young planet in this solar system and still have savage cultures that are in great need of development
inb4 niggers are preventing this
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>inb4 niggers are preventing this

You have a point, pajeet. None of their aliens were really alien, all following the basic 4 limbed, 2 eyed bipedal Plan. They had an episode on ST:TNG about it, going back to the single-race-seeds-Galactic-life meme. At least Babylon 5 had alien aliens. But I think mainly they just stock to bipeds because it was easy on the make up budget

fuck off eternal teuton and take your UN jew propaganda movie with you

They had one walking pizza in one episode, and Tribbles in another.

I love strek I still know its Roddenberry trying to sell his politics, why do you think they initially wanted the ferengi to be the villians in TNG, its pretty obvious man.


Yeah, there is an inconvenient lack of 5-limbed, three headed actors to play such roles, for sure.

The different lien races were meant to be metaphors for various human people, at least in TOS. I know the Klingons were supposed to be the Russians/USSR, I think Romulans might have been the Chinese, Vulcans were the Japanese, etc.

Star Trek is communist

Star Wars is not..

Don’t like either, no dog in fight

it's not communist when you have replicators which can pop nearly anything you want into existence

Yes, we CAN aim for a Star Trek society and we SHOULD aim for a Star Trek society. If we win, the entire universe (including Earth, obviously) is ours. If we lose, Heaven is ours. So either way, we ultimately win. I am a HUGE FAN of anarchy and I've used the anarchist flag on Sup Forums (it's the ONLY ideological flag I've ever used on Sup Forums, but ONLY ONCE since I'm against ideological flags on Sup Forums). People think that anarchism is only for edgy teens, but I'm 29 and I'm against edginess simply for the sake of edginess. Anarchism does NOT mean 'without rules', it means 'without RULERS' - which means that anarchism is a system where we are TRULY FREE (as opposed to 'free-range', like we are now). I dream of a world without governments, Jews, niggers, Muslims, borders, religions, flags, countries, money, human-made laws, weapons, courts, pollution and wars. I dream of a world where everyone has raw vegan organic alkaline food, unfluoridated water, shelter, clothing (unless they want to be nude like me) and unindoctrinating non-compulsory education. I dream of a world where everyone can joyfully, peacefully, truthfully, freely, independently and unconditionally lovingly explore both inner space and outer space together - forever.
In a perfect world that was morally and spiritually advanced, there would be NO government. But without the moral and spiritual advancement required to handle anarchism maturely, the best type of government would be a minarchist government. We could use minarchism to transition into peaceful anarchism.

inb4 peaceful anarchism doesn't exist

Peaceful anarchism DOES exist, don't fall for kike lies.

Pure living

I am not racist (in the sense of hating any race), I am a race-realist. Race exists and we are not equal physically nor are we equal mentally, but anyone can rise above the limitations of his or her race (but it's difficult to do and therefore it rarely ever happens) - and despite the FACT that we are all unequal both physically and mentally, it is also a FACT that we are ALL EQUAL in terms of who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form - and we NEED to remember that to stand any chance of making the world a truly better place. I do not adhere to any religion, but the (((Bible))) was right when it said that we are ALL made in the image of God - and that was one of the very few times that the (((Bible))) was right. And each member of any race should breed ONLY within that race - that's how we maintain REAL diversity (not kike-enforced 'diversity').

We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power. (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) We are all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. I am another you and you are another me. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger. (end)

We can achieve the things we see in the Star Trek franchise (like travelling faster than the speed of light and replicating whatever we want, for example) simply by awakening our siddhis. In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word 'siddhi' means 'perfection'. In its most common usage, the word 'siddhi' refers to an ability that is a natural and inherent faculty of our true identities as eternally alive souls. The soul is smaller than an atom and larger than the universe. The soul is infinitely small and infinitely large. The soul is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. The soul is the storehouse of ALL ENERGY, ALL POWER AND ALL STRENGTH. The soul is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. The soul possesses ALL siddhis and there are an INFINITE number of siddhis. Among all of these siddhis, there are considered to be eight major siddhis. Siddhis can be awakened through a variety of methods. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV.1, it is stated:

"Siddhis may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi."

Here is a list of the eight major siddhis (in no particular order):

Laghima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as light as you want.

Garima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as heavy as you want.

Mahima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as large as you want.

Anima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as small as you want.

Prapti siddhi: Having unrestricted access to any and/or all places.

Prakamya siddhi: Fulfillment of whatever you desire.

Isitva siddhi: Control over any and/or all of the laws of nature.

Vasitva siddhi: Being able to control any and/or all beings.

"A man is a god in ruins. When men are innocent, life shall be longer, and shall pass into the immortal, as gently as we awake from dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) You can awaken your siddhis through samyama, which is a state of consciousness in which one perceives the fundamental level of 'reality' where a perceiving subject (like you, for example) is merged with your perceived object. For example, to achieve laghima siddhi, you have to perform samyama on the lightness of a feather (for example) so that you become as light as that feather (or that you become the lightness of that feather, if you want to look at it that way). (end of part 2)

(start of part 3) Some people sneer at the siddhis because they do not believe in their existence, others because they think it is noble and spiritual to despise them. Both attitudes proceed from ignorance. Like Christ said truly "Be in the world, but not of the world." If you realise that this world is naught but Maya and are not attached to it, then you can play with it and have fun with it. Siddhis only keep you tied to samsara if you are attached to them. The siddhis in and of themselves are neither good nor evil, but represent the next level of both humanity's physical evolution and humanity's mental evolution. Siddhis are only a spiritual hazard if you are attached to them. Yogis know that the siddhis can be a distraction to the true spiritual goal of moksha if they are not used properly and that is why they NEVER use their siddhis for ego-based reasons, but ONLY to help other people without ANY desire to be rewarded and also as calling cards to make people accept that there is indeed a spiritual component to 'reality' that exists beyond the reach of the five senses. Anime won't ever BECOME 'real' because anime is ALREADY 'real' in an infinite number of universes. Anime is not 'real' here, but it IS 'real'. What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT FOR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF (WHICH IS INFINITE AND ETERNAL). I shall use manojava siddhi (the ability to instantly take your body wherever your mind goes) to teleport into a universe where anime is 'real' and make sweet, sweet love to one of my waifus there. Indians can teach us how to enter these other universes to make sweet, sweet love to our waifus through manojava siddhi. (end)

Fantastic. What a beautifully written redpill.

too many brainlets right now im afraid.

Why not a 40k society? We control everything.

You deserve to go extinct

Left liberalism such as in star trek makes sense when androids replaces all labour and clean infinite energy can be used to replicate food.

As long as resources are scarce however I'd rather stay right.

Then welcome to communism Bernd.
I like the Star Trek series but this is pure utopia. And a black GF studiyng quantum mechanics will never be reality (average IQ of negros).
Besides that is a racemix couple disgusting and blasphemic towards the supremacy.

What do you do when a nig chimps out and ruins a billion dollar ship killing the whole crew? What do you do when one third of niggers do that to all the ships they are on?

Why are all the girls in STD so fucking ugly?! OP's pic really drove that home.

The thing about Star Trek is that they relied on aliens to help them out. Also they were a communistic society, the government did everything for you. In return you were expected to work. If you were lucky, you'd get to serve on a spaceship. If not you were one the unlucky basatds to get sent on a colonization mission, where you're lucky enough to die quickly when Klingons come. Or else you'll be sold into slavery by the Ferungi or other race. Or shit, just wiped out of existence by Data's brother.

Seriously colonization sucks.

you're watching the wrong show

The picture nails it. !!!!
Ferengis = Jews
Klingons = Muslims

Even Star Trek proclaimsthe message that these two species are a constant threat to peace, progression, development and honesty.

Monster Maroons, the GOAT uniform

post your starfu

Pretty sure that thing on the left is supposed to be a fully functional male. I'm not sure though and don't care enough to validate this anyway.

Don't know much about Star Trek (but I don't hate it, though). I'm more of a Star Wars fan (but less so since the kikes from Disney took over Star Wars). I want a chissfu.

>But I think mainly they just stock to bipeds because it was easy on the make up budget

Well, yeah. The reverence people have for the universe of Star Trek always makes me laugh. It's not that there weren't some vague gestures towards a cohesive vision of the future, but it was a cheap, silly show. Much of the original series was cobbled together from whatever was lying around the Paramount lot, hence the Space Nazis and Space Chicago Gangsters and Space Romans. Even a lot of the regular aliens were just dudes in colorful togas.

all aliens look humanoid in Star Trek because they all evolved from a humanoid race called The Progenitors, including us

casuals I swear

Not bad, but I've got to go with the one true answer.


Germany already implemented it, just without the cool spaceships

I completely agree with you, Based Indian. I love humanoid aliens, but I also love truly 'alien' aliens (i.e. non-humanoid aliens). We need more non-humanoid aliens in science fiction.

fuck you fucking spacenigger

I almost forgot:

Vulkans = post imperial Japanese
Rumolans = Imperial Japanese

>muh progenitors
They answered the question that nobody bothered to ask in this episode because the answer was so obvious: aliens are humanoids with varying degrees of shit on their faces because actors are humans. Absolutely superfluous and pointless episode.

The writers of TNG definitely were


but, user, the high command has decided you don't have the skills, or the sponsors, to be an engineer
you've been assigned to warehouse duty

Face it, you are nothing but an expendable red shirt.

This would sound great if the entire world was western/central European or East Asian, but sadly most other races aren't remotely capable of such a society.

We can have star trek utopia as soon as we have matter replicators. Sadly the best we have now are 3d printers that poop out brittle little layers of plastic. You cant eat that.

Also the energy requirements to create a warp bubble for a space ship are on par with the output of the sun.

So it will never happen while we are alive.

No, we know better than to expect anything at all from a dumbass fuckin' commie.

>Why can't we live in a communist utopia?
Because Replicators work via impossible alchemy.

muh canon though

>So it will never happen while we are alive.

I have no doubt that it has already happened.

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin

>star trek society
it's literally the fucking communist utopia fantasy

fuck that right off

You're wrong Bernd!!!

Because it is undo able with the average level of intelligence and critical thinking that most normies posses. They are just too fucking dumb.

Hell, just watch the way they treat the character Ralph Offenhouse in the final episode of season one.

Except all the fuel and other resources they had to fight and trade with non-federation forces for.

Roddenberry originally wanted Ferengi actors to wear giant oversized codpieces, because they were supposed to be very sexually endowed.

Klingons are def not Muslims.

because all that shit is fucking gay and you're a massive fucking faggot
go milk some mohammeds, hans, you flaming poof

(stirs the shit pot) It occurs to me, suddenly, that those costumes were awfully objectifying and sexist. And for such a liberal show, too.

Star Trek was only good for smokin dope and playin Spades. The movies and later episodes took themselves waaay too seriously.

Quints confirm

>star trek society
Yeah, that's fine but I'm sure most people on this thread will point out something about it that doesn't have to do with the general moral points. The prime directive is the best part.

Aren't we already in a way?A Great shared Civilization which conquered the known Reaches that is now in full decline and under attack from all sides including from within.

Lets stick with aiming for the Federation while keeping it grounded in Reality.

Facism ftw

Not only that, but Trek is basically reliant on post-scarcity economy. They can replicate anything they want as long as they have base matter, so there is literally no wanting for tangible goods. We're not at that level of tech yet

I wish we could trade all of our nonwhites (and white numale bugmen libcucks) in america for all of the (non-poof non-marxtard) whites in australia. That would truly make both countries great again, we could watch all the race traitors get raped to death by packs of feral niggers while melbourne burns brightly in the night sky.

Then i guess you haven't see the series.

Klingons behavior resembles pretty much that of the average overproud muzzie.

humanity only reached an enlightened state after 90%+ of it was wiped out by global war and everyone unanimously agreeing to never let them cause another apocalypse. Unfortunately even then they managed to survive and are the Deep State of the Federation, a shadow agency that is so effective would make even the Cardies or Romulans green with envy, ironically responsible for unleashing even greater horrors on the galaxy like MUH BORG.

>hate humans and human style
>think they're the best
>constantly fight wars and want to kill everyone, peace is impossible

They totally are.
Klingons are constantly shouting about "muh Honor" and killing each other over "muh Honor".

Only to go to war with every Ship being cloaked and constantly justifying dishonorable actions by "Victory is the highest Honor"

They even go as far as demanding that they can do everything they want because they are your Allies.

Best post here.

Until we know how to make replicators, we will never have a Star Trek society, since they're living in a post-scarcity universe.

Except fuel and magical space crystals.

>You're wrong Bernd!!!
Who is Bernd?

Borg = Chinese

> Who is Bernd?

gooooogle krautchan, read for five minutes, come back and explain to me.

Wtf is krautchan?

we need to subvert star shit with this race realism, make all the nu-cucks decide that everything in that gay fucking shit is 'problematic'
put on your fucking subversion hats you dumb niggers, do you want yuri to be looking down disappointed at you from valhalla?

That you didn't ask me about gooooogle gives me hope. :-D

Yeah, I don't use botnet. You might wanna post a picture of her.

Or you know. We could make something cooler? Sure some of you fagots have connections? Now is the time to strike right at the heart of the degeneracy and bring Hollywood to its knees!