Strasserism is pretty much the GOAT of ideologies, but have there been any examples of British Strasserism?

Strasserism is pretty much the GOAT of ideologies, but have there been any examples of British Strasserism?



Socialism is for genuine retards and kiddies.

Seriously, fucking grow up.

Answer the question lad.

It's a fucking retarded question to start with. I dunno, maybe search for it instead of making a shitty thread you lazy cunt?

Recommend Strasserist literature

The National Front used to be Strasserite.They still have sympathies and sell Strasserite flags and badges. I believe they've had Otto speak before.

What were National Front Strasserists' views on the monarchy?

strasserism only exists to trigger /nsg/

I've seen better ideologies in Kaiserreich.

>Strasserism is pretty much the GOAT of ideologies

>yes lets support the decadent capitalism that brought us this degeneracy in the first place through Hollywood and the porn and music industry


Didn't say that. You're not very good at reading.

I've never seen an official National Front statement on the monarchy. Nor does their programme currently call for its' abolition. I don't have records on that I'm afraid.

We do have republicans in the party, some very high up. On the House of Lords, the party position is to abolish it. We were formed to swallow up the far-right into one whole.

You should consider joining. It used to be party policy to try all current MPs for treason, once we gain power. We will make treason a capital offence again. It was about 11 years ago we had that stance.

We don't mention it anymore, but I still support it.

Strasserism would have just been Nazism that was a litle more pro-worker than lower middle class. Other than that the same fascism.

What are the views on holding and keeping the empire? Was there any proposition for it back when the Dominions were still that, before say, the Constitution of Canada which turned it into the quintessential 'Cuckold Reich' of the western world.

>implying there's anything wrong with that

We would withdraw from the Commonwealth and Her Majesty would no more be the Head of State of any other state. Dependencies and territories stay.

The Commonwealth party is UKIP. I used to be very warm to the Commonwealth, but it can only really be held as the Empire that it was.

Why the opposition to it? Though I guess one could take a quick look at Canada's government and see from that.

The belief is that the other countries in the Commonwealth have become countries in their own right and now must govern themselves as much. Also, the Commonwealth is very racially diverse - as are the native peoples' whom Her Majesty is Head of State over.

We want a racially homogeneous society, the Empire and Commonwealth is the opposite of that.

I still want the best for Jamaica, Australia, etc. I want them all to be National Socialist. I want it for every country in the world, but, as it stands the Commonwealth is a barrier to this.

Wouldn't Canada and Australia (partially) count as racially homogeneous?

wagwan hitler man
we go gas dem jew tings