Dear fear mongering bigots

Dear fear mongering bigots

We will keep dying to our pets and think we're better than you


until another 9/11 happens and they virtue signal about how strong they are for surviving it. i don't know how many new yorkers i've had to hear 9/11 stories from.

Of course they will say that, until it happens to their friends and family.

But of course this is twitter so I could give a fuck but nah.


Dear New Yorkers: nobody cares and you live in a crime-infested shithole

>hurr durr muh superficial, fake community which only ever exists when a terrorist attack happens

Real Americans understand the symbolic nature of attacks by filthy Muslim savages

As people that hate America, liberals do not

Dear Virtue Signalling Faggot-


Steve Rana-Zzzzzzzzzz

>Confusing fear with vigilance

>can handle any terror attack
>throws the world's longest temper tantrum when their candidate lost an election

They would be saying it up until the day a mudslime holds a fucking sword to their neck and slits their throat. And in their last dying breath, they manage to sputter "at least I wasn't racist..."

Jew York is a shitskin hellhole. shitskins killing shitskins, nothing of value lost

I know right?
>Fuck you Brooklyn losers! You're not a new Yorker!
>bridge and tunnel? More like garbage and run off!
>Long island is for mommas boys!
>oh you were born above 110th? What are you, some kind of slum poorfag?
And so on. It's one big circle of virtue signaling fuckery and no true Scotsman arguments about why they're New York and others aren't, and the pride they take in their callous lack of regard for other lives is just sickening. Just watch the reactions when people are delayed on the subway because someone killed themselves by stepping in front of a train. These assholes are so fucking self absorbed it's honestly disgusting, and then they have the balls to shit on people who honestly want to build and maintain close relationships with their neighbor, like that's some sort of criminal stupidity.

New Yorker here. Dumb ass liberals don't get it. None of us (NY or the rest of the country) is scared of terrorism at this point. We're fucking pissed off that these dune coons keep getting away with it. Only a liberal would somehow find the gall to be smug about "enduring" terror attacks they weren't even near in their own city while preaching down to the rest of the country.

kek, it's even funnier because i watch the league.

>We're fucking pissed off that these dune coons keep getting away with it.
I'll bet this New Yorker is, too. My gpapa was also a New Yorker but he's safe from this world now.

they always do this, even when they have studies showing how mindlessly naive the average libtard is, they always say it's because the right wingers are fearful and paranoid.

I’m a New Yorker.

I abhor Muslims, and swarmy liberal cunts.

Although the city is a cesspool of ingrate progs, there’s a considerable size of conservative, hard working Real New Yorkers.

Trump had mid to high teen support in the boroughs. Pretty close in Nassau, won in Suffolk, likewise the neighboring upstate villages of the city.

My point is, just because these fucking liberal assholes are more vocal online, these cunts don’t hold a flame to the New Yorkers that keep this place going.

>As a New York City jew, I don't even care that a terrorist murdered a bunch of people!
>Yawn, maybe I'll care when they attack a synagogue!

they're suicidal

It's sad how new yorkers don't value their lives.

I wouldn't mind the terrorists so nuch as long as they only killed the likes of this idiot.

Have you not stopped to consider where the irony in that tweet comes from?

It comes from the fact that Conservatives in Nebraska need fear terrorism less than people in New York.

Now why might that be....

>fuck you brooklyn losers you're not a new yorker
said no one ever

Wow, how dare a Nebraskan be afraid that there are people killing his countrymen. Then again I guess America isn't a real country anymore

I literally despise these types of people

America is real but it's gotten smaller, including only a few parts of NYC (the ones who keep the city running).

Hear that, goyim? You are free to attack NYC in absolute impunity. Part and parcel! They're fine with it, so do your worst!

I love how these people are like
>Yeah well maybe you are right stupid Cons, maybe diversity and integration has failed miserably, but fuck it we're still committed
If Leftists are admitting themselves their system is a failure - why must they force it on us all? Just go move to Africa holy fuck.

Nebraskan here. Simple answer is most households in Nebraska have several firearms.

People outside of California are scared of earthquakes because they never get them. Same shit

I think New Yorker is a pretty cool guy. Eh has a trust fund and doesn't afraid of anything.

Also all these Jew Yawkas talking about how not afraid they are would be singing a different tune if they were the ones having a truck barreling towards them

it's so hilarious; the families of the dead can not stop laughing.

Cant be afraid when your dead user. So checks out

>be me
>be literally from Nebraska
> don't give a shit about self righteous liberals
> but my grandma lives in New York

If a terrorist harms my grandma I will personally hunt this guy down.

Fuck Islam and fuck faggots who defend a Religion that treats goats better than women.

>Hilarious how conservatives in Nebraska don't deal with terrorism

They're so fucking close and yet so fucking obtuse.

What a powerful message!

We need to remember that they only attacked us because our society is not more accepting of them, this is what happens when you alienate people.

If I'm elected Governor I will make NJ a safe space for muslims around the world and together through love we will end hate and terrorism!

even then dude these people are fucking retarded, it's a lack of courage that leads them to these fucking wild fantasies where conservatives are the dangerous ones

if 100 of them were lined up and they all had families (wives and children plus parents, siblings, etc) that were all totally obliterated by ISIS and ISIS claimed responsibility for it, you might get 10% of them to turn to our side.

80 would remain the same cowardly cunts they always are (probably because liberalism comes from weak family bonds) and then you'd get another 10 that would ACTIVELY blame conservatives

No election like this one has taken the sheet, no pun, so completely off the elitist liberals like this before. They openly voice their contempt for Americans yet wonder why they lose. And how they will lose harder than the last election, even worse and they will dig their heels in.

I always like how they're always resilient and down for a little nationalism and city patriotism when it comes time to be a bugman.

>comedy writer
Can you imagine how bad this guy's comedy must be?

God lefty comedians are the worst
His entire act is probably fuck Drumpf and stupid Republicans

i hung out with some dudeweed normiefags a few weeks ago

they literally made FERK MAH SISTER ALABAMA jokes and thought it was funny, it was so fucking pathetic

If New Yorkers are so unscarred of Terrorists, why are they the first in the group trying to take guns away from everybody else? Or as the Klondyke Cuntbar says, why are New Yorkers scared of people in Nebraska having guns?

>Hilarious how conservatives in Nebraska are scared of terrorism when NYers aren't.
Gee, maybe it's because each time there's a war to defend the country and clean out the sand people it's always the kids from the midwest that shed their blood on foreign soil and never east coast shitheads. This twitter cuck, I swear.

These fuckers are insane to the point of being suicidal to prove they're a martyr to their god of diversity.

Big cities are literally Hell on Earth.

Where in Nebraska?

Unless this faggot was on the sidewalk, he didn't "survive" terrorism
Been said before but this cunt is begging for more "diversity" even when that "diversity" means daily terror attacks.
Deport this guy with the muslims he worships

Dear Lord Jesus,
Please allow nuclear weapons to fall on New York and Los Angeles. And San Francisco. Amen.

>Didn't live there pre Guliani

Except when you're from Utah abd only been in NYC for 3 years. This guy has 0 business speaking for NYers

How many of the progs, cosmopolitans and other urbanites are Real New Yorkers and how many are either importees from other areas of the country (liberals running from the midwest/South for instance) or are the sons and daughters of the upper class and Jews?

I remember the stereotype of the New Yorker was always rough, crude, foulmouthed and taking no shit but recently it's become faggy, effete and whiny.

Yuri's quote should always go hand-in-hand with Dalrymple's about communism and political correctness. It all explains the mindset of modern silicon valley socialists perfectly.

>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

NYC became a theme park in the 90s. Still cool back then, but that electricity that was in the air in the 80s was long gone.

Philly is the only place right now that comes close to the NYC that I once knew.

Kind of funny that Giuliani gets credit for "cleaning up" NYC and but it seems like the flipside is that he gutted the very soul of it and making it safe means gentrification which means white upper class liberals and bouergois bohemians infesting the place like cockroaches.

As a rural and/or suburban retard, I see this as a win win. I hope one day every cucked white becomes a martyr of multiculturalism