L-let's take back control!

>L-let's take back control!

So this is the power of Brexit.

Could Remain have prevented this?


The UK is an eternally cucked country, whether they are or not in any cuck union, they'll cuck themselves to death anyway.

What is a sensible country I can live in instead, will anyone adopt me?

perfect example of how globalism mixed with taxation is theft. your country is being raped of its resources, raped literally. White genocide is real.

lets start a colony on the moon and hang a no niggers and shit skin sign on it. I call moon emperor tho.

come over here and help us fight back

the kikes have too firm a grip on your country. it's too far gone.

Actually UK is controlling their borders. It is just that we, in the rest of Europe, misunderstood what the government really wanted: to make native's lives worse, just faster!

Nope, because I will have to pay the dentist for you.

if we cant make it your fucked france


They might make it. You could learn a thing or two from them, at least.

At least they are not speaking German.

If I claim I was fighting for ISIS and that the syrians burned my I.D would I get a free home? I can put on a British accent and say some muslim shit.


somebody please

please fucking help

You faggots need to get into politics, it's seem like even your right wing politicians are too soft. All it takes is retards here actually getting into political positions across the west to change shit. Hide your power level and move up the ladder. Always keep your values and beliefs even if you have to bullshit.

One day we could have a Sup Forumslitician president

>user tries to get into politics
>gets 10 years in prison for disagreeing with the SJW overlords

Jesus Christ UK on some sweden level cuckery right here.

Just be clever about how you operate. Don't go 1488 at your first day of work.

At least Sweden proposal was made by an immigrant.

>leaving the EU will rid us of the Jews

Are you simple?

>sensible country
Pro-tip: only countries that we are crucifying are sensible.

>Could Remain have prevented this?
No, because the British government is insane anyway

This is now a Britbongistan thread. Post the best of your Bongland folders

UK conservatives are legitimately the definition of cuckservatives and labour are terrorist sympathizing commies.

When did this happen?

>"England are cucks"

When the porn filter will be active UK will truly be an Islamic country.

Where is the british equivalent to the national front?

Probably Britain first, but they're not even that extreme. Our media is severely fucked and any political movement to the right of Marx gets shut down, marked as racism and targeted by the thought police

That would be the National Front

Yeah this

I'm a member, but, as I live not too far from Glasgow, I don't have much to be involved with, bar the odd bit of flyposting in my village.

The UK is worse than Canada.

Britain First are also useless chavvy hurrdurrs. We can do so much better than that shower.

I meant like a right wing party that performed well at the polls recently.

When the royal family gets blown up, shot up, or run over soon, it will have literally been paid for by British taxpayers.

Are you really this retarded, or just disingenuous?

Oh dear. Then we do not have such a thing. Although, back when the British National Party still had 2 MEPs, surveys repeatedly showed that people loved their policies, they just wouldn't vote for them because muh racism.

I'm honestly glad these idiots are leaving the union.

The problem with right wing ideology is that their proposed solutions to social problems consistently prove to only perpetuate the issues, and when actual researched solutions are instead proposed or enacted with verifiable result's they get rejected because they appear too "soft" to right wing sensibilities.

It's true with prisons, social welfare, corporate regulation, and terrorism. In this case, Britain is proposing an approach that has been in effect in Denmark for ages already, and has proven to be effective. Still, though, there will be pressure for methodology to go in completely the opposite direction despite all evidence showing all that results in is restriction on civil liberties and now fucking attacks.

>Now = more


Terrorism has consistently been committed here by non-Britons. Logically, if they were removed, Islamic terror would cease to be in the Jewnited Kingdom.

Should have overthrown your government by now

With what? Spoons?

Isn't Denmark the nation where a follower of the religion of peace killed a director because he didn't like his movie?

Shards of teacups would be more dangerous.

Well that isn't true, most terrorist attacks are by people born in the country they attack.


So your blood is from where you are born?
You know you are making an entirely illogical proposition. I did not state that we must end immigration - although we must. I stated that the problem is ethnic aliens, whom must all be expelled.

Thank you Il Duce. The leftists shall face my Farage teacup on day of the teabag

we need as much targeted killing as humanly possible to prevent subhumans killing humans.

A fucking huge protest march would e good also. As an indigenius white male I'll never get a council house, this couldn't be more unfair.

"oh so you hate us Mohamed" "how about we give you the right to buy so you can become our land lord" fucking disgusting

You have machine shops in that country don't you?

That's a queer stick, mistah. BRB, Mrs. Rudd has just popped round to see me.

Damn man.

Can you bongs answer a question for an American?

What does the royal family think about grooming gangs or Islamic immigrants in general? Do they comment about it? Do they even know about it or Islamic culture? Didn't both of the princes serve in Afghanistan? Surely they realize how fucked Muslims are? What about lower royal like dukes and such?

I can trace my lineage back to before America was even a country and it pisses me off with all this diversity shit. Also, I'm just a poor southern guy and don't come from any big name family.

I can't imagine being some royal with a thousand year lineage and being ok with seeing your people and country slowly turn Muslim. But maybe they don't care who they rule over.

>What does the royal family think about grooming gangs or Islamic immigrants in general?

Well as an Englishman there isn't a single ethnic group that defines us. The Briton, Roman, Angle, Saxon, Jute, Viking, Norman race isn't a thing


1) acts of terror have consistently been perpetrated by natural born British citizens
2) the act of removing all people you consider "non-britons" (and doing what with their land, for instance?) is not only logistically impossible, but to even attempt to do so would violate human rights, destabilise Britain, and create an even greater refugee crisis which would serve only to worsen the conditions that produce these kind of attacks while positioning Britain as a leper on the world stage. Countries are already rushing to virtue signal by strengthening alternative channels of trade in response to the US's current situation, it's impossible to delude oneself to the point that you could genuinely believe that such an act would have no repercussions. So massive internal turmoil and economic upset, and then massive external economic disruption. No democratically elected party could survive this proposal, it's essentially a plan to reduce Britain to a wasteland.

The only realistic, pragmatic solution is to focus on state sponsored programs dedicated to complete assimilation and integration. Developing these programs should be first and foremost on anyone's list who has the safety and integrity of their nation in their mind

>would staying in a union that has a poster like this in its Brussels HQ stop Britain from being cucked?

What the fuck do you think?

Well, to speak out would be unconstitutional. The last monarch we had that actually voiced an opinion on things was King Edward VIII, who was supposedly a National Socialist.

To be quite frank, if they voice an opinion, they are breaking the constitution and will be replaced.

What system of monarchy is best? Well, that depends upon your monarch. Look at what we could have had with King Edward VIII. Look at what the United Arab Emirates have with their absolute monarchy and under 12% of their population are the indigenous Emirati.

Race cannot help but define you. The people blowing themselves up, mowing down children, and, committing acts of terror are all Asians and subtypes of Asians.

You may as well be denying that the sky is blue

>race is where you are born
You are being disingenuous . You cannot open your argument with a lie. Jesus Christ was born in a stable, he did not magically become a donkey.

They are out of touch and out of their minds.

They still think it's 1960's Britain. It's not. It's a very very different Britain.

But, even if they did want to say something, Political Correctness would rear its ugly head and they'd get shamed to hell and back...
Well, maybe not Prince Philip - that'll just be him being a "senile old man lol"



Wait, if you know they fought for ISIS, and know they're still part of their organization, why are you letting them back to begin with ?

No my argument is factually correct, drawing an equivalence between countries and stables is plainly absurd, and your definition of Britons only serves to worsen the issues described in point 2 of my post in every conceivable way

Local government has always been disgustingly leftist.

>You are being disingenuous
But sadly his 2nd point has some merit.

Thanks Tony Blair!

>where can I run away to be safe

To be fair it doesn't have an ISIS flag on there or a swastika so when they say "All" they mean "All apart from twats".

Actually the last monarch with any real power was Queen Anne, the latest monarch to refuse to grant royal assent to a Parliamentary bill. Britain has been a constitutional monarchy since the Bill of Rights in 1689. Americans like to LARP on about how they were fighting against monarchic power and tyranny, but they have no idea about historical reality or what was actually going on.

>thinking politicians make the rules

Make it look like an accident

Countries with constitutional monarchies
>UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand
Why so based?

> Leaf
> Thinks white people society works for (sand) niggers

You realize Denmark has one of the strictest immigration policies in Europe right?

New British Union

you're far more cucked than france is chav boy

the french and germans, and even the swedes, haven't been stripped of their national pride and faith in their culture to the same degree as britain has.

Nah mate swedes are on a whole another level, I dont think you quite comprehend it.

The 2nd generation is more extreme.

There is nary a cultural group or person more rigidly attached to their identity and to their beliefs than the Muslim.

Integration is never happening. It's a cruel joke, and I demand evidence that supports that cultures that should, in a state of nature, be at each other's throats, won't lead to war in the same country.

>drawing an equivalence between countries and stables is plainly absurd

And your argument is an appeal to law, which is in turn an appeal to authority fallacy.

Pakis are not meaningfully British, and they'll never be, for then the land by virtue of which they are 'British' will be in no sense 'Britain'.

It'll become the land of the Pakis, or, 'Pakistan'.

I'll give you another example. Take Sweden.

'Sweden' is a meaningless title geographically speaking, and its borders don't make sense in purely geographical terms. This land is only 'Sweden' because it is of the 'Swedes'. If all humans from the land perished overnight, it would no longer be 'Sweden'.

Likewise, if all Swedes perish from an area in Sweden, it is no longer the land of the Swedes. A country is its people, not vice versa, and nationality stems from the bottom up. You can't by order make a dog a mule just because you want him to be, or you write formal documents saying so.

Germans still pretty pissed off about Brexit hey?

Whoops, Freudian slip:

*Sweden is a meaningless title geologically speaking,

I hope Europe won't negotiate free citizens traveling with britainstan anymore let me implode in their island and give the land to Irish people

They aren't out of touch
They are fucking pedos and muslim converts
They fully embrace the marxist agenda

It is exactly this sort of baseless rhetoric that serves only to dig you deeper into the problems you create for yourself.

The fact is that Denmark's minorities are vulnerable to this kind of indoctrination because of their status. Denmark has led the way in dealing with the threat of radicalisation since 2012. In response to their own citizens leaving to fight in Syria, they doubled down on efforts designed explicitly to reintegrate them thoroughly into Danish society should they choose to return. This direct line of support for their immigrant population does the exact opposite of, say for example, France's tactic of shuttering mosques it deemed "radical." Where France's strategy served to galvanise radical rhetoric by perpetuating an us versus them narrative that has (surprise surprise) not proven especially effective at preventing terror on its own soil, Denmark's strategy was to fundamentally undermine the traditional radicalisation script of "you don't belong here, you should be fighting for YOUR people" by making explicitly clear through concerted efforts of the state that they do have a place there, and that it is important to all involved parties that they work together to keep it. It has plainly proven to be more effective.

You accurately identify the absurdity and meaninglessness of country boundaries but draw exactly the wrong conclusion from it

French people have a certain tendency to self hating.
French media tends to always tell stories about how our neighbours are better at this, better at that etc.

But since I browse Sup Forums, I realized that's not true, that french people are way less cucked than UK people.

I think this has to do with the fact we have brownskins since the 50s 60s and we just "know", by experience, efforts for integration didn't really worked
And people with common sense just draw the conclusion : that they are not really "like us", despite all the brainwashing.

>I don't have a counter-argument so I'll just assert that you're wrong

Fuck off faggot, immigrants don't want to integrate.

That's why there's two Chinatown's in Toronto, and Greektown and little Italy. They want to escape their shitty country but give up nothing in return. They expect people to bend over backwards for their culture, but when you expect them to assimilate it's racist.

its good to see not everyone in canada is either brown or retarded or both.

More importantly we don't WANT them to integrate, because that means destroying any sort of identity that WE might have

Of course it's also insanity to think anyone would want to integrate into the degenerate dying "culture" we embrace

it's a zyjza tax something goofy name like that?
who will pay for that? people who have a truck/car? Kek'ed

Eternal Anglo.

They realized that EU wasn't destroying their country nearly fast enough.

>French media tends to always tell stories about how our neighbours are better at this, better at that etc.
What is Italy better at according to your media?

>and Greektown and little Italy
Probably the only places for manly men in Canada.

I don't buy this. I'm American and in general we do much better at integrating and assimilation, or we did until recently. Let's take Islam off the table for a moment.

Look at our ghetto here. You have all sorts of ethnic nonwhite gangs killing each other. The Hispanics in cali have basically run off the blacks in the last decade or so. Before that the blacks burned down Korea town during the riots. They specifically targeted Korean businesses because a female shop KEK was tired of getting robbed and shot a black girl who was shoplifting and attacked her. That's where the roof Korean meme comes from. During the more recent Baltimore riots a bunch of blacks tried to burn alive some Arab, or Indian don't remember, shop keepers family alive.

My point is that even when you have fairly assimilated people who don't have such strong and disparate values, you still get ethnic violence. Add on a lack of integration an completely different culture and religion and this is going to only exacerbate the problem.

>a bunch of cucked europeans arguing which country is cucked more

you guys are fucked

France and Germany both have more Muslims than the UK and you share open borders with both (Schengen).

Italy is also where all the rapefugees land.

You Euroshits can laugh at us for having one city full of Pakis but your entire countries are overrun with them.

Stay mad Euroshits. Two world wars one World Cup one Brexit.

*Shop keeper.


actually now that I think of it it makes sense

You guys cant complain about your own country without being arrested so you have to complain about foreign countries

>UK population
60 million
>US white population
200+ million

what the fuck?
england is fucked lul.

>we do much better at integrating and assimilation
Is that why cities like Chicago have more dead people than the number of soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan?

>Moon emperor

Over my non-country's ashen remains