The Space Elves (Finns) are the only race worth saving

Space Elves (Finns) are beautiful and NOT human. They were brought to Earth in 1551 A.D. by Ayy Doggos when Suomi-Prime was destroyed by a Super Nova and they took a bit of land similar to their homeworld climate (0℃ on the warmest days) on Earth.

Space Elves are going to take over. Ayy Doggo Lennu is leading the Space Elves and controlling their future.
Be ready.

The finns are the true Hindus.

Finnish girl with her East Asian boyfriend


is she playing air guitar or giving us the finger?

i thought finns were raped by mongrels?

Well it’s not race-mixing.

I see no problem here.

Maybe he's just extra-mongol?

I see two Mongolians.

top kek

Finnish people are already HAPAS.

I support your contention and will help in any way I can.

I fucking love Finns. They have licorice ice cream. And everyone's in a black metal band.

It fills me with sadness the fact that Kiira Korpi is one year shot of becoming an old hag.

It is actually a finnish girl who studied for two semesters in the university of Fudan, in Shanghai. These pictures are not taken from Finland, sadly

The Finnish one is the guy, right?

the only reason this thread was made if because OP is making this reply as well as doing pic related

>ywn live in babylon and fuck a neko moot

>glom :D


>cheesmo :D


seppo seppo seppo seppo


Well for example, the Sanskrit word for hundred, satem, was derived from the Finnish word sata.

Top meme


I live in a city known to be the highest concentration of finlanders outside of Findland...they all race mix and are fucking retarded. Their women are gorgeous, but all the ones I know have burnt the coal. It pisses me off.

>They were brought to Earth in 1551 A.D.
False. The garden of eden was originally in Helsinki when the climate was much warmer. This is why they all spa, it's genetic memories and an instinctual desire.

Tell me where, and I will come perform the cleansing in the name of Ukko.

All I see are two Finns.

Fucking Koreans had to ruin everything. If they hadn't interfered, we'd be colonizing other galaxies already.

Finns didn't become autist after the hyper war for this!



had a finnish roommate once, was autistic as fuck, can't even describe it in human words, porbably need to invent a new E.T. language to communicate with those mongoloids