Why do conservative retards gloat about small government without understanding what they even mean?


Security is the one thing government should be responsible for. Even most libertarians agree.

Pretty sure his shirt is referring to paying lazy niggers and wetbacks to sit at home and do nothing...

the left really can not meme. That shirt doesn't mean what they think it does.

why don't leftists fight fires?


Even if there was no government, who's to say a private, subscription based organization wouldn't start up? Or maybe an insurance company (Pay $30 more per month for Immediate Fire Team service).

Or, maybe a volunteer group would step up, taking donations at the street corner with a boot in their hand, collecting money as people wait at the red light? OH WAIT



>strawmanning this hard
All the libertarians I spoke with agree that the police and fire departments should be state-funded
What we disagree with is forced redistribution, corporate bail-outs, useless wars, rabid surveillance and ever growing bureaucracy

how dare he thank someone. why didnt he spit in their faces

>wanting to eliminate waste by the central government is the same as wanting to eliminate basic services
This is a stupid argument and I say this as a person that laughs at lolbertarians

they are literally arguing for more government and taxes because he's a white male

>emergency services = pay your taxes so 2/3rd's of the money can go to feeding old/black people who cannot budget

Fire services are part of a small, local government you literal retard

>Taxes people
>Regulates private businesses
>Offers shit services
>"Hur dur if it wasnt for the goverment!"

Why do you assume this is what he is talking about for lower taxes and less government? He could be perfectly fine with paying taxes towards shit that actually keeps society running.

>small government means no government
>Complaining about the stupid shit government spends money on means I don't like public schools roads or emergency services

Fuck off.

I guess he would thank privately employed firefighters just the same.

Political persuasions are one thing, being an asshole to people who did something good for you would be another thing.

This "meme" actually depicts a decent human being, while those who made it are probably bigots.

So, what?

>fire department is a huge bureaucratic monster making the country a hellhole

Ultimately everyone understands the problem with socialism

Those are volunteer firefighters though. They should of good a picture with the civil service guys.

>Private roads
>Build a private road and private property around a large city
>Be rich enough to hire private security that will shoot anybody that tries to enter or exit the city without taking my road by trespassing on my property
>Some other maniacs builds above my property and make me into a mole society
Such is life in a libertarian paradise

>Good use of tax dollars
Pick one.

Police, fire departments and military can all be payed with a flat tax.

As a Canadian, and indeed also a based centrist, I can appreciate the merits of socialism to a point. However, often times a great share of tax payer money isn't on fundamental and necessary services such as firemen or the police. In fact, our post secondary gets nothing, inflating prices for the common student to make us all in debt and fuck over Canadians long term. What we spend our taxes on instead is the 'environment' and refugees, and illegal immigrants. I put environment in quotations because we're already producing less emissions than called for by the international standard, and we have so many untouched forest and land, often times protected as national parks, that the whole environment scheme is a fucking joke.

It seems most of our taxes are used at the whim of our pandering and condescending leader

He's happy to pay taxes for firefighting services. He's not happy to pay taxes for a committee to oversee a committee to decide that years regulation number of station toilet rolls.

>Fire was started by government allowing immigrant into country and funding him as he set fire to the woods destroying millions in property and killing others.

>>Some other maniacs builds above my property and make me into a mole society
>Such is life in a libertarian paradise

You forgot to buy the air above your property. Everything has a price dummy.

>Comparing firemen salaries to things like death tax, property tax, income tax, soda tax and vaping tax

why do communist retards pretend to understand even half of what they are talking about

>As a Canadian
redditor detected

Aboriginal detected

He pays for them so they are kind of like his employees I guess

Shhhh... let the liberals twisted logic remain uncorrected.

>social services are the same as corrupt trillion dollar military contracts

>you like firemen so you must like public education and eternal welfare NEETbux
In a way, it's a shame Trump got elected thus diffusing some of the rage of ordinary Americans when it could be used to kill people this fucking stupid.

>Buy air and mineral rights above and below property
>Fill the air with a poison I sell the antidote to
>Anyone that doesn't pay me immediately shits their pants when they inhale
>Charge them for the right to bury their shit under the soil I own

Because they regurgitate everything they here from Glen Beck and Hannity

>tfw you shoot at the rescue

>using services you were forced to pay for is somehow hypocrisy

Liberals are so stupid that believe less/smaller government equals NO government.

even if he was wearing an ancap t-shirt this would still be stupid

So, don't tip either?
Paying for a good/service happy for it?
Basic safety services are nothing like being forced to pay for other people to get SRS, bail out 3rd world nations etc.

Fuck off communist.

Protecting the citizens from physical threat is the one thing the government is SUPPOSED to do.


This desu

>tfw they didn't pay or ask to use your private road and thus violated the NAP