Poland hate thread

hate on thjsi shithole here

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't hate poland

Poland is the bad of the EU so that is why /pol doesn't like you

I love you, Poland. No homo.

i geniuenly hate this shithole

They forced Hitler's hand... if they don't make Europe great again then they can fuck off and join Serbia


Go away shill, Poland is great.

For how long have I been making these threads?
i don't remember



Is Nowa Huta as pretty as they say?
Not as a migrant, but a tourist with lots of surplus cash

FUCK your slide threads
the real action at the moment:
*hint *ANY* hate thread is a slide thread

idk never been there but i belive its the detroit of Poland. You should not go there. Its a failed communist project and the crime rate there is way higher than anywhere else in Poland.

In Such a case what cities are good if I want to just look at pretty buildings and interesting city layouts?

Poland has been based for ages. You guys were one of the few countries to give a shit about liberty prior to the enlightenment spreading the idea throughout Europe. Even if only the nobles could vote, you were pretty lax with how nobility worked, and had one of the largest voting populations in the world at the time. The only thing wrong with Poland is that it has the misfortune to be in between two historically powerful nations that have historically not given a shit about liberty.

Is this a daily thing now?

get fucked retard, everyone knows by now you're trying to reverse psychology people into contradicting you and saying nice things about poland

you're a pathetic low self-esteem loser s m h


Be grateful - you have far fewer niggers and muslims than most of your neighbours.

Someone posted this vid recently its creepy as fck but it shows all the most popular and nice tourist locations. i would add Zakopane in mountains to the list. (see the pic)


Why would we hate them
They will likely lead the crusade again

Noice, thanks

Reminder to either ignore Poland hate threads or turn them into Poland tourism threads

So wypierdalaj z tąd?

true :(((

Who will make your best games if not Poland?

Photorealistic VR will be the best investment in 2018.


>He didn't invest in southern Poland
>he won't become a millionaire.

I'm pretty sure they are smart enough to not save Vienna again. Ungrateful westcucks can go and rot in a ditch.

>z tąd
you need to go too, sorry

fuken poolack, one day we will kill you all

fucking toilet cleaners

Flag could be better.

Dude you think any1 would belive your cheap proxy bait? You don't live here in the region and you don't know what are the relations between V4 countries.

>Is Nowa Huta as pretty as they say?
Who the fuck told you that? This is Nowa Huta...

Drink polish beer


Watch KSW mma

Poland is a based country, quit proxyfagging, Junker.



I heard it's good.

Poland is strong

Be like marius pudzonowski

If you would be so kind, enlighten me on the history of the Danzig, starting ~1900.

I am so used to American-Style cities that any resemblance of order makes me hard

I don't know what is this dangik you are asking about, but if you are asking about Polish City of Gdańsk you could simply use google/wikipedia.

what a tranny.

No, fuck off
We are tired of tourists in Zakopane, go to Kraków or Warsaw.
Zakopane used to be a comfy, quiet and cold place but then shitton of tourists came.. and now you feel like a stranger in your own city.
I don't want to see this city turn into Paris V.2 or London V.2.

Who gives a shit about making Europe great again?
Really, who gives a shit?
No one.

You forgot to mention that during American revolution we supported USA and even our jews assisted you in battle.


The city/corridor lost in reparations for WWI and the principal of the Nazi invasion in WWII.
The Danzig corridor.
Where do I learn about this place/people in book form?

I wouldn't say it's pretty tho.


Zakopane is for everyone!
You guys would eat grass if not tourism xD

S-s-spierdalaj volksdeutschu

Germany looks nice.

Ślunsk dla Ślunzaków, Zakopane też dla Ślunzaków!!

Zakopane is overrated anyway. You fucked up your landscape with building brick/concrete houses instead of traditional wooden ones.

Fuck off.

Jak tam się żyje w Szwecji :DDD


Nah I like Poles

Why do Poles always act like animals on this forum, have no sense of irony and treat everything so seriously? They lack any moderation and restraint, they're often vulgar and ostentatious. Trying to demean people from the East, and show themselves as stronk and advanced compared to them, because they hide a deep complex of inferiority. The moment I saw this thread, I knew what to expect, that Polacks will get triggered easily, remind everybody how stronk they were in 17. century and show their ugly, dumb patol-bydlo face

No, Ukraine isn't a polish clay, it has been separating itself from Poles since 1648, which dumb bydlo Polacks of Sup Forums don't notice, because they're primitive apes with little historical knowledge and fail to recognize that Poland-Lithuania =/= Poland proper. Yes, keep on pretending you know shit about the East, keep on pretending we're better than the East, won't change the fact that advanced Westerners still see us as half-civilized apes and sadly polacks of Sup Forums provide a good evidence of this. Poles are a post-imperial nation, with little successes ever since, and they want to believe that they're this old 17. century country. Poland has little scientific and economic successes, and they want to feel important by pretending they dominate the East, like in the 17. century, and they have to pick up on Ukraine to feel stronk and pretend they're influential elsewhere, like Germany, UK and such


Leave Poland if you hate it so much.

>inb4 wrzuca obazek z sebami i nasladuje testo

>Germans develop Eastern Europe
>Pollock nevertheless unsatisfied

I like Poland. It's just so peaceful and comfy here. Low crime. Good food. College is free if you're not a brainlet/very affordable if you are. Amazing public transport. Decent internet.

We poles like to bitch about everything, we don't know how good we have.

noone cares about that shithole fuck off

ja nikogo nie nasladuje wy cwele, to jest po prostu prawda, ze TRUTH, sorry że wam psuję marzenia

Fuck out Ukrainian scumbag

Kys wolksdojczu.


>o njee, lepiej się załamać, użalać nad sobą i pewnie wyjechać na zachód

Its not so bad around here for a pole.

Is the last name Zwack Polish?

a może lepiej się przyznać, że się jest sredniakiem i nie pyszczyć o wilky polscy zanadto?


Naprawdę myslisz, że widzimy Polskę jako ekonomicznie lepszy od takich Niemiec lub Szwajcarii, eh ?

pic - when no other nation dared.

Kolega się mało zna na ekonomii i mysli ze wrzucajac wskaźnik PKB jest w stanie opisać całokształt procesów zachodzących w gospodarce. Skoro wg Twojej wiedzy tak kiepsko się rozwijamy to dlaczego nagle Polski przemysł potrzebuje 3 miliony rąk do pracy a do 2030 będzie potrzebował ich 5 milionów. Nawet jakby wszyscy polacy wrócili to i tak by było za mało rąk do pracy. W Twoich super krajach z kolei bezrobocie pikuje w górę szybciej niż rollercoaster chociaż PKB by na to nie wskazywało.

Niemcy to przypadek szczególny, który trzeba analizować osobno - tak manipulują EU, że jako jedyni tak się rozwijali

Jestes zwykłym karachanowym frajerem, który mysli że się na czyms zna i tylko jątrzy i pluje jadem. Pewnie twoi dziadkowie zostali tu sprowadzeni z Rosji jako Ci co mieli niszczyć polskę, twoich rodziców wychowali na ubeków nienawidzących Polskę, i w tym samym duchu wychowali Ciebie, a teraz jak są odciągnięci od koryta to kwik się niesie na dziesiątki kilometrów. Powinni twoją rodzinę wywieźć do rosji bo z tamtąd pochodzi.

myslę, że wielu Poloków ma zaburzone proporcje i mysli, że Polska za rok odtworzy Rzeczpospolitą

Ten gówno thread powinien się skończyć własnie z tym postem

>Skoro wg Twojej wiedzy tak kiepsko się rozwijamy to dlaczego nagle Polski przemysł potrzebuje 3 miliony rąk do pracy a do 2030 będzie potrzebował ich 5 milionów
ale czy ty wiesz matole, że Polska jest ciągle bidna w porównaniu z taką Hiszpanią? Ja już widzę, co się będzie działo w przyszłosci - że ten kraj zatrzyma się na poziomie gdzies własnie trochę pod Hiszpanią pewnie

Skrajnosc goni skrajnosc. Nasze typowe polskie użalanie się nad sobą i swoim krajem jest równie zjebane co slepy fantazym w kraj

Żyjemy w lepszych warunkach niż nasi koledzy ze wschodu ale jednoczenie w gorszych w porównaniu do tych z zachodu.
Taka jest prawda i ciężko temu zaprzeczyć

I love u Bolan

thanks I appreciate that

U r not Polan.

U r cuck wit no life. Missed u last 2 days tho.


Thank you

Po pierwsze fakt nasze PKB się szybko nie zrówna, ale musisz wiedzieć, że to jest po częsci celowe działanie rządu bo dzieki temu trzymamy konkurencyjne ceny wzgledem zachodu. Dwa, jeżeli chcesz porównywać wskaźnik dobrobytu to masz tu np pkb per capita ppp/pps który jest skorygowany o parytety. Co z tego, że oni mają wyższe PKB jak u nich koszt życia jest 2-3 razy wyższy, nie rozumiesz tego kretynie? Nie zdajesz sobie sprawy że wskaźnik ryzyka życia w ubóstwie / risk of poverty index jest w Polsce niższy niż np w UK, nawet kurwa na litwie jest ciężej żyć w ubóstwie niż w UK. Mało to, Ty mówisz Hiszpania, KRETYNIE JEBANY wiesz jaka jest sytuacja Hiszpani, Włoch i Grecji?!?! 20-30% bezrobocie i rosnie, wskaźnik ryzyka życia w ubóstwie 20-30% i rosnie, zadłużenie mają 3 razy większe niż my, ich gospodarki są w depresji i wg ekonomistów nie da rady poprawić ich kondycji przez conajmniej 1 generacje. JESTES KRETYNEM PO GIMNAZJUM poczytaj trochę może zmądrzejesz. PKB jest takim o na szybko wskaźnikiem który tak o poglądowo mówi jaki jest trend, ale nim się da łatwo manipulować.

O ile się nie myle to Hiszpania aktualnie walczy z bezrobociem i ogólnie to spadło już ono.
Ale nie zmienia to faktu, że w kategorii bezrobocia wsród młodych dorosłych to Hiszpania króluje niesamowicie

Pewnie Unia wpompowała dużo pieniędzy, żeby ratować sytuację z jednej ważnej przyczyny, jeżeli Hiszpania albo Włochy zbankrutują to zbankrutuje reszta UE. a kraje z tego wykresu -> zmienią się z dnia na dzień w ekonomiczną afrykę.
Z drugiej strony teraz wyszła sprawa Katalonii, która na pewno dużo zmieni w statystykach.

Where can I learn more of the 1920-1939
Wolne Miatso Gdansk
The Free City of Danzig
Wikipedia is screaming holohaux.


I don't really know for what.

What does the FCD have to do with the holocaust?

Anything that potrays Germans as the bad guys is " jewish propaganda "

But they were the bad guys.
Ignoring the Jews, they killed a fuckton of pic rel white European Polish Christians.


>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh oppression of e-e-ethnic k-k-krauts

Free City of Danzig existed before WWI apparently. This is interesting to me.

Hey! GORILLIONS of Germanics got murdered. So its only fair the nazis killed a few million ''white'' sl*vic back.

Holy shit you here just to say that. Everyone knows that the Holocaust is massively based and manipulated for political gain. If it is as bad as it is portrayed (death camps, lampshades, etc) then there is no taboo about researching it. (If its portrayed correctly then nothing to fear with people looking into it)

Yet the taboo exists and you know it. Why is that?

Please enlighten me (is this WWII? Before? After?) American education on matters of history is utterly devoid-- they basically ignored Europe other than "evil Nazis" and focus on pearl harbour.

After the beginning of the September Campaign, ethnic Germans living in Northern/Western Poland decided to form Militia in order to harras polish army and make it easier for nazis to roll in.

During their first encounter with polish army..
..they were utterly annihilated.

Almost no one survived the fight and this is where the opression started - germans were seen as untrustworthy traitors that turned against us. Later on Germans decided to use it reinforce their claim against Poland.

Thus the "opression of ethnic germans" begun not before WW2 but during it.

I can't you have closed borders and are rightful europeans, try reducing criminality, hire more doctors. The only thing there is, that you sometimes claim german cities as polish, stop it but keep em! Have a great day, an honest german.