Monogamy is an unnatural arrangement created for political reasons in the ancient world when people were considered...

Monogamy is an unnatural arrangement created for political reasons in the ancient world when people were considered property and your last name determined your title.

Why are we still bound to it in the 21st century?

agreed we should just turn to the fuckpits and impose a childcare tax

Yeah, where did traditional values ever get the world?

Ask muslim world how good it feels to be rid of it, although they will most likely be busy getting fucked by another western psyop taking advantage of their instability and social unrest.

Sure it's not rational to get married when you later down the line could find someone better. But still its one of the foundations of society, and states that are based on this free love dont last long

everything we do is "unnatural", cunt. do you think taxes and the internet are natural phenomena?

Go on then, how much power have you got? Normalize polygamy if you can. Whose interests are you serving?

slut with a child's mind detected

There are several reasons why monogamy is necessary for a functioning society.

The greatest reason is that in a polymarous society, all the top richest and most powerful men would get all the women. This results in a huge portion of men who will never get any women, in fact the majority of men would never have access to women. As a result these men would simply outnumber and revolt against the top men. A society like that would be extremely unstable and easily conquered. Why would all the single men protect the society? They have nothing to win, they have no family to protect, in fact they have more to win if they join the conquerors and rape the women with them and take the spoils of war.

The second reason is that in a polymarous society, where women sleep around, men would never truly know which child is theirs. Women can easily know, since they give birth to the kids. But men will never know, any guy could have ejaculated in her at any time, and no one knows which ejaculate made her pregnant. And why would any man invest his resources and time into a child he doesn't even know is his. He wouldn't, which would make the kid fatherless. These kids would easily be out competed by children of monogamous families, because there the father raised them, taught them his skills and gave them resources to get more successful.

Polymarous families, and polymarous societies will always be out competed by monogamous families and monogamous societies. This is why there isn't any polymarous societies, they where all defeated and conquered long before written history. Its simply a bad strategy to organize your society.

>Monogamy is wrong! Free love!
>P-polygamy? That's demeaning to women! We should never legalize it, you don't want to be like those bad Mormons and Muslims!

Fucking liberal rats.


>evolve from monogamous prehistoric ape
>”look at the chimpanzees! They basically rape each other!”

Only women want this or you’re a cuck

Sexual exclusiveness within couple is not really healthy, but interracial that this film promotes is unnatural.

Black propaganda: put some truth with a lie to it

My (cucked) state is currently experiencing massive outbreaks of hepatitis a, hiv, and gonorrhea.

Monogamy prevents the unchecked spread of venereal disease.A lot of that shit is also transmittable before it'll show up on tests. Would not be comfortable fucking someone who went around having untold amounts of unprotected sex in this day and age.

>Why are we still bound to it in the 21st century?
Because it worked so insanely well. It's also not unnatural at all, hence why everyone cares so much when their partner is disloyal.

Because people get jealous when it comes down to open relations. You still worry about your lovers attention going to someone else or possibly a child being born with a person outside your relationship. Theres also a hell of alot more risks for std's. None of this is religion or cultural simply ths practical implications of open relations. There are swingers abd stuff out there who are pretty damn safe and know each others boundaries and stuff. But most people arent mature enough to reap the benefits of the lifestyle. So because people are still silly abd immature these days they remain locked in monogamy.

Are you one of those mentally ill shitposters or are you for real? Because if you are for real then you are really one retarded son of a bitch.

>a quest to understand love sex and marriage in the 21st century

Yeah because it changed just because the year did. fucking degenerates

Should I cheat on my gf?

We've been together three years and I'm probably going to propose next year.


>the poster shows a white guy trying to pull his girlfriend back away from getting blacked
>this is supposed to be a more ideal sexual arrangement
Gee, I wonder who's behind this masterpiece """documentary""".

You know what comes naturally to human beings? Walking around naked shitting and pissing where we please. Stopping casually on a street corner to masturbate. Sticking your finger in your asshole and then sniffing it. Eating your boogers. Coughing and sneezing without covering your mouth. Not knowing written languages or a structured alpha-bet. Having sex with as many holes as possible without strings attached. Eating as much food as you find available, even if it turns you into an obese ball of flab. Not cutting or trimming body hair, bathing, or doing anything to alter body odor or hygiene levels.

You know why we decided to alter ourselves from our original states? Because primitive life is primitive. It sucks. It isn't fun, and most of the impulsive things our minds might tell us to do are objectively bad ideas which cause problems for us in the long run. Inferior peoples are short sighted and will not understand the benefit of self-control. They will do what feels correct without analyzing or projecting what the future consequence or impact will be. Natural arrangements for human society are pushed by leftists as an ideal we should return to, because leftists are purely about feelings and feeling good in the moment. They do no plan ahead for the longer term, they do not see the reason behind self control. They have childish or even infantile minds which tell them that it IS ok to do and have whatever they want. Mechanisms were created to keep this behavior in check- one of the most powerful of which is shame. This is why the left has been overtly fighting an unending war on shame for well over 70 years in the hopes that eliminating shame will also eliminate self-respect and our more advanced sensibilities.

This degeneration of society is planned. Why was monogamy created in the ancient world? What would have pressed them to do this? Idiots will tell you men just wanted to tie down women, but this isn't the case. If a relationship structure would have been made entirely to serve men, then the men in power would have instituted polygamy because keeping with primitive wants or desires, men would have naturally wanted to enslave not just one women but many women and fuck them to his heart's content, spreading his seed to many women. Even in the ancient world, which is frequently portrayed as highly hedonistic, they realized this was a bad idea. Not only was it a shitty deal for women, but it increased chances of a town's kids being fathered by a few elite men, and all of their kids fucking each other in future generations. Polygamy ALWAYS brings inbreeding with it, so monogamy was adopted since it was safer to society and more advanced than simply fucking every stranger you think has a nice looking cock.

Over time monogamy grew into a very strong system, as long as both parties understood their responsibilities and bought into it. It is unnatural, but many unnatural institutions are a source of extreme strength because our base nature is weak and stupid. It isn't natural to go to school to acquire knowledge, typically one would pick up information as they go. Deliberate education of children was adopted instead. Kids aren't made to sit still in a classroom learning self control, patience, and assimilating information. They're meant to be carefree and frolicking in meadows or some bullshit. Well somewhere along the line we realized that if we don't waste childhood playing games and being kids and instead forced education, though unnatural, we could raise human potential- so we did it. Monogamy is intentionally undermined and eroded to the point where most of the people who do go out and get married are doing it the wrong way and for the wrong reasons.

It is the bedrock of our society however, and there is scientific evidence that backs the fact that one man and one women raising a child together in a monogamous marriage is the most advantageous arrangement possible. It's not something which is easy to do for most people. Its easy to feel your dick throb at the club and forget all about that fantastic woman at home while your primal brain is clouded with imagery of how nice it would be to undress and plow that hot chick at the bar. Its difficult for many to restrain that feeling because you know factually that you love your wife and doing anything with this chick would throw away the rock-solid foundation of your lives. It isn't natural. It's superior. The idea that what comes freely and naturally to a human is the best possible thing for you is rooted in sheer stupidity.

>It's also not unnatural at all,
Monogamy in humans is a social construct. Once the sexual revolution, and the pill, happened we quickly saw soft polygamy take root among the younger people. The only reason full blown polygamy hasn't ben unleashed is it's illegal.

It is not, it is hardwired into the brains of men to want to protect their partner. The social construct of criminal justice is what stops a man from physically acting on those urges to do so.

I would posit sleeping around with another man's wife, even with his consent, is more immature. In fact, if there were no birth control or abortions, it would never work.

IKR, i it's the current year, DAH!

A man should have as many wives as he can reasonably care for and lead with a firm patriarchal hand.

One man / one woman implies equality. Let's not fall for that meme. Even if you have only one woman, she should be aware that you're at liberty to add another one. Keep'em humble.

It was a way to not spread deadly sexual diseases you cuck

It was also a way to preserve society. There was a period in China's history where polygamy was allowed, due to the feudal warlords amassing so much power that they could keep harems. It caused constant strain in society due to so many young men being unsatisfied, so that the emperor broke the back of his lords and outlawed polygamy to save their country.

I'd rather have my children benefit from my last name and the combined incomes of their mother and I than I would have them suffer the same sort of hard reset on wealth that my own sadistic and unfaithful grandmother put us through. I had to live like a nigger in postmodernist America, but it doesn't make me a nigger.

Keep crying though. My wife is mine alone and I'm more than willing to kill a fucker over the matter.

i dont care about religion or marriage
i just wish virginity and only having one partner for life was encouraged and anything else was shamed

This. Polygamy for men and monogamy for women is by far the most redpilled system.

kill yourself quick

Couples in long term loving relationships would disagree. The push to break up the family unit is unnatural.

Worth reading.

You mean the arrangement associated with higher iq and the best child care? Notice a correlation with gestational periods, ages of maturity, and brain size? Notice the difference between those in race? You're a base level animal. Also if you knew how to read you'd know that westerners didn't consider wife property, that's a subversion. You probably like Islam too despite it being the opposite of what you preach.

>A rich aristocrat would make a movie promoting degeneracy

Really activates my almonds

Nature has two methods of dealing with reproduction:

A. The parents make as many children as possible and abandon them, and hopefully a couple survive, or
B. The Parents make a small amount of children but carefully raise them together, ideally all of them survive

Guess which ones we are

*bashes your head in with a rock*
i win

C. pack animals

Monogamy is unnatural that means it’s newer then the natural state (polygamy) ergo it’s progressive. Huh liberal idiot I beat you at your own game.


yeah that's B, wolves don't make a gorillion kids

7. stack animals

I just follow his argumentation. I know that polygamy is not "natural" for all species.

i read your post wrong

Because it's one of the fundamental keys for success

>finish school
>get a job
>get married
>have children

Proven time and time again to be the most efficient and sure path to a successful life.

Wow. What a well thought out post. I wonder why OP isn't replying to this.

Most hunter-gather societies and I would say all agricultural societies have had monogamy. If it is not a product of a natural arrangement, it is at least a developing trait in humans.

because we would end up in a fucking degenerate society

Nice one boffin

Race mixing is optimal for evolution. Recycling old genes isn't

>white European
Stop appropriating Celtic traditions!!


Go home kikes you’ve been defeated itt

Oh look a black man with a white woman. Who could be behind this I wonder
(((Hand rubbing)))

The only people who want this are thirsty betas who think that increased Female promiscuity will increase their chances of getting laid. The great irony of this plan is that Women will naturally gravitate to the top 10% of Men and once more leave the creepy betas with nothing but their hands.

Pretty fucking funny when you think about it, just look at the guy's who go into open relationships expecting to get all this mad pussy only to find their GF/Wife is getting laid but they aren't.


>Monogamy is an unnatural arrangement created for political reasons in the ancient world

Actually, in the ancient world, men died so easily that 10-20 women had kids from one male individual. Men were rare and as a result, they could dictate social norms. We should go back to that, where only the males with the best genes are allowed to spread their seed to women. Ugly/low IQ women and men will be allowed to live and work but not have children.


Yes, let’s just throw away the building blocks of civilization. After all, everything is relative, nothing means anything, right? Why don’t we all just burn down everything mankind has struggled, fought, and suffered to create for thousands of years? It’ll all be fine, man. If it feels good, do it. Right?

idk about this, I am not top 10% of men but women being easy has definitely made it way easier for me. They actually approach me and buy me drinks in bars, and they'll fuck within like a few hours of meeting. This is not a humble brag either i am not special at all, and without this I would not have any girls, because I have no game at all

Monogamy is indeed "unnatural" in the sense that we're not hardwired for it due to our long pre-history as hunter-gatherers. During those days monogamy wasn't necessary since the tribe raised children collectively and resources were split quite evenly.
12-10k years ago happened this funny thing called civilization which necessitated the family structure, property, inheritance, division of labour (casts/classes), religious organization etc. all of this is absolutely necessary to any civilization. When you read history, whenever these requirements are lacking the civilization grows weak and either gets conquered or collapses into smaller units of governance. Whenever these requirements are on vital and prevalent, civilization thrives.

This is why the west is dying.

Polygamy is only justified biologically from the male side, as a men can impregnate a large number of women, while a women can only be impregnated by one man each 9 months.

Consequently, most societies through history allowed male polygamy but not the opposite. In the most spiritually elevated warrior societies, like ancient germanic tribes, adulterous women were usually violently punished and ostracised from the community.

Sound like something a ClittyMan™ would say.

Monogomy is the glue which binds families together... without it ALL children would come from broken homes... have you seen the crime ratio stats on people who come from 2 parrent homes vs. broken homes!? no monogomy, no civilization (barring some brave new world style cloning system)

Bet my sweaty dick that this post just bitch slapped the fuck out of this whore OP


Amen. The foundation of civilized society is the family.