South Africa Race War?

Yesterday thousands of white South Africans wore black in protest of farm murders that are ignored by the South African government.

Non-kosher take on South African history:

>Why don’t white South Africans just leave?

There are 4.5 million people on this ass-end of Africa. FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION. Not just a few thousand stubborn people who can’t be arsed to get plane tickets or overstay their visas. It’s like the entire population of New Zealand. Get it in your head. Not all can afford a plane ticket or even qualify for immigration to first world countries. We do not get the same benefits as migrants from Syria for example as trying to claim refugee status gets us labelled racists and rejected.

You cannot raft across the Atlantic and trekking through Africa on foot successfully is impossible. We do no have dual citizenship. Besides that, a minority of us can actually still leave, but we have a strong sense of this being OUR country anyway that we built and have resided in for over 350 years. To “just move” when things get tough is just setting our grandchildren up to get cucked in other Marxist shitholes. We have our own culture and we do not wish for it to disappear so pathetically. We make our stand here, the vast majority of us *do not have a choice* due to the barriers previously mentioned. Most are stuck here for better or for worse. Moving 4.5 million people and resettling them anywhere overseas in a short amount of time would require an operation 1000x bigger than d-day. It isn't happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why don’t you start the race war then?

If it starts it will be because we’ve been pushed to breaking point. While the ANC doesn’t have it on their policy papers to kill all whites they’re not taking steps to reduce the likelihood of a race war either. Instead, they eat up all the tax money to live like kings and scapegoat whites to keep the blame off of themselves. Eventually the black underclass will just chimp out once the monthly gibs stop coming as the economy eventually tanks and all hell breaks loose. The ANC keeps the military small to prevent a coup so there will be no help from them. Our police is abysmal. White Commandos have been disbanded by the ANC. The AWB is long dead and any indication otherwise is a honeypot. Our guns have been mostly confiscated since 1994. We’re in a less than eager position to start unwanted bloodshed.

>So what will happen? Are you just waiting to die?

Shit will hit the fan. Might be next year, might be 5 years from now. It is only a matter of time. I can assure you one thing though, blacks cannot organize properly without a state apparatus supporting them (China, Russia ect) and if the day of the machete comes it will be the greatest slaughter of niggers the world will ever see. Whites are not quick to aggression, but when pressed against the wall, we are ruthless. Virtually all the pilots in the airforce are white, we still have hundreds of thousands of men with military experience. Coloureds will rather join our side in such a happening than be under the boot of a black government once they become the next target. Blacks will starve. The country will balkanise most likely. I do not wish for this, but I cannot stop this fast approaching event. All I wish for is for the Afrikaners to be left alone in peace, and I hope in the end we will have our own country again, after more than 100 years.

I need you to clear some points up for me. I heard that the figures of white farmer deaths are skewed because the original information was counting white deaths in other industries and counting them as farmers. I also heard, I think it was 30% of the people killed in the farm murders have been blacks. The police chief said statically, young black men are still most likely to be murdered in South Africa.

>I want to help in some way. How?

It would not be the first time. Thousands of foreign volunteers have come to help us in our time of need before. Pictured clockwise is the Irish volunteers, American volunteers, two more Americans, Scandinavian volunteers, the Finnish memorial, the Scandinavian memorial, the Irish memorial ect.

I am not asking for you to be Rambo. This isn’t operation Barbarossa either, this is humanitarian preparation. Women and children will need to be evacuated when shtf to safe zones and will need facilities to use. Instead of waiting for such a clusterfuck to occur, one should be pro-active and prepare in advance. I have been in the process of this for nearly 2 years with other Sup Forumsacks who care and wish to help. You don’t even need to come to South Africa, supporting this humanitarian cause can be done anonymously from the comfort of your room as long as you REALLY know how to work with a computer. Otherwise, all hands on deck, manpower is what we need and any skills you bring will be useful. We are not looking for mercenaries, we are looking for those who care and can assist in a Syria/Rwanda style disaster and help with evacuation and construction of facilities.

I made a discord to temporarily organise anyone who wishes to help in the future or perhaps lend a hand in preparing right now. Join if you wish to help or simply discuss the topic further.




Or at least can you show me some official figures on the death rates?

The police does not count white farmer murders separate from the total murder rate. There is almost no way of knowing the exact amount of white farmers being killed outside of 3rd party estimations.

there is at least on farmer murder per day at this point

The government's official response.

bumping with FALs

Is there an actual list that people are keeping? Anything official? I genuinely want there to be some totally solid evidence because i've been telling people about the racism against whites in SA and the farm murders and i need something solid to show.

How do you know this?

I'm faceberk groups with some SA farmers and they post about new attacks daily, I'll try and dig up something more official

Getting an accurate picture from 1990 up to today is tough since 3rd party organisations are forced to ask personally to people and od not have access to police records besides the total murder rate (something in 20 000 annually for the entire country I believe) but someone has made a website to attempt to track farm murders and the areas in which they occur. It was called farmitracker but it went offline.

Is the incompetence of keeping records normal in SA, or is this just surrounding the white farming murders? I think they are not keeping close records because they don't want SA to look like Zimbabwe, it's hard to explain that to a liberal apologist though.

Most succinct summary about the situation I’ve seen. Thanks user, keep up the good work.

With most to everything these days incompetence and corruption is rampant. Though I wouldn't put it past them purposefully not tracking it, since they still track racial status to enforce quotas so its not like they are incapable.

>Is the incompetence of keeping records normal in SA
The country is killing their most productive, resourceful societal group by not providing any help to them. What do you think?

In a country where statistics on race are kept for the even the most mundane things, it is quite surprising that crime statistics on race are not ever published.

From leftist articles I read on it, I get the feeling that the white farmers are being painted as some kind of white supremacists, is that right? Or that they are racist in general for even saying that white farmers are being killed.

Just please let it start already. I've got nothing to live for, so I would gladly fight for your righteous cause.

The white farmers are being systematically murdered by the government for explicitly racial reasons, but it's "white supremacist" to complain about it. The conclusion is therefore obvious: It's racist for whites to exist. It's racist for white farmers to draw breath.

I was actually personally called a racist by my brother for bringing up the fact that whites are being killed in SA. He is obviously a hard line liberal and a fucking pussy.

The problem is proving it to anyone with official statistics. We know there is a lot of violence in the black community and that they have a high murder rate. There are no official statistics about interracial murders as the government refuses to publish race based crime statistics. So the numbers out there are pure conjecture. The only reason for this is that I suppose it would paint a picture that the government doesn’t want the public to see.

Can you guys own guns?
How are you supposed to defend yourselves?

kek fuckken nig nogs

Hey SA bro. I have a question about the current political/racial climate there.

By your estimation, would you say your fellow white SA's are aware of this eminent danger? Are the majority of whites there cucked beyond any recognition, like in many western countries? How is the tone between white people there?

Side note. I was browsing through the twitters of some very vocal blacks from SA. They seem to have adopted the same nigger culture from the US and are vehemently racist against whites and are clammoring for a genocide. I personally will rejoice in seeing famine sweep across SA, but I do worry for the whites there.

Jissis, that statement by the govt makes my blood boil. Essentially #alllivesmatter except that #blacklivesmattermore.

Dear God, how is it possible to be so blinded by your own delusions? I hate kaffirs more every day.

I guarantee you'll have plenty of volunteers when the time comes.

They're outright saying it's racist for you to complain about being killed for being white. They're stopping just short of declaring a genocide against you, probably because they know you'll fight back.

Same thing with Jews in the USA. They'd say "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE RIGHT NOW", if not for the fact they wouldn't survive long enough to flee to Israel.

It really is difficult to say what race relations are like. On the surface people get along fine in the workplace, school or uni and are pretty cordial to one another. There is a weird simmering tension that pops up on occasion. I guess in the end most sane people don’t want conflict or bloodshed. As for being cucked or non-cucked, it’s also hard to say. I suppose everyone is aware that things might turn ugly at some point. The difference is in how people react to it. I think liberals here try to overcompensate by being too conciliatory and trying their darnedest to keep up the rainbow nation facade. Sure there are some fringe lunatics and coal burners, but I like to believe even they know if the SHTF they’re in just as deep shit as the rest of us.
As for our black twitter, they know they are a protected class. Despite the inflammatory things that get said, they never get prosecuted or even warned. Try the same shit as a whitey and you’ll end up being arrested for hate speech and incitement to violence before you hit the post button.

Come home white man. You can settle in patagonia and turn it into whitetopia

Like a lot of anglos are liberals and some Afrikaners have just given up on hope. I'd say like 1/3 the youth are redpilled about nogs, another 1/3 buy into the rainbow nation thing but want to emmigrate "for economic reasons" and another 1/3 are self hating or dont give a fuck.

As if that isn't bad enough, they are the most entitled, worthless, parasitical creatures. They act like allowing everyone else to stay in SA is their benevolence. They act like this land is theirs. Conveniently forgetting that we were here before them. The Khoisan were here before them. They are the invaders. It's the most aggravating thing about interacting with them.







I had an interesting conversation with a black colleague about the whole decolonisation debate. Told her if we well and truly want to decolonise the country it would entail breaking down the nation state of South Africa as it is in itself a colonial construct. I saw some gears moving in her head, but the lights didn’t quite come on.

>When you say colored you mean mixed and Indian, right?

Mixed. Indians idk what they'll do. They are like our Jews.

To paraphrase from old Rajbansi, the Indians will double cross that bridge when they come to it.

It doesn't matter from where you get it, but Afrikaner militias should be forming right now, and they need guns and ammunition, lots of it.
So you Boers better get looking for guns, whatever you can get that isn't made in someone's garage will be useful.

Indians are a weird case. They seem to believe that blacks love them. Meanwhile most blacks hate their guts and are jealous of their wealth and would happily turn on them as soon as they finish with whites.

fuck off pussy faggot

kys whigger

Well, if you have to escape you know you can come to our country. We welcome everyone, even nazis.

Funny coming from a Catalonia mongrel

Yeah. Don’t quite know where the delusion comes from. Had another discussion with an Indian colleague (that I haven’t been fired is in itself a miracle) following last year’s school hair dramas. She has kids at one of those posh private schools and she was all riled up about their ‘racist’ hair rules. Told her that it’s a private school, they can do as they please. If she wants to send her kids to a place with more African hair rules, I am sure the failing model c school would love to have her kids. She yelled at me that she was a proud black woman and that our days are numbered. Replied that she should remember what happened to the Indians in the Durban riots in ‘46 and to the Indians in Uganda and Kenya. Is that really the side she’s picking? She slammed my office door with a few expletives flying.
>probably should’ve green texted that story.

boo hoo

my heart bleeds for you Edom

Your workplace sounds like great material for a memoir or drama. Might be of some propaganda value.

Such is the power of Marxist programming. Indians are very similar to Jews in that they are ironically very easily influenced by that kind of thinking. At my uni, there's a shitload of Indians part of ANC affiliated parties or the EFF.

>She yelled at me that she was a proud black woman and that our days are numbered.
Oh god. Now I get what meant: Sometimes black sometimes Indian, depending on what's convenient.

(((fellow black people)))

Not sure why they think that siding with the blacks would be a great option. The blacks loath the Indians, especially in Natal. At least most whites don’t have a burning hate for Indians and probably prefer them to blacks in general.

>Women and children will need to be evacuated when shtf to safe zones and will need facilities to use.

Good locations for these are a must
Preferably away from potential battlefields, defensible, have ready access to transport (including by helicopter/ plane), with a nearby/ internal source of water.

The ironic thing is the blacks are the first ones to btfo them when they claim blackness. It all stems from the so-called shared oppression under Apartheid which was supposed to create a shared "blackness".

You'll see the ANC referring to Indians, coloureds, and even Asians as black when they want votes. Yet as soon as they're back in power they talk about shit like moving the coloureds out of the cape since it's the only province where blacks are a minority.

In the discord we're discussing location right now. Places in the Northern Cape Such as Upington or even some parts of Nambia and Botswana are being discussed since they're far away from population concentrations.

I'll admit I never even though about neighbouring countries
Namibia and Botswana are both fairly stable countries without a hate boner for white people but all these choices lack a good water source without the Orange River, which will become very dirty if sanitation isn't taken care of

The problem would be getting people out of the large population centres of Joburg and Pretoria safely.
I live in the northern suburbs of Joburg and while driving out of the city recently the thought struck me, if the SHTF how do we get out? We are surrounded by townships on all sides and all the main roads pass by or through a township. If a car breaks down on a highway the traffic backs up for kilos. What will happen when people try to flee in a panic?

Septic tanks and a way of disposing the contents will be important.
Hookworm and many other diseases are spread through fecal matter and contaminated soil

That's where we come in. These things need planning. A lot of planning. We must be prepared. Sup Forums has done a lot of cool or funny shit in the past but this might be its greatest mission yet, to actually save lives.

Are townships black majority?

You need to build a guerilla organization.
Blacks can't stop you. They won't even fight you earnestly. And foreign aid is scarce for South Africa regime.

Just go to the US on vacation and never leave, it's not like they kick out their illegals

>if you let your homeland die, you win

are you girl?

Gideon and other officials from Israel have been making frequent, yet quite confidential, visits to South Africa and have been spotted around camps with arms and what looks like training facilities - not to mention Israeli right-wing media shilling for the Boer and calling the ANC a racist regime.
You know shit's going down when Israel is getting involved covertly.

I feel for you guys, everyone in the west should know that if current trends and ideas persist, we'll be in South Africa's shoes.

>truly our greatest ally
I do think they realise that the SA Jewish community’s fate is tied to that of the white community, whether they like it or not. We were best bros with Israel during the bad old days and the ANC is pretty antagonistic towards Israel.

Bump for justice.

If I were you I'd get rid of any Israeli influence as fast as possible, if you guys win this crisis that should be one if not your top priority.

>same benefits as migrants from Syria
Their main benefit is geographic proximity

>We have our own culture and we do not wish for it to disappear so pathetically.
You can have a diaspora like the jews, gypsies, aromians, germans did. You dont have to assimilate. THe most important is blood, not soil anyway. Blood and social structures

I'd take Israel's help over most countries - including you or the US with their constant backstabbing and switching of allies. Israel needs friends, white South Africa needs friends. Both these countries could use one another in the future, just as they did in the past.

>White Commandos have been disbanded by the ANC.
Can not you have secret commandos organised?
>Shit will hit the fan. Might be next year, might be 5 years from now. It is only a matter of time. I can assure you one thing though, blacks cannot organize properly without a state apparatus supporting them (China, Russia ect) and if the day of the machete comes it will be the greatest slaughter of niggers the world will ever see. Whites are not quick to aggression, but when pressed against the wall, we are ruthless. Virtually all the pilots in the airforce are white, we still have hundreds of thousands of men with military experience. Coloureds will rather join our side in such a happening than be under the boot of a black government once they become the next target. Blacks will starve. The country will balkanise most likely. I do not wish for this, but I cannot stop this fast approaching event. All I wish for is for the Afrikaners to be left alone in peace, and I hope in the end we will have our own country again, after more than 100 years
You will likely have to use non conventional weapons to have a chance, and those are destructed, so you would have to make new ones.

>The government's official response.
It is like you are living in different worlds, like you are hearing, you are seeing different words.
>In a country where statistics on race are kept for the even the most mundane things, it is quite surprising that crime statistics on race are not ever published.
Are you familiar with demographics of south africa? Birth rate by race? This picture from wikipedia says it is 1,3 or 2,4 or somewhere in between that is a large gap! Also educational demographics. Earning demographics. Debt demographics.

Canada and the US is in Israels pocket already. Almost all the US and Canada's military decisions have **coincidentally** helped Israel in some way since WWII through our blood and sweat. America has an incredibly pro-Israel government and the same with Canada. Having Israel as an *ally* doesn't help you in the long run, it's a drug essentially not to mention that we're more beneficial to israhell (especially the US) then SA and are still treated like dirt by them.

tl;dr Israel isn't your friend

You gotta stay and fight, man. It's the only way.

As another user already said, the most important thing for you right now is to get guns. Also, I am not only talking about bolt action rifles and handguns here either. When the machete mob comes, you will need something that packs a punch, is semi automatic and has a large magazine.

As far as I know, your gun laws are fairly liberal, compared to commonwealth shitholes like AUS or GB itself. So get what you can while you still can.

In addition to that, you need to not just stockpile firearms, but also train with them. Going shooting regularely not only allows you to use your weapon more efficiently when the man comes, but it also serves as an activity for whites to bond over.

I don’t think that the ANC’s constant End Israeli Apartheid rhetoric and low level anti-semitism has gone down unnoticed in Israel. At least with the old government they had a pretty solid ally.
If the SHTF, I’m sure they’ll either covertly sponsor the whites or at the very least evacuate SA’s Jews.

>From leftist articles I read on it, I get the feeling that the white farmers are being painted as some kind of white supremacists, is that right? Or that they are racist in general for even saying that white farmers are being killed.
Source? I read a article from BBC that seemed very neutral and while showing some sympathy to the farmers.
>I was actually personally called a racist by my brother for bringing up the fact that whites are being killed in SA. He is obviously a hard line liberal and a fucking pussy.
Show him that it is disproportional and moticated by beliefs. I belive he will be rational if he gets empirical evidence.
>The problem is proving it to anyone with official statistics. We know there is a lot of violence in the black community and that they have a high murder rate. There are no official statistics about interracial murders as the government refuses to publish race based crime statistics. So the numbers out there are pure conjecture. The only reason for this is that I suppose it would paint a picture that the government doesn’t want the public to see.
You can make your own statistics. It will be hard but it is possible. Maybe you have to do it case by case and keep it in a database? You should also spread the data on different locations both material and cyber.
- Who was killed?
- Who was the killer?
- Motivation of the killer?
- Killers relationsjip with victim>Same thing with Jews in the USA. They'd say "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE RIGHT NOW", if not for the fact they wouldn't survive long enough to flee to Israel.
Some individual might wish for it but they must be a minority. less than 1%.

This isn't about friends. Allies don't need to be friends. It's about interests and a white South Africa, with all it's resources, could easily pull an ally from many countries. And besides, America is known backstabber and country which constantly lets down it's allies. Even Israel and more recently the Kurds, letting the so called #1 sponsor of terrorism and destabliziationg and threat to Israel - IRAN - get the upper-hand in Iraq and Syria recently.

tl;dr the US are untrustworthy and this isn't about friends

t. pseudocountry

>black twitter,
Is BLITTER becoming a sucess in South africa. BLITTer is a safe safe for black nationalists.
>Yeah. Don’t quite know where the delusion comes from. Had another discussion with an Indian colleague (that I haven’t been fired is in itself a miracle) following last year’s school hair dramas. She has kids at one of those posh private schools and she was all riled up about their ‘racist’ hair rules. Told her that it’s a private school, they can do as they please. If she wants to send her kids to a place with more African hair rules, I am sure the failing model c school would love to have her kids. She yelled at me that she was a proud black woman and that our days are numbered. Replied that she should remember what happened to the Indians in the Durban riots in ‘46 and to the Indians in Uganda and Kenya. Is that really the side she’s picking? She slammed my office door with a few expletives flying.
Was her kids (the indian woman) mixed?

Try greentexting now
>my heart bleeds for you Edom
Were not EDOM a semitic tribe competing with the hebrews for control of JUDEA?

I'd sign up for you fellas. I don't have any military experience but I'm far from a neet. Almost signed up in my military but bureaucracy made it long and drawn out so I decided to just work instead.

>if the day of the machete comes it will be the greatest slaughter of niggers the world will ever see.

3 million chechens successfully fought off the Russians in the first war, so it should go without saying that 4.5 million Boers can handle a horde of retarded, disorganized niggers.


Not sure if the gap represents a difference between population groups. I haven’t really dug into our demographics and fertility rates. Will see if I can find a better source. Our census data might rather represent a best guess than a true reflection. We have huge amounts of illegals and asylum seekers from the rest of the continent that don’t get counted. It’s also hard to enter gated communities to conduct the census. I wasn’t counted during the previous census because they either came during work hours or I thought it was beggars and didn’t go to the front gate. I can’t think I was unique.

It's not the nogs that are a threat, it's the Chinese and UN. It's the same reason white lost in Rhodesia. Whites were kicking ass until Soviets and UN forces decided to rip the country a new one so they could control it.

This is our future, white america

>You need to build a guerilla organization.
First they need to organise funding. Better save than sorry.
>I do think they realise that the SA Jewish community’s fate is tied to that of the white community, whether they like it or not. We were best bros with Israel during the bad old days and the ANC is pretty antagonistic towards Israel.
Maybe that? But also has not ANC south africa pushed some anti israel policies? It might be Isreal standing up to a poltical opponent, who don't support israel in the UN?

They don't have to go to war with you to win. If they just keep killing you in large numbers of "isolated" incidences, and you do nothing to stop it, then eventually you will be wiped out.

I cant believe we are in a situation where opposing violence against humans can make blood boil. ( niggers and kikes arent humans)

Just remember the new link is here

becasue it#s their land, the zulu and such arrived slightly later as the white settlers

Join the discord to discuss further. Anons are getting organised in here.

Even so, if thousands of white men from around the world volunteer to fight alongside the Boers, then not even foreign influence will prevent us from winning.

The most I envision foreign governments doing is providing food, military equipment and "advisors".

I think the official census data is available at

Not sure how popular blitter is here. Blacks are slow adopters when it comes to social media platforms.

The weird irony is that the Indian lady is married to a white guy. So she was effectively arguing against her kids’ best interest.

Why are whites so retarded when it comes to fighting occupying forces. Those sandniggers in Afghanistan and Iraq were decimating the worlds most powerful military left and right, while only having AKs/IEDs and living caves. Meanwhile whites in Africa and can't even defend their houses and lands against a pack of feral niggers or some shitty Soviet aligned militias.

Srsly what the fuck is wrong with white people?

>Not sure if the gap represents a difference between population groups. I haven’t really dug into our demographics and fertility rates.
You should it is super intresting!
> Will see if I can find a better source. Our census data might rather represent a best guess than a true reflection.
kk. Also do you know of any NGO's investigating the demographics?
> We have huge amounts of illegals and asylum seekers from the rest of the continent that don’t get counted.
The picture i posted was strictly about people identified as white. I dont know how people are recognised as white?
>It’s also hard to enter gated communities to conduct the census. I wasn’t counted during the previous census because they either came during work hours or I thought it was beggars and didn’t go to the front gate. I can’t think I was unique.
Maybe the population count is artifically low then?(assuming you were not counted at all) Are there also stories of people being given the wrong race on census?

Are Non-South Africans allowed.

I agree OP, in the US whites would just rather just avoid confrontation and leave then face the problem. fight for your homeland and this time don't leave any niggers alive. they have to be destroyed

Yes, I think that's kind of the point

Because we have to be ''civilized''. Many people adopt the whole ''words not weapons'' mentality, and try to reason. People have forgotten the strength of fear and despair. If we totrute couple of million sub-race people, then noone will want to fuck with us anymore.