Capitalism overproduces but the only way for communism to work is to produce so much that the society is post-scarcity

>capitalism overproduces but the only way for communism to work is to produce so much that the society is post-scarcity
>capitalism doesn't work because humans are greedy but we trust people to only take what they need in a communist society
>communism is "inevitable" yet every nation on Earth except North Korea (who survives on donations from China) has been forced to adopt some amount of capitalism out of necessity
>communism is what humans had before civilization yet basic anthropology disproves this and the only societies that did have similar systems were backwards shitholes like the northern Native Americans
>socialism is supposed to distinguish between personal property and private property yet a lot of stuff happens to be both at the same time
>socialism is meant to empower the workers yet they kill or imprison any worker who doesn't make the "right" choice in regards to work
>half the commies claim that the USSR wasn't real socialism while the other half claim that it was a socialist paradise
>no communist has ever explained how work will be incentivized except by denying that human psychology exists

Most of us know that communism doesn't work, but how the fuck do those that think it does work deal with the blatant contradictions and denial of reality everywhere in its design?

>>half the commies claim that the USSR wasn't real socialism while the other half claim that it was a socialist paradise
These are typically the same people. Tell you how the Soviets weren't representitive of Communism then go right back to laughing about gulags later

It's almost as if Communists aren't homogenous and don't agree on everything unanimously. Unbelievable right?

its almost as if communism is bullshit

If they can't even agree on what constitutes worker ownership of the means of production how the fuck are they gonna work together long enough for a communist society to come about?

Do you have consensus among capitalists about what constitutes a capitalist society? Are capitalists all ideologically coherent?

>communism is what humans had before civilization
not really

>Do you have consensus among capitalists about what constitutes a capitalist society?
Don't have to. Capitalism does not require consensus among its populous on what constitutes capitalism, as it gives individuals the freedom to pursue their separate self interest. The workers are allowed to own the means of production under capitalism if they so choose, but they aren't required to.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Marx and Engels. The dialectic is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of theoretical socialist economics most of the concepts will go over the typical persons head. There is also Marx's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation, his personal philosophy draws heavily from George Wilhelm and Fredrick Hegels philosophy for instance. The followers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of their work, to realise they are not just economic geniuses, they also say something deep about life. As a consequence people who dislike Marx and Engels truly are idiots, of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Marx's existential catchphrase "workers of the world, unite" which in itself is a cryptic reference to moliere's french comedy L'ecole des femmes. I'm smirking right now just imaging one of those nazis scratching their heads in confusion as Karl Marx's genius unfolds itself in front of their very eyes. What i pity them.

And yes, by the way, I do have a hammer and sickle tattoo, and no, you cannot see it, It's for the ladies eyes only and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own beforehand, Nothing personal comrade.

Well when you put it like that no consensus is achievable, but in reality things work of scales or spectrums, so for example: China and Singapur both work with state owned companies and severe involvement of the governent in many levels of the lives of their citizens, is just that they have free economic zones where they allow much more freedom, so of course is not a capitalistic country, is a socialistic country that allows the free flow of private property and capital gains to some individuals to squeeze them more than they did before and to great effect.

On the other hand, Vietnam has an insane aproval in his population of a laissez-faire capitalism style and the government has been getting its hands out of bussiness more and more and could be expected that it will reach Hayeks ideals of what a governement should be.

>implying you need a system at all to trade
what it comes down is; i want to sell my product to someone. you dont need a system for that. you just need government to fuck off

Tbh it shouldn't matter what system we use except in the very early stages of civilization.

We don't use capitalism because it provides an ideal distribution, but rather because it creates the highest growth rate.

All nations are trying to forge engines of creation out of nothing. Long term this won't even be a problem. Simply look up and realize we have enough energy available to annihilate our planet 1,000,000 times over and have plenty leftover. Our challenge is harnessing it, and scaling our energy storage and usage. Every other form of energy is merely a boot operation for solar harvesting.

When someone says that comunism or socialism does not work giving examples like Venezuela or Ussr or north korea, comis says that it is not real communism and that communinsm had never been tried.

When someone says that capitalism do not work because it is unfear and polutes and all the evil shit like corporations controling politicians, pro free market people says, it is not real capitalism it is all goberment fault..
When real capitalism were tried, in which country?

I dont know, it feels like they are very similars, commis and pro free markets have the same argument

>nigger tier meme

>When real capitalism were tried, in which country?
It's not that real capitalism has never been tried, but rather that we see a clear correlation between economic freedom and lower corruption, higher GDP per capita, and higher quality of life. There's almost no examples of free market economies that are shitholes and very few examples of highly controlled economies that are well off.

National Socialism is the best political system.

(((Milton Friedman)))

You lolbertarian kikes will be the first to go on the rope

Workers/mods of Sup Forums didn't have a consensus, now Reddit. Maybe you should go back.

>no communist has ever explained how work will be incentivized except by denying that human psychology exists
m8 coercion has always been a part of communism

Capitalism is the free state of being. Communism/socialism is pushed when someone takes power.