Be racist bigot

>be racist bigot
>>larp as "traditionalist catholic" despite having never attended church or read the bible.

at least be orthodox or something, seriously.

Other urls found in this thread:

>reading the bible

We read Greek philosophy and learned theologians instead of listening to some two-bit hick in league with the Jews prattlism on about dispensationalism and his halfwitted interpretation of the Scofield Bible.

I already started RCIA and my priest told me it's ok to be racist

>we read vain philosophy and Satan's ministers instead of God's word

If the Bible is the word of God how did they fuck it up so much? The world never received 40 days/ nights of rain that covered the entire planet. We know this. It can be geologically proven. The top of Mt. Everest has not been underwater since it was first forced up by the converging plates. How can you all deny science? Fuck you people.

>doesn't know FSSPX

I like this christchan better.

Religion is for retards

Stop projecting.


It's a metaphore. 40 is the number of a trail, water is a cleansing chaos. The story is saying that you need to put yourself through a difficult test to clean yourself of weakness.

So then why the fuck have people been looking for the Arc for damn near 2,000 years? Christcucks are the worst, because every single time science comes around and proves their book wrong they all save face and shout "wait! That's not what it REALLY meant. What we really meant to say is this!" There's plenty of proof the Bible is bullshit, but not a single shred of evidence that supports it's testament.

your mother is the worst, go to church heathen

*tips fedora*

>I'm a shitty christian so others must be one too
Anglos, every time.


ITT butthurt non Christians triggered by anime girl. That's why you're not Christian.


















Catholics don't use the bible during services, and the one they refer to is in no way the real bible. Catholicism is a cult, plain and simple.

t.- ex catholic



Your God is nothing more than a false idol used thousands of years ago to mystify natural events. If a solar eclipse happens "MUST HAVE BEEN GOD, WRITE IT IN THE BOOK." Now we know what actually caused a solar eclipse. Congrats you idiots are still stuck on the same mental level as humans from over 2 millennia. You might as well be niggers.
Not an argument. Not that you could produce one even if you wanted too. Here, that one might be too hard to explain for you idiots, so I'll toss another softball at you.
The Bible says everyone was wiped out in the flood except for Noah and company? How did civilizations that existed before the flood survive the flood if they weren't on Noah's ark? Can either of you offer any kind of actual explanation? Just post another Fedora reply and tell yourselves I'm just a troll. Then when you put your head down on the pillow tonight, your mind will wander and you'll think. "he's right, every stupid thing in the Bible can be explained through scientific reasoning. Yet, there's not a single thing that supports God." and you'll understand why your religion is and always has been shit.


I am a legit Catholic but don’t go to Church often because of my cowardice. I believe that Catholicism is the truth and only truth but do not practice out of fear of what others would think of me. Does this make me a hypocrite for wanting a less degenerate world while still fully participating in it? Yes, definitely. Does this make me a LARPer who only claims to be Catholic for shits and giggles? No, absolutely not.


Catholic bishops compiled the Bible you dumb fuck


>>larp as "traditionalist catholic" despite having never attended church or read the bible.

Sorry user but not going to Church or reading the bible is what it means to be Catholic





I worship Satan, the one true god. Hail HVHI!!


There is massive amounts of evidence for a total global flood, from geological formations, to the oil fields, to animals and plants in the arctic that shouldn't be there.


>at least be orthodox




centipede was a messed up movie

Yes it does. If you were actually Christian you would follow the teachings of Christ. In that sense, you are and never will be a Christian. I'm assuming here, but seeing how you're on Sup Forums and not helping those less fortunate than you, you're a false Christian and your cowardice comes from your fear of the unknown more so than your fear of social rejection. Coward.

A global flood, yes. A global flood that covered everything from the lowest valley to the highest mountain and wiped out every single lineage except one dude and his boat of inbreeding? You're a fool.



Matthew 16:18
And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

And yet you claim that we don’t read the Bible, heretic.


The other popular interpretation of the rock is that Jesus was referring not to Peter, but to Peter’s confession of faith in verse 16: “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” Jesus had never explicitly taught Peter and the other disciples the fullness of His identity, and He recognized that God had sovereignly opened Peter’s eyes and revealed to him who Jesus really was. His confession of Christ as Messiah poured forth from him, a heartfelt declaration of Peter’s personal faith in Jesus. It is this personal faith in Christ which is the hallmark of the true Christian. Those who have placed their faith in Christ, as Peter did, are the church. Peter expresses this in 1 Peter 2:4 when he addressed the believers who had been dispersed around the ancient world: “Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

At this point, Jesus declares that God had revealed this truth to Peter. The word for “Peter,” Petros, means a small stone (John 1:42). Jesus used a play on words here with petra (“on this rock”) which means a foundation boulder, as in Matthew 7:24, 25 when He described the rock upon which the wise man builds his house. Peter himself uses the same imagery in his first epistle: the church is built of numerous small petros “living stones” (1 Peter 2:5) who, like Peter, confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and those confessions of faith are the bedrock of the church.

In addition, the New Testament makes it abundantly clear that Christ is both the foundation (Acts 4:11, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:11) and the head (Ephesians 5:23) of the church. It is a mistake to think that here He is giving either of those roles to Peter. There is a sense in which the apostles played a foundational role in the building of the church (Ephesians 2:20), but the role of primacy is reserved for Christ alone, not assigned to Peter. So, Jesus’ words here are best interpreted as a simple play on words in that a boulder-like truth came from the mouth of one who was called a small stone. And Christ Himself is called the “chief cornerstone” (1 Peter 2:6, 7). The chief cornerstone of any building was that upon which the building was anchored. If Christ declared Himself to be the cornerstone, how could Peter be the rock upon which the church was built? It is more likely that the believers, of which Peter is one, are the stones which make up the church, anchored upon the Cornerstone, “and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:6).

The Roman Catholic Church uses the argument that Peter is the rock to which Jesus referred as evidence that it is the one true church. As we have seen, Peter's being the rock is not the only valid interpretation of this verse. Even if Peter is the rock in Matthew 16:18, this is meaningless in giving the Roman Catholic Church any authority. Scripture nowhere records Peter being in Rome. Scripture nowhere describes Peter as being supreme over the other apostles. The New Testament does not describe Peter as being the “all authoritative leader” of the early Christian church. Peter was not the first pope, and Peter did not start the Roman Catholic Church. The origin of the Catholic Church is not in the teachings of Peter or any other apostle. If Peter truly was the founder of the Roman Catholic Church, it would be in full agreement with what Peter taught (Acts chapter 2, 1 Peter, 2 Peter).


Found the Ark.



I'm a non-religious racist bigot. Check mate, faggot.



First post best fucking post.

We have established the following:

>Anglicans are smarter than Catholics
>Anglican/Protestant societies and governments have less corruption than Catholic societies and governments
>Anglican/Protestant societies/nations are richer and more successful
>Anglicans/Protestants are more right-wing than Catholics
>Anglicans/Protestants tend to be socially and morally right, whereas Catholics tend to be socially left
>The supreme authority and head of the Catholic Church is socially and politically left

yea but anglos are perfidious

Oh shit! That completely proves me wrong! But it's missing something. Where is the loading ramp? You know the one that would have had to facilitate the loading of 3 million animals. Don't worry. I don't expect your reply.

Go molest a choir boy.

Long, but good explanation of what happened

I've read the Bible extensively, and my father was raised a Catholic. Why shouldn't I return to the church he fled in confusion?

We read the Bible, the works of the Christian Fathers, the theologians, and the virtuous Pagan philosophers whose works are in accord with Christ's teachings. Faith and reason are never in contradiction.

I want all all of you God forsaken, impious, little shits to stop scrolling, stop arguing about nothing, and muster up the willpower to turn away from you filthy, oriental cartoon pornography board for just 10 fucking minutes. I want you to get down on your knees, and on your greasy, crusty fingers, count out a single decade of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, meditating on the mystery of the ressurection of Our Lord, for the intention of recieving enough graces to keep your own sorry, sinful selves out of the fires of hell. Because God knows you miserable pieces of Goddamn trash need all the help you can get. And as it is, the only thing that can save any wayward heathen that browses this despicable hole of a site are the graces of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Now get on your knees, fucker, and pray for conversion now.

Amen. All Christian "Whites" must be killed

>South America is Protestant

Lol no, you've never been to Ecuador right? I've been to Ecuador and it's majority Catholic


Nobody claimed that South America is Protestant.

Oh no! You destroyed my argument by pointing out the fact that a completely degradable material that couldn't possibly be destroyed by time, or reused to create shelter after a worldwide devastation event killed off immediately usable raw materials needed to keep a man and his family safe until they could start harvesting them elsewhere!

Will I ever recover?

Nothing to with superior Celtic-Germanic race right

>>So then why the fuck have people been looking for the Arc for damn near 2,000 years?

>TFW atheist to smart for God but gets befuddled and confused by a homophone.
>TFW atheist don't realize modern science grew out of theology
>TFW sola scriptura protties don't understand allegory and metaphor even when it came directly from the mouth of Christ.
>TFW Will never have beautiful choral hymns because protties like brain killing contemporary music.

>Catholics don't use the bible during services

You sent this pic though???

Because it's not true. You're a human being with rational common sense. Ask yourself how any of the stories in the Bible could be true. Then ask any religious person the same questions. They will tell you the same answer every single time. "No, that's not how it worked. We don't know how it worked, you just don't understand it's significance." Or they come up with stupid shit like this .
>We don't have shelter
>Shit, what are we going to do? We need wood!
>Use the loading dock
>Ok, what about the rest of the ship? Should we use the wood for that too?
That's the type of stupid shit religion wants you to believe.

damnit you got me

Also there weren't 3 million animals on the ark. There were 2 of every KIND of animal. We have tons of species of dogs, but all we needed to get them were 2. And they could've been puppies on that ark. Makes sense to only bring the babies. Would save space and food.

The is only one true religion and Catholicism is the best skin for it.

Which doesn't show South America as being Protestant.

What makes you any better? What do you believe in? Can you prove that even the material world exists? You are just as foolish as everyone else, yet do not realize it.

Sorry, I'm not of an ethnic group that has an Orthodox Church, I'm an Anlgo-Franco-Germanic American and while there is an American Orthodox Church, it seems kinda cucked.

You know they didn't use parts from the rest of the boat how? Are you seriously trying to argue with points this retarded?

They lived in the boat for a while after it settled, then came out and scavenged parts from it... this "loading ramp" argument is the first time I've ever heard it and its so stupid I can see why. I'm going to assume you are trolling.

>Nothing can be allegorical
>Nothing can be symbolic
>Everything is literal
>I am smarter than you because of big brain fedora watch me think.

Countries influenced by the Protestant Reformation are shown within the yellow line. South America is not within the yellow line.