This is why I am a neo Nazi because of retards like this

This is why I am a neo Nazi because of retards like this.

Oh shieeet its real, WTF is wrong with colored people?

>why won't white men rape me

I was waiting for this to come up.


So that's why #Oscarssowhite...

You can't make that shit up

Oh wait he did hit upon a negro: Lupita Nyong’o, guess the negroes will have to back off the racist never been raped by a Jew before charges.

He didnt rape anyone

>I am a neo Nazi

Sure you are man

Harvey might be a degenerate kike, but he's not a retard.

>Bim Adewunmi

More evidence that women don't really mind getting raped.

Ayyy thats pretty good

you can't make this shit up.....

why is his skin so bad?
hollywood people usually have nice skin

He might have done it to blacks to Im pretty sure we haven't heard even half of the stories. Most of the women probably made out too well to talk now.

As Joe Rogan said we are only hearing about the wiffs.

because he is a jew. jews rape white women because everyone rapes upwards. niggers rape white women but white men don't rape black women.
feminist thought is that rape is about taking power, so therefore men must rape upwards in the hierarchy.
whites are top.
juden are lower
negroids are lower still.

basic common sense. even this goofy lipped coon from buzzfeed should know this.

these people are so utterly full of shit

just deport.

All of them.

>Lupita Nyong’o
eugh that disgusting kike would fuck anything

Excuse me but I think she's ignoring the rest of us. We don't rape black women either.
Because that's gross.

You seriously expect me to believe that between 2003-2006 there was not a single white man on black female sexual assualt? come on bro

you get triggered by week old stories?

I'm not sure what's funnier. The fact black feminist really think like this or the fact think it's okay to pronounce it to the public.

Even rapist white men won't touch black women, they are THAT repulsive!

cause for white its better to just use whores.
without becoming rapist.

The FBI says white on black gang rapes are a statistical zero.

This. There is no way to share a government with such irrational people.

"I mean yeah I'm a serial rapist but I still have my dignity."

Cause Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson have already been eliminated to provide more space for the white femmes.....

she's gold diggin remember

Rapist (((white)) men. user...

So you'd rather kikes only rape white women rather than black women? What kind of Nazi are you?

>colored people

Good goy