This is the most important organization of thought in the history of the species

This is the most important organization of thought in the history of the species.


Give more information about it.

That's a nice opinion OP. I like opinions.

He understands human nature better than anyone I have ever read. His philosophy is not abstract. It explains what we go through every day in dealing with powerlessness and our seeking of power, illuminating the two paths, which are now blatantly obvious to me, of destructiveness and building (constructiveness) given our free will to act in any way we choose. These first thirty pages would be enough to be recognized as an incredible leap in understanding and furthering of knowledge, unheard of in the past century, yet he continues on in "Section 3" to explain another level of existence- the animalistic/artificial duality in the social and sexual realm. Here he lets loose and explains, at the deepest core of understanding, how power relates to social and socio-sexual structures, the importance of striving for a polar masculine/feminine balance between men and women, curbing sexual degeneracy, the family unit, and so on. He uses a framework of an animalistic-society vs an artificial-society, which may be present at the same time in a society. In an animalistic society people are imbalanced and act more like animals, in an artificial society, people reject our inherent animalisitc nature completely and all that it helps to structure and guide our behaviors and social structures. If this incredible analysis wasn't enough to cement this book as a monumental achievement, he goes on in the last 50 pages of the book to analyze every area of society, their incredible destructiveness and harm to every person, and rebuilds them to create "a society in which people feel the most power, connection with one another, and connection with the universe." The section on economics makes all other economic thought in history look like child's play. His "Conscious Capitalism" IS THE economic system we must all strive for, and what we have all been waiting for. His other sections are icing on the cake, and can stand alone as revolutionary- on how we are shaped by our

environments, how we are influenced by what we intake through various mediums of other people's creations, how we need a balanced use of technology, how we need to reverse the industrialization of the world and pave the way for a better more agrarian society, with many others, ending in a call to explore and colonize the universe- a necessity.

Gonna finish reading incerto first, but it i seems like a good read

No, it is not.

does he name the jew?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

good book, solid explanation of the roastie crisis and how it has in turn made men weak

also like 100 pages so a quick read

am i banned?

Bump. Author is relentless about shilling this here. Love the hustle

No, but you should be


for my thread

It only takes a couple hours to read.


I can see this book bringing the roastie crisis to the mainstream, and correcting it there.

Its been on my reading list for a while but between studying and other books i've been reading i haven't gotten around to it

Do I sound like that?


It is a good way to trigger your detractors tbqh
The left pride themselves on being super intellectual, they see red when anyone on the right writes that way

Fuck of sean, nobody wants to rrad your version of the commie manifeso. Kys


Existing produces mental and physical suffering. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate suffering produced by existing. The
source of this mental and physical suffering is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may reject the conditions that produce
the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain power through wrath is either the attempt
to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual
and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction."

This is the start of the section on "wrath", one of the five destructive states of being. I feel wrathful everyday looking at the way the world is going, so this has helped me recognize that powerlessness is the source of wrath, and the only way to alleviate it is through self-control, courage, wonder, and humor, and that organization among many individuals acting in this way is needed to correct societal level problems.


you wrote a lot of words but really didnt say much of anything.
>reject your nature, goy
this book sounds like it has the same flaws that the bible does

you should take this to /lit/ honestly, Sup Forums doesn't like anything beyond the surface

i'm reading the section now about conscious capitalism and i have some questions soon

i've seen this book posted before, and each time there is shit for information on what if actually is and why it's good. i've never seen anyone suggest it or speak of it in any book or pdf thread

that only makes him a huge faggot

>this book is too advanced for you, goyim. you wouldnt like it
nice try at reverse psychology but this book is shit
>implying people here dont read
ask me how i know you're a newfag

I'll try and answer

>reject your nature, goy

I posted this exact same thing on out yesterday and there was no discussion.

I'm OP, I'm on the move, different IP address.

>there was no discussion
probably because you had a shit OP like the one itt


philosophy is not Sup Forums's strong suit. isn't mine yet either honestly
>Real work must be compensated, not paper-pushing uselessness. A hard physical labor position can be considered more fulfilling than the office life, but it is incorrect to say that because of this, office jockeys should be compensated more. A hard physical labor position and a white-collar office job are difficult in very different ways, one for subjecting the body (and mind) to physical hardship, the other subjecting the mind (and body) to spiritual hardship.

he seems to tie together masculinity together with how "real" work is. i'm cynical as fuck, but to my understanding work is just anything that you get paid for. although he makes no statement on what the definition of actual work is, things like paper pushing are considered to have value by somebody.

>An effort must be made to supersede the inevitability of technology supplanting all work

technology is designed to create unemployment, the only way this could possibly work is if new jobs pop up that require new technology

all in all pretty agreeable, but also pretty safe

no im OP

He wants to supersede normal profit-maximizing economic thought by recognizing that higher goals are more important. He says that masculine work that requires ingenuity, using your body, skill, should be the work that is strived for and supported, not work that severs the man's connection with his spiritual masculine base. Limited technology should be used. Corporate jobs are necessary because he says we should all support small businesses and craftsmen.

corporate jobs are *unecessary

>He wants to supersede normal profit-maximizing economic thought by recognizing that higher goals are more important


>He says that masculine work that requires ingenuity, using your body, skill, should be the work that is strived for and supported, not work that severs the man's connection with his spiritual masculine base.

yet technology and markets continue to prove to be superior than humanity's willpower.

i haven't read the book in it's entirety obviously but this is incomplete if he doesn't talk about how artificial intelligence will basically be the owners of the means of production and also force us to consume. is he against AI?

its also a little convenient that he knows that there will be millions of people left behind because they won't be capable of doing the new shit, but he doesn't say that outright


>technology and markets

Both created by humans, both can be used in the right way to support the right economic ideas. It is an economic system that needs ALL people to be aligned with goals that seeks to create great lives for all.


>search author name
>tremondous amount of self promotion
>amazon has 5 reviews, 4 of which are probably author and 1 is a previous btfo from Sup Forums

so. have you guys heard of jordan peterson?

meant for it is right up pol's alley. Discusses economics, politics, roasties, homosexuals, degeneracy, and it is very politically incorrect.

i'll read the rest of the book and get back to this

interesting how all of these new philosophers are in a race to end philosophy

You aren't attacking the content of the book.....

He calls it a foundation for further philosophical thought. A stepping stone.