Cartels are keeping Mexican populations low. Why are they bad?


hard to argue with that

We don't want them here.

those mexicans are not in the US you retard, if anything cartels might make people come illegally as "refugees", idiot

Mexicans are lazy.

They bring drugs and crime here, but other than that it’s cool


>When the kush hits you


>Esto les ba a pasar
>les ba
Fucking mexicans can't spell

The majority are illiterate

well they could be bit more civilized about it and only kill people in the womb.

Because they could be doing so much more: keeping USA white folks in their place, dealing with Neo-Nazis and supremacists.

Try again....beaners hate niggers more than white folks do

They're keeping it low by driving poor Mexicans north to the US. They're either ferrying them or helping create the conditions that make them flee

Bad living conditions, corruption -> lack of innovation/economic development -> poverty -> more kids

the only way to stop high population growth in the third world is to turn them into the first world

Cartels love Neo Nazis, that's who they sell meth to. That's why Aryan brotherhood is allied with the Mexican mafia.

First of all the amount of people killed by cartels is fucking nothing compared to the birthrate of Mexico
Second, as many people said, the cartels are also a reason people move to America
Third, if Mexico wasn't such a shithole, then there wouldn't be a problem with Mexico. Imagine if Mexico was as rich as say, France or Belgium or something. Then You wouldn't have a problem with Mexico and Mexicans in America would probably go back there on their own, so You should want Mexico to do good.

mexican population in mexico, which I have no problem against. infact, they are scaring people who run north to america and refuse go back.

Well that explains the large increase in white heroin addicts in my area

The casualties and damages spill over.

they are driving mexicans and other latins north dumbass.


Actually it was a machete.

>ITT: Reasons to build a wall

They push more spics and drugs into America, I'd rather a larger and contained spic population than a regular sized one that spills over because of pussy spics trying to avoid muh cartels.

This desu. White people must be enslaved

>Cartels are keeping Mexican populations low.

Correction: they are failing to keep Mexican population low, and causing millions to flee to the US, where they lower the standard of living.

Mexico has always been poor/shitty and there's been large-scale illegal immigration before the cartels existed. I need better justification

>and causing millions to flee to the US

not all true, most people who go to USA its to find a better life. the cartel violence is only in the northern states of mexico and some center and southeast.

Who the fuck wants to go to live to the USA nowadays, is another niggered third world hellhole

>Its not the Cartel violence that drives people to flee to the US, just the general shittiness of Mexico
