Whites do not have a culture, they just steal culture from other peoples.

In order for it to be "White" it would have to be part of American and European "white" culture. Otherwise it is actually just a national or geographical culture, and not racial.

fuck you talking shit for nigga?
yall motherfuckers think your desendants of Wakanda or some shit

White culture:
>be racist online on anonymous imageboards, won't even dare to say shit IRL
>gets mad at black men for getting laid while they can only jack off their tiny dicks to porn
>shoots up schools
>serial killers
>cousin fuckers

gibbens me dat nice sneakers/anything whietboi
gibbens me free social housing healthcare food stamps missa whiteman behind the charity desk
dun want shaikeisha no moar, rapes white qt and kids to show whitey whos the real man
shoots another nigger cos he wore the color red
shoots childhood friend cos he fucked shaikeisha
or stole his weed or ate his last chicken wing

michael jackson - -worlds most imfamous pedo, legendary nigga admired by all blacks
wurlstahhh wurlstahhh, niggas favourite website

yeah, you boys are a beacon of light for civilization

I don't get it kiddo, what are you trying to say here? Go out to celebrate your national holiday, celebrate your "culture" by asking some candies in your neighborhood

America is lost.

you go evict them boat people from your costal towns
stop letting them pass and infect the rest of europe
ya fucking greasy wop

Not your business redneck, stay out of that. They can come anytime they want, be our slaves working for free under the light of an nonexistent rights and integration or be forced to go in other European countries, because after all we don't want them.

>national culture of a nation of whites is not white culture

white culture is history and education, science and art, philosophy and industrialisation, sport and cuisine, laws of the state and ironic shitposting.

all white civilisations had those, barely any non-white civilisation had them, if they had after contact with whites I'm calling cultural appropriation.


sayng that white culture doesnt exist is relly dumb. Best music, movies, plays, Most beautiful arhitectural stylea and pieces of art (before xx century) are white people creations. The white culture is way better than any other. prove me wrong !

The Chinese invented nearly* everything first but were too to use it.

*Except writing (not first) and advanced math(?)
** Laziness, traditionalism, strict monarchy, shortsightedness, Etc, or a combination of the above?
***Statment is a gross oversimplification

updated edition

Hurr durr everybody else has an accent except me.

The west is the culture. Just because we dont wear colorful rags on our head and sing oombawoomba songs with our tits out doesnt mean its not a culture. Go to pakistan or saudi arabia and note if it is any different to the west. See if you can behave the same way you can here.

Fuck the left for trying to break it all down for fucking islam.

White culture -

>Advanced math and geometry - resulting in every ancient antediluvian monument - Giza pyramids, Puma Punku in S. America, Angkor Wat
>All the old stories worldwide tell of the blonde/red haired blue or green eyed ones with wisdom
>Organizing administrative leaders of the other races
>All races are equal and have their place to propel humanity forward
>Blonde and red haired warriors for justice and peace
>Then they get massacred and chased out of the places they built
>Stories tell of how the white "bear" people reunited with the "giants" from before the flood and got corrupted.
>Giants with oblong skulls and sometimes horns, superior intelligence and strength who have a hankering for human brains
>They always take over the existing cultures and claim the whites are bad
>Eventually re establish the evil customs like cannibalism and tyrannical societies
>2 different tribes of whites now, one blonde, one with jet black hair
>Blondes do the bidding of the evil ones
>Black hairs go to where the sun rises

The Salem witch trials were an example of the genocide of true white culture. Anglo satanists genociding Gaelic peoples who have roots in the old culture. The whole crusade of the bankers against the Irish. Irish Christians being accused of witchcraft for being female and knowing herbal medicine or reciting the Lord's prayer in Gaelic (DEVIL SPEAK). Look at the language too, the Gaelic word for enlightenment is "Bodhi" as in Bodhidharma, Siddhartha Gautama, the guy known as "Buddha". He was known worldwide before christ and they knew and the satanists try to destroy this as history revisionism.

>whites don’t have culture


Right... plz tell what did they steal

Fuck you kike, nice meme flag

you have no idea what you are talking about

stop posting dumb shit

You will be the first to the reopening of auchwitz.

White culture is American culture, Europeans don’t see them self as white.

I bet you like to watch young men on the toilet.

You like to watch and plot, Plot until it is time to strike. To make them pay for their ignorant "religion" or "Not wanting to fuck other men in the ass by force - not being an ass rapist"

Oh, they shall pay.

How dare they not get thrills on the thought of forcing their penises on boys, young boys, so vulnerable on the toilets, innocently shitting with it all coming out of their un raped rectums all brown and smelly.
So stinky... oh so stinky.
You will make them pay. Show them.
They are just like you. You will show them all.

You're assuming there's not a diversity of whites. Irish, Italians, Russians, And Germans have pretty rich culture.

Tell your UFO masters my filters are REAL.

If you feds were just LARPing as Nazis you would not spread that ideology so much.

Somethingawful are the thought leaders of the internet and everything on that site is fed directly to GOD himself. I wish I never espoused factual opinions contrary to what the consensus of that internet "social group" espoused through their popular peronalities. Remember that time I misspelled a word?

>1 post by this ID

>stealing something what doesn't exist eg. black culture.

A lot of white culture comes from the concept of an internalized ethos. In general people from white cultures will act ethically and self police even when there is no one around to monitor behavior and they receive no reward

>In general people from white cultures will act ethically and self police

which is why you steal land from natives. ok

You're right. Whites dont have culture. Holidays dont exist. Traditions don't either and certainly not two parent households.

w...whe....where is Baltic architecture in that pic?We get no love?

speak for yourself :^)


Only African civilization have cultures.

Others arent having culture, just work for better life.

>America is lost.

Le 56%

Le 56% Stranger Face

am i the only one who thinks all the anarchist, commie, and black power nigger movements are being funded by china/russia to dismantle the US

Everything ever written in english is white culture.

Suck a cock you dumb nigger.


being a melting pot sure was a bad idea
I can't imagine having to grow up without any real roots, not having folk songs and stories many centuries old. Belonging to a people and a land that exhude history and tradition, instead of celebrating MCversions of the flashy european celebrations, like american halloween, or oktoberfest

White culture is a fucking kike meme to consolidate all light skin people into one group. Similar to black.

By nature this philosophy would end in classifying goyim and jew.

Another attempt to dehumanize the populations and remove their heritage.

Did you think the founding fathers of the United States ate cheeseburgers and hotdogs?

Memes are legit our culture

>everything written is white culture
>suck a cock you dumb nigger
>words are white culture
>everything written down
>suck cock dumb nigger
Australian Haiku circa. 2017 - user.

Is firewood ok with you or do I have to burn shit. Is painting ok with you or do I have to fingerpaint. Is reading writing and arithmetic ok with you or do I have to go back to 1st grade abc's. If you created everything, is there any chance in hell I have to use the skills I've learned to create something without you stealing credit for it?

Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.