Why does it matter so much that whites remain a majority?

Why does it matter so much that whites remain a majority?

How else are (((they))) going to destroy us?

Because minority’s are worse than whites

No it doesn't.

any time we've ever become a minority we are genocided by the subhuman savages

minorities aren't treated well

Name a non-white country you want to live in

because whites built the world and without us the world will fucking end

All white countries are first world countries. Look at Africa.

name a brown country with good living standards

Japan,South Korea,

daily reminder

Give me 10 well trained white soldiers vs 100 non-whites and I'll take my chances. The fault is yours if you don't prepare in advance and protect your women and children.

theyre scared that theyre gonna be treated the same way that they treated the niggers which aint gonna happen because its gonna be us spics in charge and we are gonna get those niggers back in line,rapido.


both are whiter than the US, ironically enough

this is not so bad. Hispanics are really nice people.

Yeah let's just hand our countries over to a horde of disparate minorities who love identity politics. Or let's pretend that non-Whites don't believe in racial identity politics this is what then happens:
>Society operates in magical never seen before racial harmony. (Most people even in 2017 self segregate and schools are often self segregating entities.)
>Some little man from one racial identity group wants power but has no legitimate means to grasp it
This is why multiracial societies always fail, because there's nothing binding people but the fact that they're different. Humans naturally self segregate. Go read Jared Taylor.

can confirm. have worked in south america.

although there are plenty of shifty murder-and-steal-your-organs types

Everywhere on the planet without a white majority is a literal shithole, full of people determined to migrate to an area that has a white majority to escape the shithole. Unfortunately for them, once they get to that place and whites become a minority, the place turns into a shithole.

How is this even a question?

Hispanics are basically white anyway. The women are beautiful. As long as the immigration is LEGAL

we're not allowed to use the same "scorched earth" tactics as you, Shlomo

>a Croat and a mulatto think spics are good

Not suprised.


Why does it matter so much that Whites can't be a majority here?

Why is it bad that I want to be around whites only?

whites are the only real humans, that's why.

That's the old math. The thing about demographics as a field is that it's complete bullshit after 10 years or so. There's no way to look that far into the future. Look at Europe in the 1930's or the US in the 1850's. In each case there was a complete reversal of fortune. The new math, going back to 2010 and still being analyzed and revised given it's complexity, shows that whites will likely retain a reduced majority of the US population in the coming decades, but a majority nonetheless. The financial crisis of '08 and now Trump's election has caused net immigration to the US to halt.


Jesus that's gross. Her ass is way to big

Guys I'm confused. Which mongrel face are we supposed to be using right now to identify Americans?

because your sons will live in brazil and your grandsons in south africa, demographically speaking

jesus christ please post additional images

This isn't the problem, it's moreso that despite the ideal of the "American" dream the vast majority of migrants do not reflect said value, it's not that we can't allow minorities in our societies but we can't allow them to represent significant portions of our population because it's to be expected they will vote in their self interest and whichever party might cater to them will need only a small fraction of white voters to assume absolute political dominance.
At that point our entire ideal of democracy or a republic is merely in name because we'd have devolved into a giveaway competition.

It's not a personal hatred for you Juan because believe me you're more cultured and suitable in our society than any nigger, jew, or faggot. It's the simple fact that with a logical mind if the tables were turned, I'd behave in the same manner because it's first in my best interest and second the natural behavior of a social group.
The proof is in the pudding, Reagan tried simple amnesty without incentives and his reward? The democrats offered a multiple of incentives and it was a 70% surplus Latino vote for the Democrats.
We can live at peace but not without a certain majority to retain our political and societal way of life.

Because I'm white and I want to live among my own kind.

Is skin color the only thing you care about? Would you rather sssociate yourself with these delinquents or black men like Ben Carson?

Question though. The only groups growing at any significant rate are Hispanics. How many of those hispanics will breed with whites and produce "white" babies? How many of those hispanics already identify as white? How many of the "other" category identify as white?

For every Ben Carson, there are a million niggers. I don't want to sacrifice my country so that a handful of decent spics and niggers can live here.

>the only difference between races is skin color


Considering Jews, North Africans, and Middle Eastern people are counted as "non-hispanic white", I think the real percentage of white people is much lower than the official census numbers. Very few of the hispanics coming over have enough white in them to produce a white-looking baby for at least 2 generations.


But they do live here. What are you going to do about it?

Look at non white majority countries. Now look how shitty they are. Any other questions?

Stop subsidizing their high birthrates, and stop them from coming into the country. 92% of the legal immigrants each year are non-white. Its even higher when you factor in the illegal immigrants.

Oh yeah? How are you going to pull that off? I'm curious to how anybody is going to buy such shit policies. Especially when half the population is non white

I wonder why? Rampant crime maybe?

A direct repeal of the Hart Cellar act and a Supreme Court ruling affirming that jus soli citizenship only applies when their parents are citizens.

Cool, now which party is running on those ideas

Trump is working on legal immigration now. He would repeal Hart Cellar, ending chain immigration, and implement a merit-based system. Your time is number, Juan.

All it will take is one case before SCOTUS to clarify the 14th Amendment.

You do really merit based immigration means more brown and yellow people right who vote blue anyways come in right? White people are not the best immigrants. This is the last elections will ever be able to win.

Sorry but you are in the wrong side of history. Better get over it. You're Going to have brown grand kids

>you're on the wrong side of history

lel. Name one brown country that anyone wants to move to. This country will go downhill as soon as your people take control. The only history written about this will be how millions of shitskins destroyed the most powerful empire in history. Hopefully it will happen fast enough for Europe to wake up.

see: detroit