Is not doing drugs degenerate?

Almost all of my red pilled friends at the minimum drink and smoke pot. And alot of them do painkillers, molly, and even dope. I think the people who abstain from drugs in their adult years are the true blue pilled losers in america.

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you loser

define "red pilled friends"

I think for myself and don't let friends or people around me influence my decisions in life, it's called principals, morals, higher values and trusting your intuition. Instead, focus on what you can change and go after that, it's much better than drugs user.

Fuck you and fuck off shill


How old are you?

Most people drink an smoke pot. And a lot of people do all kinds of shit. Just because it's not on primetime TV doesn't mean it isn't happening all around you. I think you might just be becoming and adult.

Nah, they ruin you.

So your telling me to think for myself and youre also telling me to do what you say kek.
Maybe if you did drugs youd have caught that contradiction before you pwned yourself

I wish I could save her. She would never suffer alone again. When she felt bad I would cuddle with her. I'd be her new drug. I would love and protect her from all the bad in the world. And when she felt ready we would make beautiful white babies and I would love them too. But ladies such as her were typically abused by their fathers (sexually). So I'd take it very slow. She would decide when the time is right. And I'd be content just holding her hand until then...

I hear all these teenage losers on 4chins who act like they are grade a hitler youths bc they dont do drugs or go to parties. They seem to not even realize that their idol Was a huge morphine and methamphetamine fan.

Drug use is just a consequence of the majority of personality types clashing with the systems of the modern world and of modern society. Any correlation you see between free thought and drugs is coincidental - you are most probably simply keeping yourself around people who you view as redpilled regardless of whether they do drugs or not. Also consider the fact that knowing a taboo truth may cause you to abuse narcotics - again, the cause is not drugs, it's the redpill, the drugs are a symptom of it.

Thanks user. hows algebra 1 going?

True man don´t smoke peyote.

I did pot, and was adicted looking in perspective.

Adicted to procrastinate my life and scape.

When you afront life without using drugs or others adictive things, you become strong and everything start to make sense.

Loving women romanticly is worse than meth.

Her body is probably too polluted to expect normal children. Best thing you could do for her is fuck her when it hits then bash her head in with a cinder block when youre done.

I used to do a lot of drugs, and I understand why people are attracted to that. The way I see it, a certain type of person realizes that our modern world is bullshit, but seeks to run below rather than rise above. They carve out a little niche in a subculture that is totally world-denying and almost prideful in how outsider it is. I lived it for years, and met a lot of VERY intelligent people who had made a conscious decision to turn their backs on the world and explore their own sensations instead. Lots of deadbeats and assholes too, but they weren't the rule.

I'm done with all that now, and mostly enjoy a glass of wine/a beer/a glass of spirits once a week or so with a meal. Abstaining creeps me out, when people make it a lifestyle thing. It means they don't trust themselves. If someone is afraid of what happens if they drink, be afraid of that person, because they have a VERY loose grip on their vices.

The true redpill is mastering yourself enough to allow calculated indulgences without fucking your entire life up, or making it into a habit. Stay away from coke though, and don't keep drug friends past your mid twenties. Thats when shit usually hits the fan and you don't want to be around when it does. There honestly are better ways to spend your time, but I get why it happens.

Dude youre probly a 300 pound loser who she would quadruple the price for.
She probly had no trauma during her youth, and got into heroin because it feels awesome. The only trauma she would have would be from fucking you for money, because you would be talking to her as if she had something to learn or gain from you. She knows more about the world than you do, faggot.
You give the nazi flag a bad name you piece of fucking shit.
Kill yourself you fat imbred dea fuck

Weed is fucking gay, even though I'm really doing my best to quit.

Alcohol isn't really that interesting to me, but I go through a couple beers a night on Friday and Saturday, but I try to avoid them entirely during the weekdays so not to fuck with my work out routine

Only nootropics worth it.
Modaphenyl+ritalin+LSD(very little)

Very good for scientific and wrighting brainstorm.

Weed is acceptable when you reach 40 years - it boosts your brain when you're old. When you're young it makes you degenerate.

Alcohol and tobacco is a low-tier shit for der untermench.

This user is right.

Im not fat

doing drugs with moderation is red pilled. being drug addict is cuck

>think the people who abstain from drugs in their adult years are the true blue pilled losers in america

I just stopped using booze, pot and pills 6 months ago after 25 years of blowing money, getting arrested, fighting with the wife, etc. You can have my share son, and knock yourself out.

It's an artfully staged photo, user.

yes it is , using any substance besides nicotine and or caffine is degenerate, and user your friends are blue pilled retards if they use pills an or any other substance there losers and childish so dont associate with them. cut them off like the scum they are. its not worth your time if there doing that shit. now do yourself a favor and change yourlife for the better or you will follow them in the same path.

Well youre obviously disgusting and an embarassment to the nazi movement.
You probly cant get a decent gf because ur so ugly, so u assume that a junkie NEEDS YOUR HELP and that she will have your kids
Literally i have never come across a person that hitler would be more ashamed of than your disgusting self-affirming ass.

Do whatever you want.

This is some Reddit Tier banter

I don’t recommend getting into drugs OP, I use to do drugs and it has been absolute hell and has taken many years to return to normalcy. I drink a few times a year and just on occasions like Christmas now, and even then it’s just because of the social pressure. I am much happier sober, my mind is clear again and I’m not always looking for a fix.

Reminder that any form of government only works with virtuous citizens. Excluding North Korea. Humans are a collectivist species. We cannot survive by being absolutely free. We need to have good people around us to guide us. Doing drugs hurts the greater good.

>not microdosing LSD
ITT:rural retards

People who get out of control from drugs and alcohol usually have a low iq.
Im not saying you have a low iq for sure, (but we all know you probably do ;) )

This is why your conscience makes you feel bad when you do drugs. We were created this way. Every human besides autists share the human conscience. Doing bad things makes you feel bad.

nicotine and caffeine are as bad. you good goy.

they are the old good vices to controll the population so they keep sedated and adicted to some extent.

Also bad for your teeth, skin and brain function while the substance is still in your body.

Fentanyl doesn't work CIA fiend ?!

drugs are as degenerate as your "red-pilled" """friends"""

You wont burst my bubble

In the 1990s, my friends and I would ride bicycles around local wooded property lots and open spaces, at least three of those spaces have now become drive-thru pharmacies in the past 25 years, and there was no shortage of pharmacies in the area to begin with, the amount of people (especially women and children) on prescription drugs and SSRIs is through the roof, and they are driving around at all hours of the day zonked out on those pills, wrong-way drivers in the middle of the afternoon are quite common.

Thank you for sharing fiend you can go back now..

Where did u hear about microdosing from?

a friend of mine told me that Hillary has been doing it for years

You wont kill yourself
Bc ur a pussy

Well, I'm a leftist and I neither drink nor smoke so you might be onto something, mate.

Yes goy, do drugs!
It's redpilled goy!

>*gracefully bows, with a tip of his trilby*


So basically (((you))) said it's Pure coincidence?!

The only redpilled drugs are psychedelics. All other drugs are degenerate.

I fucking hate druggies and druggies are the reason I hate christianity now to.

>Be me, hard worker
>barely even drink
>grow up around a fuck ton of heroine addicts who were cunts even before they started drugs
>work at same company for years
>Verbally told I will be the next person promoted to supervisor
>Whats this, its druggie drug fuck fresh off the rehab farm
>He deserves a second chance user, its the christian thing to do, dont you agree?

Fucking quit that day and slashed my bosses tyres two weeks after that.

Knowing the way things really are doesn't preclude you from being degenerate trash.

>alot of them do painkillers, molly, and even dope
Your friends are degenerate trash.

>but we all know you probably do ;) )
Maybe I do. But my house and land are paid off and I'll be retired in 8 years. So, I have that going for me.

Doing drugs aren't degenerate

It is when you over do it though

it's hard being redpilled and sober, even if they are aware of the GMO beer and GMO pot that will soon be widely available to the public that they are consuming.

there's a lesson in here. drugs don't make the man. off yourself.

Is this one of those demoralization threads?

Except they do
The guy got fired after a month for stealing copper cable.

Jump off a cliff degenerate

Smoking pot and drinking from time to time is fine...if your doing anything beyond maybe once a year your a piece.of one thinks your cool shit when your doing Molly at 34 in any sort of a regular basis. And dope...if you do heroin...stop it's not cool. You'll get addicted and lose everything you have. Stuff family...everything


Avoid drugs. Herbal remedies are more effective and have less side effects, sometime having none at all.


Think of all the generations of natural and sexual selection that went into your brain. It's fuckin fine-tuned m8ey.

Reclaiming your natty brain in a world where 90% of adults use caffeine daily and the rest are pothead niggers is uber. Drugs are a bluepill, often literally.

Think about it. Virtually no Westerner knows what sustained sober consciousness is like. We don't get real sleep and we don't produce the brain chemicals we need, at least not in their natural quantities. No wonder we're all trying to change our genders and fuck poopers and invite enemies in. We're lotus-eaters, we simply drug ourselves into thinking everything's peachy.

Get lost you racist loser

Doing drugs and being redpilled are mutually exclusive.

>abstaining means you don't trust yourself
Not necessarily. The brain is always changing, our thoughts are always evolving. Always seemed to me that a drug "high" interrupts the process. I'd rather let my sober brain keep extrapolating things. Same reason you don't take a vacation when in the middle of a project.

where did you park your shiny armor?

the red pill dont work if you take other pills/drugs too.
watch out for (((pills))) and (((Drugs)))
Reason No.9999 why "redpill" is such a stupid meme

This is true. Caffeine and nicotine are the usurers of energy. Soon I will be out of debt to them. Here come the crazy dreams.

Your thoughts move slower once you're off stimulants but they're more nuanced and you have deeper insights. Strange new realizations come to you. A caffeinated population already knows everything and just needs the energy to shout 'bigots' into submission.

Mind-altering, brain-damaging, mood-distorting drugs and alcohol are readily available to every high school student, as a quick fix for all of life’s challenges. And the effects of these products are much broader than even the most alarming statistical analysis of teen substance abuse can reveal. For the omnipresent affiliation of drugs and booze with the world of popular entertainment (especially the most morally potent entertainment, music) has produced a general societal intoxicated attitude. Think of the threatening hip-hop swagger, the disaffected heavy metal detachment, the modesty-obliterating pop diva prostitution—and consider the extent to which these popular poses have become archetypal among modern youth (and their parents), affecting the moral attitudes and behavior of all but the most superhumanly pure and innocent souls, regardless of whether the posers are actually substance abusers yet.

Conveniently linked with this pop culture’s instant gratification ethic is the agenda of leftist authoritarianism. There has developed an easy, almost natural moral continuum between gang violence fantasies and “economic justice,” between ersatz eighteen-year-olds begging for a chance to satisfy your every lust and “reducing carbon emissions.” In this emotional universe, Snoop Dogg and Barack Obama, Beyoncé and Al Gore, are somehow melded into one mental mess, like blobs of color in a child’s finger painting. I want to feel pleasure right now, and I want the whole planet to feel pleasure right now—except for those loser grown-ups who want to prevent me from feeling pleasure right now. I want them to suffer.

This nightmarish moral universe has its “mature” phase, wherein one merely empathizes with the more licentious and illegal elements of the worldview, without necessarily participating in them fully oneself. Quasi adults of this sort go by various names around the world. In the U.S., for example, their most popular name is “liberals.”

>>grow up around a fuck ton of heroine addicts who were cunts even before they started drugs
Are there manny heroin addicts in south africa? I thought africa had low drug use rates. Who uses the drugs?

Any drug intake makes you a subhunan.

>>He deserves a second chance user, its the christian thing to do, dont you agree?
You fuck addicts to make them feel better?!

> Maybe if you did drugs youd have caught that contradiction before you pwned yourself
Contradiction is linguistical not logical, mainly because most of the languages are poorly formulated and most suitable for making stupid puns than statements of facts.

Guess your brains are so washed up by dope you cant understand this simple idea.

Who is your friend


Hitler was like JFK, they had personal doctors that would prepare injections, in the case of JFK his dr.(max jacobson) never told him he was being injected with methamphetamine, he kept it a secret. Hitler didn't know/care what he was being injected with.

>Almost all of my red pilled friends at the minimum drink and smoke pot. And alot of them do painkillers, molly, and even dope.
That's just their way of dealing with the pain

Weed is an injection of dopamine. You can't not like weed nor is there a reason to do it. Not much more pathetic than happyness in a bottle.

>drug intake

Are you a chimpanzee?

You misunderstand me, I abstain 99.9% of the time as well, for the same reason mostly. I mean the people who truly believe that the only thing keeping them from complete breakdown is their continued ability to not drink/smoke/whatever. The "reformed" people who believe that they are one beer away from a fight or an affair or god knows what else. They are still in fear.

Nice bait, you degenerate fuck, but it tastes a little sagey.

You dont know what youre talking about, little girl :)


This is some jewish as fuck shit OP you fucking faggot.

"working out kills white men"
"not doing drugs is redpilled AF"

fucking gas yourself. you are a kike, or you work for a kike. day of the rope is nigh shill

Who the fuck is that? Sam Hyde? The fuck happened?

Drugs make you suck lol addicts will go on the day of the rope

Hmmm, I wonder (((who))) is behind this post. (((Who))) could possibly have an interest in seeing people becoming addicted to drugs?

Dont forget not to work out*
*if you are white

Drugs lead to addiction and then dependance.

Know that addiction is a form of slavery.

Essentially most people are nowadays hedonists.

They are enslaved to pleasure.

They work hard to get money just to spend it on pleasure.

Which is what your friends are doing.

Im not saying that pleasure is bad, I'm saying that drugs usually lead to this kinda thing.

>mid 20s is when shit hits the fan
Shit hit the fan for you because you were busy escaping reality. Not true for abstainees.
>don't trust people who won't do drugs
Druggies have the most perverse sense of reality.

I get massive anxiety attacks just from alcohol hangovers. I couldn't even imagine doing drugs because of that.

Did you have special classes at school on test days, or are you just pretending to be retarded?

I specifically say to avoid being around drug people at that age because thats when shit hits the fan for THEM. I was fine, because I had been out for years at that point.

>don't trust people who won't do drugs
Except thats not at all what I was saying. See for clarification.

if you consider bluepills as buying into the whole idea theyre selling. you work to pay back the interest on your credit cards and a house you can barely afford for a bunch of kids you can barely afford and the car you can barely afford to fit in with the neighbors you dont care about to look like you care about the life you never dreamed about as a kid.

sticking a needle in your arm is a huge middle finger to all of it. it's saying that you dont care about any of that shit everyone else does. THIS is what you care about. and it's all just as valid as any of your hypocritical bullshit. fuck you blah blah blah

You sound like you've never had a GF yourself lol. You're not fooling anyone hamid

That's not what you said lol

Not doing drugs/drinking is worth it just for the sheer amount of money you save

They all just don’t have friends lol

You read a sentence and don't place in in context. Did you miss the part where I said "as a lifestyle thing", and then wrote a new post to clarify what I will admit may have been a vague statement?

Amphetamines seemed to make me more conservative. They kind of had the same effect that lifting and boosting my testosterone had on my attitude toward life: made me more focused on getting the most out of life through discipline and hardwork and not getting distracted by emotions or worrying about what other people think.

You're kind of right I went from being mildly popular to being an outcast my senior year because I didn't start to do drugs when everyone else did. Worth it I'm getting my phd now.

Oh good so you admit you're still coming from an addled perspective where categories bend to fit what you think is normal